This problem should not be underscored for noxiously had ruined South Sudan. Congenital is a condition or malformation which occurred as result of fails of something to develop into maturity or it is a condition that leads to malfunction. While hereditary is some genetically inherited from parents? For South Sudan tribalism could be admitted as congenital because we had failed to develop into nationalism and we failed to upgrade mutual intimacy relationship among communities and we undermined respect to each culture.
Somehow tribalism could be regarded as hereditary because there is element of tribal practice encouraged tribalism. Cultural southerners seem to be cautioned and conditioned to behavior in certain pride way that easily gives birth to tribalism. Some clear examples of cultural prides in South Sudan are ''we are born to rule'' '' we are mighty warriors'' or '' we are the best community in South''. These illusion slogan prides practiced by different communities had hijacked nationalism pride in the expense of tribal pride.
Gloomy is South Sudan because it foundation was based on wrong ground such as self-exaltation and tribal pride instead of nationalism. Unfortunately, some elites in some communities in the South Sudan misunderstood the true meaning of nationalism. In the degenerated way they had allowed members of their communities to be massacred by national security organs without condemning such barbaric killing. Being nationalist does not prevent a person to challenge malpractice? I wonder what kind of nationalist such people are claiming, without airing up their voices when they see communities are being wipe out in land. Contrarily, such elites protect their interests by sing nationalism songs but in real sense they are not nationalists. All southerners are infected by tribalism, whereas nationalism is superficial which is quite often could be observed in their delinquency and delirious behaviors.
Tribalism is true cancer that needs to be eradicated and despicable by all communities willingly without reservation. It is true killer that will consume all without exception, and put us into despondent position. Again, it had destabilize all communities whether big or small tribe. Tribalism is real problem in South Sudan, for it affected daily life, imagine you go to governmental institutions carrying your application looking for appointment, and surprisingly you find a boss questioning you in their vernaculars. How do you feel and response to unsounded situation? I think automatically you will sense that you are in wrong place, and not welcome. It is a sad thing in our nation, for the South Sudan constitution cited that English is national language, but why some communities imposed their dialect on others. In other words, questioning a person in vernacular is mean to exclude him from status quo and it clear indication that the appointment is base on tribal line.
Unwisely, how can you recruited presidential guards and security organs from one ethnic group, and those who initiated it, are still defending their position as right? Here do we really have patriotism and nationalism aspiration? Vivid and disturbing sight, you find national army being instructed in particular dialect, what does this tell you? Undisputable this is a true color of South Sudan. Then how can you speak about ''one nation and one people'', and other communities are not well represented in affairs of nation. To me what we are seeing and observing in the South Sudan are shameful and regrettable for God created all human being on same level of equality and freedom, how come a certain community wish to impose their cultural ideology on others by force. It is unacceptable in twenty first century, and I think this mentality should be despicable by all if we wish to remain in unity nation. I would like to assure you that most often this is a root cause of conflict and depression which had produced anxiety, mistrust and excessive disability. Now, I tend to perceive that tribalism is exploitation method used by certain community to maintain political status quo and tribal dominion.
Up to this moment some people are still denying that tribalism is not a problem in South Sudan, but we need to be sober minded people knowing that denial of the problem is unsounded truth, and also admitting the problem without dealing with it, is unrealistic and inexcusable. Indeed, we should always avoid sedative and hypnotic of the problem for it will lead us into stage of increasing hypoxemia that may require us to be hospitalized promptly for intensive care. In other words, compromising with problem will lead us into deformity position which we need thoroughly reformation, in order to have good ventilation in our country South Sudan.
Meanwhile, for South Sudan to be healed, we must look for concrete method and modality to cure our cancer. With astonish and humility let us learn from life of King David, who shows great honor to the family of King Saul, who seeks to end his life. Instead to avenge about malicious acts of Saul, he appease the Saul's family when he gained leadership in Israel. He had executed cheerful leadership and never put his tribe Judah above Benjamin. David wisdom could be good foundation ground on which we can establish our newest nation and not by exaggeration of tribal superiority or imposed it on fewer groups of societies. Tribe is God given entity, and all tribes are equal in the eye of God, but tribalism is manmade phenomena for selfish gain and dominion aspiration.
Surely, South Sudan nation is crippling because we upholding tribalism, and also our leaders accommodated bad advice given by outsider's friend or by wrong advisors within the system to upgrade tribal sentiment as mean to control the affairs of nation. In this juncture, let observed another example done by King David to the King Hanun of Syria. When he heard about the death of Hanun father, he sent high delegations to console him. But wrong advisors told the King Hanun that those who were sent by the King David only come to search the city, and to spy it out and overthrow it. Presumably this wrong advisors blinded the King Hanun to issue decree to shave off the beard of each and cut off their garments in the middle at their hips and sent them away (see 2 Sam.10:1-5). This disgrace mentality shown by the King Hanun made his nation odious in the sight of David. His tribal pride destroyed his kingdom and subdued it to David and caused them to pay tribute yearly. In same sense our tribal prides had brought misery on newest nation. These illustrations quotation might be good warning for us to erase this backward ideology called tribalism if we wished to remain viable state.
Today in South Sudan there is wide spread speculation rumors portrayed that the king of south Sudan, some months back had special visited to Ugandan king, who shows him graves of heroes, who fought liberation war with him, but he decided to murder them, in order to have definite chance to rule his nation without opposition. So, if the king of South Sudan wants to rule for longer, he must deal with prominent liberator fighters in same manner he did with his opponents.
Unauthentic king of South Sudan took a devil advice without digestion, scrutinize or analyze it critical before implementation. When South Sudan king came back from his visited, he shares this deadly and destructive advice with close encircle clan within his kingdom, expressing that there are certain elements within the kingdom, who wanted to overthrow his kingdom. Indeed, if we wanted to remain in leadership and dominating the affairs of the kingdom, we must do something to eliminate such opponents. The idea sound good and was received with joy and in that meeting encircle clan designed the accusation against prominent liberator fighters that they had made an attempt to flout coup against his kingdom which is questionable. This filthy and dirty advice founded on tribal base sank the nation into dark stage in history.
When the Ugandan king discovered that his counterpart failed to execute his plan correctly, he hit-or-miss decided to support his friend militarily by entering into internal conflict official by sending army to fight on behalf of South Sudan king. What people need to swallow and live with by now, is that all expenses of war are account on whole southerners and not only on clan of the king. The question which post itself does king share his preposterous agreement with entire communities of South Sudan, who are paying heavily price to maintenance his kingdom. Now, the tribal superiority sickness is one element destroying South Sudan nation and even the king himself unknowingly.
As result of regrettable decision made by unauthentic South Sudan king, certain community of expected incoming king find a platform to gain kingship in such confuse atmosphere, especially he had an encouragement revelation from superstition prophet that he will be the next king for South Sudan. The incoming king was content with superstition prophecy without clear articulation. In this chaotic circumstance, incoming king thought that his time has come to take throne of kingdom, and members of his community joined the fight to institute his kingdom base on tribal line. As result of tribalism sentiment injected by present and incoming king to their communities, then remorseless killing spread like wild fire in the bush. Biblical passage reiterated to us that God told his friend king David that he will not build for him a temple because his hands are full of blood. It is the same thing God is telling present and incoming king that they cannot lead South Sudan, because their hands are full of blood of innocent people which are crying to Him.
Analytical the downfall of South Sudan nation is coming from tribal blindness support to mercenaries clique, who work hard to create tribal Empire in expense of other communities, for sure any masterminded of such ideology in every community, who never stopped their madness goals, must be aware that we will not task stability, security, unity, peace and tranquility in South Sudan, for no culture which is willing to be absorbed into another tribe. Time will come when the small communities may initiate strategically plan to defeat the master of jungle like the meeting conducted by rabbits to deal with cats. Let us respect humanity dignity and avoid racism and tribalism sentiment in our nation.
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