
 Ogeryath Oger

 By: Ogeryath Oger

The political power exists in two forms/powers which two forms have either dazzling influence on the people being ruled or disastrous impact that comes with suppression, agony, dehumanisation and painful acts that are unbearable to human beings. The brawl among the politicians don’t badly affect the families and relatives of the politicians in the power struggle, rather the poor civilians who have zero contributions to the political differences.

The two political systems/powers include, public interest and the selfish political thirst/interest. These political systems/powers can exist simultaneously in a country, but in most African countries, the first political system/power is widely spread across the continent, which is selfish political thirst/interest.

The selfish political thirst/interest which is a cruel system of the political power, is a basis of agony, destruction, slavery and all that can be considered inhuman. In this system of the political power, there is a close association of the politicians and Satan, the devil. The only difference between politicians and the devil in this stage of politics is that, the politicians exist in human forms while the devil is a spirit, however their actions have much similitude.

Looking at the political struggle and formation of various political parties that do not have any meaningful agenda to serve the people, is part of the characteristics of the selfish political interest which is centred around enriching the politicians and their families in the name of serving the people through false claims of liberty, prosperity and justice. In this stage of the selfish political power, politicians cause chaos in order to keep power, arm normal civilians in order to guard their interests and spread dangerous ideologies like tribalism that brings about partition along tribal lines. These signs of evil politics, turn the civilians into refugees, displaced people, on top of having those who resist the injustices jailed or killed.

The examples of selfish political thirst/interest can clearly be seen in the current political war that occurred in Sudan, where there is massive hunger, displacement, deaths and disillusionment among the civilians. But if we can clearly analyse the environments in which the civilians and the politicians live in, there is a big difference. The politicians who were the source of the war reside in hotels and have their families in secure residences while the civilians are displaced, refugees or dead. This situation doesn’t only exist in Sudan but in all the countries of the world in which the greedy politicians have turned politics into investment base or political game.

Most of the politicians today lack national/public ideology and therefore possess an ideology that is centred around self enrichment, clinging to power and living in luxury at the expense of the poor civilians who pay taxes and go to prisons when they express their grievances or become refugees and displaced when the same greedy politicians cause chaos. The power that destroys is clearly manifested in lack of the developmental projects in most of the African countries and governments today, who acquire grants and loans without any transformation on the ground.

The selfish political interest is the power that destroys the hopes of the civilians that yearn for peace and development, and if we are to survive in our respective countries from the political parasite that keeps feeding on the resources of the nations, we must be strong enough to resist such political sickness through different forms of resistance which include condemnation of bad politics and use of social media to expose the corrupt politicians. In order to build a society that is upright, from which a respected political class can be built, we must be careful of building on a political system that doesn’t guard the interests of the taxpayers.