October 30, 2011
H.E Mr. President Salva Kiir Mayardit has revealed from the interview with the voice of America during his visit to United State of America last week that after he is back to South Sudan, he is planning to visit his former country the Republic of Sudan to meet with his country part H.E Mr. Omer Al Bashir to discuss the outstanding issues that have carried over from the comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).
Mr. President hopes to expeditiously resolve the remaining issues between the South and the North. This will bring the harmony between the two countries and normalized the positive and mutual beneficial relationship between the two states.
As the ALI BABA NEWS PAPER is continuing to be concerned and fully engage to fallow up and work for the welfare of south Sudan and to bring attention to the people of South Sudan and make sure that Mr. President is well advised to take the right approach and right decisions for this wonderful country. Also Ali Baba News paper will work very hard to expose those who misused the public funds. In addition Ali Baba News Paper voluntarily to provide and offer the simple and important advice to H.E Mr. President Salva Kiir Mayradit to be alert and careful about the people who want to fail the state of South Sudan. More over The ALI BABA NEWS PAPER is ready to continue advising Mr. President with NO cost and reveal those who are abusing the system and misusing the government funds for their own personal benefit or interest.
H.E. Mr. President Mayardit has done a wonderful home work this week whereby he has met in his residence in Nairobi Kenya with H.E Dr. Lam Akol Chairman of SPLM/DC. Shortly after the meeting President of the Republic told the press that Dr. Akol decided to join the new nation building journey in ticket of his party SPLM/DC, and he will soon come to Juba. “We welcome his decision”
In an intensive interview today at the Serena Hotel in Nairobi, Dr. Akol said he has not come to Juba since the independence of South Sudan for a number of reasons some of which are personal while some are connected to the political atmosphere in the country. He explained that in his meeting with H.E the President, they discussed some political issues and now he is ready to come to Juba; he will not continue to keep away from his own country.
The opposition leader described the speech delivered by the President of the Republic H.E Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit to the UN/GA in New York, as a good speech, for it came at the time when the newly born state of South Sudan is in need of the goodwill of the international community. He said UN and AU did not take long to recognize South Sudan. “As we are now applying to the regional organizations, we expect smooth welcoming”, he predicted. He said further that the theme of the speech was that the new state is facing a lot of state building challenges needs to determine which areas it needs assistance in.
Dr. Akol also sent a message to the people of South Sudan calling for unity. “We should push together as South Sudanese and be united for a common objective of building the new state in a democratic, political, religious and cultural diversity”, he said. He urged his party to push forward with the program of building South Sudan and act as a mirror for correcting mistakes for the government since the opposition and the ruling party is complementary. “We are joined together by the new country, only the way of serving people is being seen differently from each other”, he emphasize
ALI BABA NEWS PAPER has been advising Mr. President to open up another Nifasha for negotiations with oppositions leaders. Today we have seen this tremendous result between the two leaders, however” ALI BABA NEWS PAPER” still will continue to advise H.E Mr. President to do more on other issues concerning the State.
ALI BABA’S NEWS PAPER has this advice for Mr. President:
(1) Mr. President it is well known in the world that any first lady in any country will always help in building the nations. Therefore, I would advise that the first lady should create any supporting Organization which will help in bringing awareness to the South Sudan society for example, street Children, orphans home organization, women empowerment organization, education awareness on( HIV) the most killing disease in the world now days, education awareness for girls. She could be the eyes of vulnerable Children. Please encourage her Mr. President.
(2) Mr. President I would like to bring this to your attention that they are a lot of young girls from our African neighbour’s countries, Ex. Kenya, Uganda, and Ethiopia who are working as servants in minister’s homes in Juba. I don’t think we need to start to open up another slavery which brought us to the war with the North that cost us over three millions lives. The question is this? From which budget are they being paid? I ‘m afraid Mr. President that they could be paid from our budget, their names maybe in our pay rolls. I think your secret agent and anti corruption commission should check that out secretly. Believe me or not you will be surprised of the result.
(3) Also Mr. President, Do you know that Children under five years old are on South Sudan pay rolls. This is very serious Mr. President; the pay rolls must be checked otherwise your government will not get any development funds even new capital city will not be built on time frame.
(4) Mr. President; Do you know that some of Diaspora South Sudanese are in government pay list? Mean while they are not contributing in the development back home.
(5) Do you know Mr. President that some voices are saying that you have special phone line for your fellow’s tribes men for some tribal agenda? Check that out Mr. President, I know that is street talks no prove, but there is no smoke without fire. There is no way you can avoid it. Just be careful.
(6) Do you know Mr. President Upper Nile returnees from the North are still at Renk port for almost a year now without any one who cares about them? All this Mr. President will be shame on our government it doesn’t look very good for your administration if your people whom you fought for are suffering with diseases hunger and death in your eye, what kind of message is telling us?. I think we wage the war for these poor people against the North for at least 22 years. Did we Mr. President? If the answer is yes Mr. President then you needs to do something for this poor and venerable people, because I know Mr. President you can find the leaders of this nation within these poor children in future. This needs your orders (Talimaat in military language) only to the governor of Upper Nile Mr. Simon Kun to move very quickly otherwise he should be question why?
(7)Mr. President Do you know that they named you and call you (African cowboy and call H.E. Mr. Bush, Former President of United State of America an American Taxas cowboy)?
(8) Mr. President be careful about the traditional tribal’s advisers. Do not listen to them I know they are looking for financial assistance, however give them funds but, deny their political advisory. Ask them to go and stop cattle raiding between Warrap State and Unity State.
(9) Did you know that Mr President road transport bill was introduce since 2008 in the national Assembly and up to now never become law? Never been passed, how long should the bill stay in the parliament? I think Mr. President this is to Shaw that the parliament is not functioning simple as that. Do something to hurry up the laws of the country.
(10)Mr. President is it your visit to the Republic of Sudan is going to be on red carpet visit? or normal visit? If answer is yes on red carpet, then make sure that H.E Mr. Al Bashir should be the one to receive you with a military parade and not Ali Osman Thaa or the second vice President of Al Bashir. You are not his vice any more, but a President of another independent state.
(11) Mr. President if you would like your administration to get rid of corruption this is what you need to do: you have to introduce the foot ball game rules where by the team need a strong, focus and smart goal keeper so that he keeps away the ball from your net. Its means you do not want the other team to score a goal against your team. So what I mean is you need right people in the right place. But not anti-corruption commission only to depend on . Why? because, you might have still corrupted individuals in the system. Try this MR. President believe me or not this will work for you and for our country.
(12) Mr. President the power is a social game. To learn and master it, you must develop the ability to study and understand people you are ruling. Many people spend time studying the properties of animals or herbs; how much more important it would be to study those of people, with whom we must live or die. To be a master player you must be a master psychologist. You must recognize motivations and see through the cloud of dust with which people surround their actions. An understanding of people’s hidden motives is the single greatest piece of knowledge you can have in acquiring power.
Mr. President let us do the math.
(1) Current population is 8.5 millions
(2) Child birth: 1 child born in every 60 minutes. 1*60 min=60*24hrs=1,440children*30days=43,200child*12month=518,400children in a year*10years=5,184,000 children
(3) Natural death and killings in a day is estimated to 550 people a day*30 days= 16,500*12 month=198, 000*10 years=1,980,000 died.
(4) Total birth-total death( 5,184,000-1,980,000)= 3,204,000 people born
(5) Total current population + total birth( 8.500,000+3,204,000)= 11,704,000 people
So the south Sudanese population in 2021is estimated at 11,704,000 people
Therefore, Mr. President the government of South Sudan must start thinking of this population’s right from now.
This is the weekly simple advice to Mr. President for today. ALI BABA NEWS PAPER will bring more advisory merits next week to Mr. President Salva Kiir Mayadit
Do not ignore these advice they sound simple but they can damage and destroy the nations. I will urge the Ali Baba news Paper supporters to encourage the government officials to read the important advises to Mr. President Salva Kiir Mayradit.
Peter A. Amon
Founder of Ali Baba’s News Paper
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