
Sacks of sorghum donated by Unity State Governor on 13 February 2023. [Photo: Radio Tamazuj]


The governor of South Sudan's Unity State has donated about 15,000 sacks of sorghum as food aid to at least 130,000 flood-displaced persons at the Bentiu camp.

James Chieng, the state Relief and Rehabilitation Commission Chairperson told Radio Tamazuj on Wednesday that the food donation is part of the state government’s responsibility to support the displaced persons in the state.

“These food items are donated by Unity State Governor Dr. Joseph Nguen Monytuil and it was mainly to support IDPs to reduce malnutrition, hunger, and starvation,” he said.

Chieng said the donated food aid will be distributed to all the displaced people across the state.

"The style of distribution is that every ten people will get one sack which is 90kgs of sorghum during the distribution," he explained. “As you have seen, these food items were brought from Sudan, and another food donation is also on the way to unity state but will be given to other flood-affected locations."

The RRC official revealed that the governor donated about 4,000 sacks of sorghum last year to the IDPs in Kuerboni, Kuermandoke, and Bimruor IDP camps.

“Our government is working hard to support all flood-displaced persons because humanitarian agencies are facing transportation challenges, which sometimes delay them for two months while children are suffering from hunger and starvation,” he said.

On her part, Safarine Peter told Radio Tamazuj on Tuesday that they have received their food donation from unity state governor H.E. Dr.Joseph Manytuil.

"We received our food yesterday, ten people per 90kgs from one sack, and it's the first time to receive such food in unity state Bentiu IDPs camp since the beginning of the flooding," she said.

"I am very happy for receiving the food today. I want to thank the governor of Unity State for giving us this food at the right time," she added.

Since 2020, thousands of people have been displaced by heavy flooding in Unity State and other parts of the country. The displaced require humanitarian assistance. 


Source http://www.bing.com/news/apiclick.aspx?ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=63ee109a54a640ab9a4428acf5f2a14f&url=https%3A%2F%2Fradiotamazuj.org%2Fen%2Fnews%2Farticle%2Funity-state-governor-donates-15-000-sacks-of-sorghum-to-idps&c=1700100018097440419&mkt=en-ca