
They say: “Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here”. (John Parker)

Look it, Collo people wherever you are in the world today! These savage beasts of the jungle are now determined, and have their eyes focused on Malakal.

They are firmed on their decision, and are going all the way through for the kill no matter of what. I don’t seem to see them stopping any time soon, until they make sure they have full control over Malakal. Therefore you either stand your ground and fight for your rights like men, or turn your back on your people and run for your lives like cowards; then later on come back to become slaves for the savage beasts of the jungle. The choice is now yours brothers; and it is entirely up to you how you want to decide your fates my friends ... A warrior I was born, and as one I shall die.

I know some of you are now wondering what the hell is going on, and how did we get to this point in the first place; or why Malakal after all, and why now? Well ... look it; what these savage beasts of the jungle have in mind is that; they want to dominate the whole south Sudan from top to bottom at any cost, and by all means necessary. And in order to do so they have to start by claiming and taking full control of the major cities in the south ... Does this sound familiar to you? Now Malakal is the only major city left for them. As we all know very well that they already have full control over Wau from before and now Juba after the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).

I don’t know about you dear brothers? But for me however, this means nothing but WAR. And for those of you who were born cowards; I suggest you start learning the language of the savage beasts of the jungle now while you still have time, as it is your only ticket out of this mess. I don’t know if you really understand that you have only two choices here. And they are: Either you stand your ground and fight for your rights like men, or turn your back on your people and run for your lives like cowards; then later on come back to become slaves for these savage beasts of the jungle. The choice is now yours brothers; and it is entirely up to you how you want to decide your fates my friends ... A warrior I was born, and as one I shall die.

Please don’t get me wrong. I know there are other many good and easy ways of fighting a war than this. Therefore, it doesn’t necessarily always mean that taking arms against the other party or parties is the only way out. But we must also keep in mind that; sometimes it depends on how the other party or parties brings the war to us. As John Parker said; “Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here”.