
United South Sudan Party (USSP)The alleged wanton attacks on Anakdiar, Abanim, Obang and Atar (Collo areas); the land-grabbing in Ma'di land and Acholi land; and the continued LRA attacks and the brutal killings of civilians in Western Equatoria State.

Your Excellency,

Please allow me, first and foremost, to extend on my own behalf and on behalf of my party, United South Sudan Party (USSP), our deep sympathy and condolences to the families of the Collo (Shilluk) who lost their loved ones in Collo land in the hands of certain alleged Dinka elements, following the alleged wanton attacks on the villages of Anakdiar, Abanim, Obang and Atar on 10 January 2009, in which 16 people were reported murdered according to a letter written by some local Members of Parliament, addressed to the Governor of Malakal [Upper Nile State] on 15 January 2009. ...

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