
While waiting for the chief negotiator, his team and the President of the Republic of South Sudan, to interpret the deals of Cooperation Agreement with the people of Allah in Sudan, we must gear up to form unity among ourselves. Opposing the delegates who signed Addis Ababa agreements will never yield fruits. The clear thing is that we must find South Sudan solution instead of wasting time on blaming the delegates. The unity in my view is that we must unite and resolve to reject certain provisions of the deals in peaceful and democratic means.

We all know our delegates are busy celebrating their deals with Sudan, they don´t care of the current of affairs we are in therefore we should just decline to celebrate their celebrations instead, we should mourn.

We will be mourning as we watch to see the delegates rejoicing their deals.

Since 2005, our fate as people have been going from the good of liberation struggle to bad and with this agreement, we are at worst. We are beleaguered at all sides and if we get united, the fate of our unity will face challenges.

The deals were signed without popular consultations with the people because our leaders had never become honest with the citizens, they don´t care about the views of the people they are leading otherwise, people would have been consulted. The only way out now is for the people to forgive them and forget the assumption that we are represented.

I am of the view that we should surrender to all trouble, not to enjoy the abundance of peace and independence of our country, allow rampant unemployment, corruption and brutality to take place to the mercy of those who are in the halls of power.

Those in the halls of power think life of this nation will remain in their hands. Time will come for some of us to see to it that there are leaders that put the fate of the people and country first in the place of their survival.

Fellow citizens, let us mourn as we forgive one another for the wronged done.

Source: http://www.thecitizen.info/opinion/let-us-mourn-and-forgive/