
October 03, 2011


Mr. President, Salva Kiir VS Leader of SPLM-DC. Dr. Lam Akol is = Power + Unity

Ali Baba News paper would like to bring this special edition to you today as there are a lot of new developments in the country these days. However we would like you to read this very extensively and carefully so that you really can come up with very excellent political analyses without taking a side.

I follow the sport very well specially the boxing, I love it so much.

Sometimes predictability can work in your favour; by creating a pattern for people to be familiar and comfortable with, you can lull them to sleep. They have prepared everything according to their preconceived nations about you. You can use this in several ways:

(1) First it sets up a smoke screen, a comfortable front behind which you can carry on deceptive actions.

(2) Second it allows you on rare occasions to do something completely against the pattern, unsettling your opponent so deeply he will fall to the ground without being pushed.

in 1974 Muhammad Ali and George Foreman were scheduled to fight for the world heavyweight boxing championship. Everyone knew what would happen: Big George Foreman would try to land a knockout punch while Ali would dance around him, wearing him out. That was Ali’s way of fighting his pattern, and he had not changed it in more than ten years. But in this case it seemed to give Foreman the advantage; he had a devastating punch, and if he waited, sooner or later Ali would have to come to him.

Ali, the master strategist, had other plans: in press conferences before the big fight, he said he was going to change his style and punch it out with Foreman. No one, least of all Foreman, believed this for a second. That plan would be suicide on Ali’s part; he was playing the comedian, as usual. Then, before the fight, Ali’s trainer loosened the ropes around the ring, something a trainer would do if his boxer were intending to slug it out. But no one believed this ploy; it had to be a setup.

To everyone’s amazement, Ali did exactly what he had said he would do. As Foreman waited for him to dance around, Ali went right up to him and slugged it out. He completely upset his opponent’s strategy. At a loss, Foreman ended up wearing himself out, not by chasing Ali but by throwing punches wildly, and taking more and more counterpunches. Finally, Ali landed a dramatic right cross that knocked out Mr. Foreman. The habit of assuming that person’s behaviour will fit its previous pattern is so strong that not even Ali’s announcement of strategy change was enough to upset it. Foreman walked into a trap- the trap he had been told to expect.

A warning: unpredictability can work against you sometimes, especially if you are in a subordinate position. There are times when it is better to let people feel comfortable and settled around you than to disturb them. Too much unpredictability will be seen as a sign of indecisiveness, or even of some more serious psychic problems. Patterns are powerful, and you can terrify by disrupting them. Such power should only used judiciously.

This was a good fight between the two leaders. It was not personal, but for the welfare of this nations. The two giant fighters were able to huge themselves and check hands after the fight. This is normal in sport and in politics too. Now the two leaders are back to the business of South Sudan and it nations.

As the ALI BABA NEWS PAPER is congratulating the two leaders for their acknowledgement the important issues that needed to be done for the country.

Ali Baba News Paper will continuing to be concerned and fully engage to fallow up and work for the welfare of south Sudan and to bring attention to the people of South Sudan and make sure that Mr. President is well advised to take the right approach and right decisions for this wonderful country. Also Ali Baba News paper will work very hard to expose those who misused the public funds. In addition Ali Baba voluntarily provide and offer the simple and important advice to H.E Mr. President Salva Kiir Mayradit to be alert and careful about the people who want to fail the state of South Sudan. More over The ALI BABA NEWS PAPER is ready to continue advising Mr. President with NO cost and reveal those who are abusing the system and misusing the government funds for their own personal benefit or interest.

ALI BABA’S NEWS PAPER has this advice for Mr. President:


(1) Mr. President, everything in this world depends on absence and presence. A strong presence will draw power and attention to you; you shine more brightly than those around you. But a point is inevitably reached where too much presence creates the opposite effect; the more you are seen and heard from the more your value degrades. You become a habit. No matter how hard you try to be different, subtly without your knowing why, people respect to you less and less. At the right moment you must learn to withdraw yourself before the unconsciously push you away. It is a game of hide and seeks.

(2) Mr. President, once we die, everything about us will seem different, we will be surrounded by an instant aura of respect. People will remember their criticisms of us, their arguments with us, and will be filled with regret and guilt. They are missing a presence that will never return. But we do not have to wait until we die; by completely withdrawing for a while, we create a kind of death before death. And when we come back, it will be as if we had come back from the dead.

(3) Mr President, make yourself too available and the aura of power you have created around yourself wear away. Turn the game around; make yourself less accessible and you will increase the value of your presence. Please we need you visit your people around the country. I am not interfering into your schedules, but it is necessary for you to be there for them.

(4) Mr. President, if you need to turn to an ally for help, do not bother to remind him of your past assistance and good deeds. So, I would suggest to open a new page with leader of opposition Dr. Lam Akol to lift the nations up. Because both of you working together I am sure something extraordinary will happen in this country.

Good luck hopes to hear something new from both of you.

I will leave this with you Mr. President, use selective honesty and generosity to disarm your victim.



Peter A. Amon

Founder of Ali Baba’s News Paper