Most of southerners participated fully in Referendum for sake of being free in their own nation, but that dream was reduced into nothing, for dispute within ruling party SPLM plunged the country into a crisis that has spiralled into a widespread tribal armed conflict associated with terrible and brutal killing of innocent citizens. Today people become suspicious and doubtful about the intention of SPLM elites, who are in power for the way they are leading the nation. The question that posed itself is why did SPLM fought devastated war in past? Was it to make their own kingdom without care for subjects, who have voted them into offices? Logical it is hard to perceive or to give clear explanation about what had happened in South Sudan, because nobody is ready to tell the truth out of phobia for loosing their positions. Also leaders are unable to admit their fault as result of personal pride and blind tribal support. Analysts may be true when they proclaimed that the South Sudan nation was founded on the wrong foundation. This is why there is mess up and people lived in illusion state of confusion.
Beginning of crisis:
The real crisis started during SPLM leadership meeting on 14 to 15 December 2013, whereby they failed to resolve internal problem of the party peaceful. Indeed, two rivalry groups within the party never articulated issues in reasonable manner, in order to reach agreeable resolutions to restore the image of the party. The differences within the party undoubtedly predispose the war. The war escalated on 15 December 2013 in different locations, and this may explained that there were underground works made by leaders to protect their self interest. The situation when out of control, on the following day the security organs and national army tried to bring back order wrongly within Juba, but many innocent civilians lost their lives especial Nuer community, I think that was bad seen, and not acceptable for the government organs to target the whole community for sin of individual like Riak. This massacre committed by security organs without government leader’s intervention was clear indication that the leaders were behind such atrocities. Those wailing had created mistrust in the mind of Nuer community toward the government of South Sudan which seems to acts partial in expense of others. In fact many southerners’ communities condemned the brutal killing in Juba and were in solidarity with the Nuer community in regard to what happened to them in Juba, but Nuer community failed miserable to utilize southerner’ sympathy in addressing their grievances.
Honestly, the behavior of the South Sudan government had forced Nuer to join Riak in fight for the survival but without critical analyses about the consequences of war. In fact, the negative respond was a kind of reaction out of frustration and the blind action caused them to commit atrocities in Bor, Bentiu and Malakal. Indeed, their aggressive respond made reservation and low down emotional support from southerners, who sympathized with them in first incident in Juba.
It is true that the conflict begin among SPLM political leaders, and it was not necessarily tribal conflict, but now we must agree that it had taken tribal line whether we like or not this is a reality which cannot be deny by anyone under the Sun. Actually first people who were killed in Juba by security organs were Nuers, and what kind of explanation could you give to convince entire world that the conflict is not tribal? People who were murdered in Bor by Nuers White Army, were Dinka, What kind of argument could you make to influence the public to accept that conflict is not tribal? Recently one man was slain in military hospital in Juba by Dinka soldier because he has mark similarly to Nuer, but fortunately the man did not die, and turnout to be Dinka. What does such accident tell us? These illustrations could imply that situation had gone out of control. In this paper I would confine myself to Malakal crisis which I am eye witness, and had clear picture of atrocities committed in Malakal by different groups without generalization.
First episode:
The Upper Nile state was brought into panic and havoc mode on 23 December 2013, when SPLA brought causalities from Owechi garrison to Malakal for medical attention. When they stepped on shore people panic and started running away from river side and that situation forced the citizens in market into phobia state, and decided to run without clear explanation. As result of such phobia, many merchants’ commodities were stolen. Moreover, the employees in governmental institutions who were receiving their salaries for Christmas events were interrupted by fear, and they never cashed their wages again. Immediately, terrify rumors begin to spread in Malakal like poisonous virus indicating that Malakal is going to be attack by forces loyalty to Riak on the following day. In this regard the state government met to discuss the matter, and in that meeting some members within state government requested the governor to announce that Malakal is loyal to Riak, so that it may not be attacked. But the governor and the Army commander refused to accept that demand, and the meeting end up in disarray without reaching an agreement.
The governor of Upper Nile state, Simon Kon failed to control the situation; instead of declaration the state of emergency and arrest the culprit among his cabinets, he decided to quit the state for his own safety, leaving his subjects in the hand of renegade forces, or leaving the town to Nuer army. This dubious position may imply that the governor is part of plan, or double dealer who wishes to eat with two spoons.
On 24 December 2013, the war erupted around 6 AM in Malakal Army Headquarters among the soldiers; those who are loyal to the ‘’national government’’ and to Riak Macher, up to five o’clock at noon the National Army withdraw their troops to the northern part of the town, leaving most of areas under control of merciless renegade group. During that night, they started breaking down shops and looting commodities and taking away money. It was nightmare for the residences under control of Anti-government forces, and they were shouting slogan’’ Teny Oyee’’ and sprinkling dust in air saying that Nuer have taken the town. Surely, that claim made it very clear that taking over the town was Nuer exclusive agenda. The most areas affected on the first days were Maderia, Monathalian, Assossa, Hay Salam, Hay Saha, Hay Telpasyon, Thurwa and Dengurchufu and part of Jalaba. Most people who perished in first day were soldiers from both warring groups and few civilians. Communities within affected areas decided to go to Chollo nearby villages.
On 25 December 2013, the renegade group went to attack the position of SPLA in Hay Mathar area, and it was turmoil, tribulation and agony to the citizens in northern part that never experience that suffering in first day. That situation forced many people in Moulaki and Hay Mathar to desert their houses, for they were dismayed and greatly afraid. Out of frustration some families tried to escape the town crossing river in small boat, unfortunately tragedy occurred when the boat sank killing nine children, and three of them were children of Elder Ustaz Othom Odhong Aywakir. The SPLA Forces chased away the renegade forces leaving behind causalities and on that day Kwanreth Aban Ayong was killed in his house in hay Shathi. The renegade army continued destroying shops and looting properties. The situation in the town remained in state of confusion for the leader of Anti-government forces never announced that they had captured the town, but they were just busy inflicting suffering on civilians, and citizens were totally locked up indoors.
The sad side of the story was that when they finished looting the shops they put them on flame. It was impossible for Malakal citizens to perceive the intention of Anti-government forces of well destruction plan. Also many citizens had unanswerable question of why did government employees were involved in ruining their departments, for it was reported that dignitary officials were seen by eyes witness burning down their own departments. Wisely, they do that destructive mess so that their embezzlement scandal shouldn’t be discovered. Moreover, they were doing mass destruction damage because they were not citizens of Upper Nile but of Jonglei state (Lau Nuer). The explanatory reasons for destroying shops were that most of shops belong to non-Nuer communities. That was bad spirit from the renegade forces that wished to liberate or wanted to rule people. On that day many civilians die from cross fire.
Interestingly, they never destroyed shops which were owned by Nuers. Analysts argued that Chollo lost their properties because they never supported Nuer in their fight with government of South Sudan. But in knowledgeable society it is hard for people to support any project without being fully convinced or influenced by the objectives and goals of that project. Indeed, how could the renegade group expect people to support them before selling their agenda to other communities, so that they may own it? Believable any project which is base on concrete ground to benefit all citizens and not a single community gain strong support.
Shameless thing the Anti-government Forces committed was that they never respected Christmas event which was not prohibited by any circumstance since it was inaugurated by early Church Fathers. Sadly, Upper Nile State celebrated Birth Day of Savior Jesus Christ under beds. This may explain that southerners are not true Christians, although we profound Christ, we never lived according to his teaching. During the devastated war with northerners who were Muslims, what happened in Malakal never occur, for they didn’t prevent Christians form celebrating Christmas. But how come those who claimed to be ‘’Christians’’ do that? This aimless and merciless war has no clear identify objectives. Therefore, communities must revise their positions in regard to national issues, rather than being committed to tribal interest in expense of national interests, and we should avoid supporting wrong brother on card of being member of tribe, by doing so we will fall into limbo.
On 26 December 2013, the rebels reattached the government forces position again but they were defeated badly, leaving behind more dead bodies. In this junction, they sense that they cannot defeat the government forces, and some decided to move to peripheries areas around Malakal escaping for safety. The situation remained volatile, and voraciously and they continued collecting everything in market, and practicing madness killing targeting Dinka, and this mass massacre spread quickly to all areas in Malakal. In real sense this irresponsible behavior brought havoc in Malakal town and its surrounding places. This rivalry war had greatly hawkish the town and reduced it into unsuitable place. According to the world standard of human rights, the unreasonable destruction had lead people to describe the renegade forces as narrow-minded, who failed to study the situation accurately before taking action and didn’t bear in mind the consequences. For it will not be easy to gain the confidence of people after gross grave decision. Indeed, after foolish action the things started to go haywire and people started criticize the renegade forces for bad things they imposed on them.
On 27 December 2013, the government forces expelled the rebels out of Malakal, and many people lost their lives, especially those who run together with the renegade forces. According to the government intelligence report many people were killed but up to this moment the true number is unknown. Horrible scene is that dead bodies being eaten up by dogs and birds. Certainly, this means the dead bodies were not collected for burial, and the town became unhealthy place for human being to live in. In process the International Red Cross had tried to collect dead bodies for burial in seven mass graves in Malakal graveyard and around 700 bodies were buried but dead bodies in south part of town especially in Warjwok village were not collected.
People ambition for bright future was reduced into uncertainty, and hope for peace and stability was brought to zero level. In the first episode the Anti-government Forces didn’t destroyed houses and shops that belong to Nuers. In other words, their shops were not looted. But when the state governor, Simon Kon Puch came back from hiding place, he announces to the public on Sunday 29 December 2013, that unbroken shops should be broken down and let citizens take foods items they found. That political statement was green light for thieves to steel whatever they find apart from food items. Precisely, the governor had made great mistake which he will be responsible and accountable for it. He was supposed to institute committee for opening those remaining shops and sell to public the commodities available, rather than giving unrealistic annunciation. In defensive tone he argues that what happened in Malakal is unbelievable and unethical in related to Nuer context. He when on reiterated that those who committed such shameful acts are not Nuers, but he failed to described who are they? In his address speech, he accused Riak Machar as failure leader who never accomplished any good job in his life and people shouldn’t give him a credit.
When the government forces recaptured Malakal from rebels, they didn’t search to find out those who were involved in rebellion and bring them to book, but the state government just calls back to places of work employees, including the Malakal Mayor, who participated fully in the war on the side of the renegade forces. Surely, the state government knows that some key leaders in Anti-government forces were his employees who show their support to renegade forces during the ministerial state meeting. Unfortunately, the state government failed to screen the town from the renegade forces, who participated in deadly wailing. In fact it was gross mistake committed by the state government to just allow people to resume work without thorough investigation. Probably, the state government may be part of rebellion in goat skin or otherwise they were sympathizers to Anti-government forces that terrorized Malakal.
Frankly speaking the governor of Upper Nile needs to be blame for what happened, even though he criticized Dr. Riak that was propaganda for political gain. In same line the Army commander, Johnson Gony Belieu had accused organizes forces for their involvement in rebellion publicly, which they admitted. Ironically, the court was not been established to judge those who participated in such criminal act. In this respect, the Army commander must be accountable for his shortcoming in handling the situation militarily; this may show that he compromises with rebels. Undoubtedly that mistake had given room to the renegade forces to regroup themselves for retaliation again to recapture Malakal. When the government forces recapture town and run after the Anti-government forces in Dolieb Hill area, citizens who escaped there for safety were court up again, and forced by circumstance to flew the danger, and in the process some lives were lost. People wondered from village to village seeking refuge. Most of whole Malakal communities escaped to Chollo villages, and no single report indicated that non- Chollo were mistreated in those villages.
The mistake committed by the renegade forces repeated itself, when the government forces gained control of town; the soldiers from Jieng targeted innocent Nuer in their houses, and lives were lost in cold blood. Cycle of merciless killing had continued without immediate action from both warring troops. This irresponsible silent had aggravated massacre of innocent people by bloody mocker killers from both communities.
From 27 December 2013 to 11 January 2014, there was relative peace which is associated with disintegration, lack of mutual understanding, suspicious, mistrust and spirit of revenge. In governmental offices, people encamped according to tribal line, no communication among the tribes, the friendship relations were broken, and disunity was eminent. Critically, suspicious had amount high among citizens that made it very difficult for governmental offices to functions normal with full scale like before. In other words, the government system was paralyzed resulting from traumatic suffering inflicted on each warring community. Truly people, who escaped to refuge centers like UNMISS, refused to come back out of fear of being murdered. This situation will not easily be brought under control unless we admitted publicly our fault and involvement in destructive act. The history will not permit us to go unpunished. In case the rivalry communities will not accept their failure, then they should be assured that they will not escape the judgment before the world and the creator God, who brought them into this world.
Second episode:
Again, on 12 January 2014 Malakal had panic as result of evacuation of citizens from Dolieb Hill and Baliet County to Malakal; because they heard information from reliable sources that the Nuer is coming back. In fact on 11 January 2014 government forces encountered with Anti-government forces in Galachil, and the government forces were forced to withdraw. May be huge numerous of White Army overtake them, and leave behind many army facilitates in the hand of rebels. According to close source when the White Army reached Balliet, they committed great atrocities on the community. Responding to that information, citizens decided to evacuate their houses and rushed into boat in large numbers, whereby they were not ready to listen to the owner of boat who knows the capacity of the boat. They refused to hearken to the voice of owner of boat to reduce their numbers. At the end their resistance compiled the boat owner to sail it with a huge numbers of people. Unfortunately heavy winds blow precipitated more problems to the boat to sail normally; contrast boat had sank before reaching to the shore on western side of Nile and around seventy people perished. Logical the owner of boat was not wise enough because he was not supposed to be compiled by citizens to sail his boat with overload people. Indeed, he must be accountable for his unwise decision.
After accident was noticed, the deputy governor and minister of information and broadcast rushed to the scene and tried to convince people to go back to their houses, arguing that Malakal is in full control of government forces. But that argument had fallen in deaf ears because most people have full information from Nuer friends, who instructed them to evacuate town for their safety. People were terrified by the loss of lives and few people hearken to speech of deputy government but majority refused to go back and preferred to stay in hospital and child village. On 13 January 2014, the state government announced to the public that Malakal is secured under control of government army and they should ignore circulated rumors. The state government advised the public to return back to their houses and resumed their life normally. In fact some people were encouraged and went back to their houses. Unfortunately, on 14 January 2014 people were surprised by attack of the White Army, and found out that the government forces had deserted Malakal leaving it in merciless hands. People begun to wonder about the behavior of the state government that lie to them, and in case they were in weak position why did they requested people to come homes, and they know that the security is not in their favor. All losses during this period must be account on the state government that recall and encouraged people to come back from hiding places.
In this regard, the state government must accept the blame for calling back people from hiding places to be massacred by renegade forces in their houses like chicken. How come the state government lies to the people? People had discovered that on the same day the state government called back the people from hiding places, they had departed from the town before the Anti-government forces reached. This explained that they are not trustworthy leaders, and never care about citizens because most of them are foreigners, and have no children on the ground to face the war consequences. Another noticeable mistake, the state government committed was that security organs are from one ethnic group and other communities has no access to true information. These mistakes need to be dealt if we wished to have batter bright future in South Sudan. This kind of mistake committed by the government of South Sudan is not acceptable. The poor citizens remained in houses became hostages under gun threat, and also they were robbed on roads when trying to escape. Moreover, their properties were confiscated at gunpoint. The situation became critical, and the renegade forces started breaking down houses and taking every belonging and people paid high price by being murdered or dying from starvation. Furthermore, the situation became very tense and citizens were unable to move freely, and also it was impossible to evacuate their houses seeking refuge.
Shocking experience , the leader of Anti-government forces issued an instruction to the soldiers that people remained in residential areas were enemies, and should be eliminated because they were supporters of the state government, but they should spared those in UNMISS. It was true declaration because those in UNMISS were agents that coordinate their plans within the town. When such terrified information reached to ears of church leaders, the moderator of Presbyterian Church of South Sudan, Rev Peter Gai Lual and General Secretary, Rev John Yor took courage to meet the leader of rebels, Major General, Garwoth to challenge him about that irresponsible declaration. In case he is not ready to protect people, who remained in residential areas, then let him offer a chance to the church to collect those people and to take them to safe places before they were massacred by White Army. Concretely, the church’s position forced the leader of Anti-government forces to change his mind and modified his statement, admitting that all citizens are under his guidance, but it was difficult to convince unlawful White Army not to execute the instruction. Therefore, the situation continues like before, and more people perished senselessly.
In second episode Malakal was attacked by three groups of Nuers: from Lau, Nassir and Olang, wearing three different colors such as green, blue and yellow respectively. They forced citizens to wear those colors, in order to show their acceptance and to have free movement in searching for water and other necessity for survival, but that imposition never resolved security issues in the town. In those dark days Malakal was totally cut off from the rest of the world, for the communication was disconnected by the state government, in order to minimize spread of poisonous rumors before the town was recaptured. Surprisingly, on 15 January 2014 the minister of information and broadcast announced through Maria Radio that Malakal is still under control of government army; this was weak and provocative propaganda that mislead the world opinion about what was happening on the ground.
In fact, as eye witness, who experience tribulation in Malakal, I remained inside my house for two days, but when the situation deteriorated badly, then we decided to flee for safety, aiming the church, but it was not easy to reach there. On the way we entered into the house of in-law, Elder Peter Majwok in which we found good numbers of people and total number were 69 persons including my family. The condition was the same, on the following day, my wife decided to go back home with my two daughters to collect some food, when they reached home, they found out that the house was already broken down and many belonging were taken, and she had to back the people whom she found to give her some food items. On their way back, they were stopped at gunpoint, and requested to give every value things such as money and mobile, and she exclaimed that they don’t have require items except food they have in hands; and she was ready to offer it to them but they refused, arguing that if she failed to provide the requires items that will be the end of their lives. They were forced to sit down under gun threat, and one man was ready to shot. Luckily enough certain man came to their rescue, and caution them why did they wanted to killed women in Nuer language. Instantly, they decided to release my wife and daughters without being harm, but they interrogated man, and had faced same fate, and termed him as traitor. That confirm death experience had created bad image about the future in the mind of my family and it is impossible to encourage them to remain in terrorizing environment of inhuman.
While staying in the house of Peter Majowok, every hour different individuals knocked at door, and interrogate people with threaten language saying that we are Dinka, or protectors, and also they wanted to search for weapons. In case they found Dinka or weapons in the house they will slaughter everybody. Seriously two soldiers came and requested everybody to come out from the room, and accused us of hiding weapons and Dinka in the rooms. They exclaimed that they are going to slay all young men. Personally, I plead with them that I’m a pastor, and I permitted them to search the rooms and they had already picked up two pairs shoes of my sons. When they found nothing, they compiled young men to sit down, declaring that they are going to shoot them. I challenged them that it is better for them to kill me first before murdered young people. While we were still negotiating about why killing innocent people in cold blood, certain group appeared and these gangs tried to escape but they were stopped at gunpoint. The leader of rescue group questioned us, have these guys took anything from you. I expressed that they had taken two pairs of shoes. The leader of rescue group stressed that he will shoot them if they failed to give back stolen things, for they did not came from Nassir to terrorize citizens. In process I plead with him not commit such crime. They distance themselves from us to discuss the issue, in order to give back the shoes, but it was impossible, because one pair of shoes was already in the feet of some one. They came back to request me to forgive them which I offered, and immediately they left.
As result of unrest and terrible experiences in the house I authorized all people to leave for the church, I lead procession and people followed until we reached to the church. Nauseate thing in Malakal is, the life of human being is valueless and very cheap especially when you didn’t have money, mobile or laptop; some people were killed even after they had given huge sum of money like Aban Ywokwan, brother of late Pio Ywokwan. Ironically, you cannot tell what will be the end of this insecurity, and worse part was that the renegade group victimized non-Nuer particularly Dinka vengeance to what happened in Juba. Many lives were lost. Unfortunately, they killed each other under toxicities of alcohol. Seven days the White Army was in control of Malakal, it was scaring moment and people wearied out and didn’t taste rest. This was real disastrous environment which compiled people to desert their houses for safety. Sadly, the leader of Anti-government forces failed to restore order in the town, for everybody was busy looting and carrying away properties belonging to others. In addition they confiscated private vehicles in town, and when they failed to drive any they put it on fire or break glasses. In this connection they burned down three cars belong to Kano Company and took 16 others. When Church members tried to put off flame, man called Badiet (Abayath) was furious at people, and determined to murder those who tried to quench the flame. But by God grace at the end church members managed to stop fire and rescued remaining cars.
Badiet was the fellow who caused massive destruction in Upper Nile especially in governmental institutions, and he was running up and down like crazy mad dog to eliminate every prominent chollo leaders for the reason known to him. The right person to disclose or described Badiet to the public is the governor, Simon Kon, because he knows him very well as closed friend an all mistakes he committed were pardoned by the governor, and never takes decision against him. For the public consumption this naive fellow made himself a leader of Lau Nuer community in Upper Nile and tried hard to create Lau Nuer payam in Obel area of Panyikango County and the governor, Simon Kon failed to challenge his claim. Lau Nuer had forgotten Chollo good hospitality and friendly neighbor that accommodated them during displacement by Murlia in Jonglei state. Surely, the guy was doing BENFA agenda of which the governor, Simon Kon, was the prominent leader in such Organization. Without disputed argument, Simon Kon was the one who mandated this guy to carry out the criminal crime.
During second episode many things occurred: certain Nuer went to hospital and requested a doctor to give him patient from Dinka, so that he might kill him, arguing that he never murders a Dinka. What does this gloomy request implies to us? It might stress deep hatred among two communities. Another incident took place on the Dolieb Hill road; a driver of track puts on lifter without knowing and throws off all people on board. Confirm report stressed that most of people on board died and it was concluded that the fellow was not an expert driver. Moreover, the cattle raiders, who stolen cattle from northern Chollo kingdom and Akoka were attacked by bees and were scattered in bushes and some lives were lost as result of lack of water. Nevertheless, some group on their way back to Nassir, elephants attacked them and many cars were destroyed with people on board. People may perceive this information like drama, but it true stories narrated what happened. I tend to think that it was God responses to unbelievable criminals and genocide committed in Malakal.
Therefore, we need to come to our senses that God was not happy with madness war we created in Malakal. If we believed in God, we need to approach his throne of mercy with true confession, so that he may forgive us and heal our land, apart from that we will be consumed by God’s wrath. Unauthentic behavior of the Anti-government forces of attacking Chollo community without reasons is unacceptable. Shockley, some arrogant Nuers gave mixed illusion explanation that Chollo was attacked because they supported the national government, this claims is out of context because Chollo had suffered so much under this regime, even part of their land was given to other community by the President of South Sudan. Other war mockery reiterated that they attacked Chollo to check their position or wanted to inflict pain on them, so that they may react blindly. Thanked be to God for unable Chollo not to retaliate or decided to revenge. For sure that would have made Malakal unsuitable or insecure place to live in. Credit and appreciation should be paid to Chollo community for restrain despite the great loss of lives and properties they had experienced.
When the Government Army recaptured the town from Anti-government forces on 20 January 2014, the atrocities committed by rebels were also executed by the government forces without excused. Some defected soldiers burned down Bielthang killing innocents Jieng, in respond to that malicious act, Akoka community revenged on Chollo community in Booth and Padid killing some people, burned down the whole areas and displaced them. The reason was that, they accused Chollo of being behind such accident occurred in Bielthang. Specifically, the question that need to be answered by Akoka, were the soldiers who defected from SPLA and burned down Chollo? If the answered is yes, they were supposed to follow right procedure to avoid opening new front-line of war, and if the answered is no then they need to make public apology and asked for forgiveness. According to military intelligence report those who defectors were Nuers. Then how come Akoka tried to involve Chollo in unproductive war? It is necessary for Akoka leaders to challenge bad element within their community to avoid escalation of war between two communities for price will be very heavy to pay.
In Assossa, the government forces burned down the police and prison residences for alleging them as being members of rebellion. It was important for the Government Forces to restrain themselves as national forces not to commit the same mistake committed by outlaw forces. Basically, Nuer community were targeted in residential areas by the government forces especially those who were remained in houses when the renegade forces were control of the town, badly they had perished in hand of government soldiers. To protect them from being slain, Chollo community tried hard to hide them from merciless killing, by accommodating them in their own houses, or secretly bring them to church under their own risks. Inhuman atrocities suffering committed by both forces will not be pardon or justified by all means. Both forces must be booked. This ruthless killing had deepened the gap between two communities. During this time government soldiers searched every house and murdered innocent people without thoroughly investigation. The places which were more affected badly were Hay Salam and Bayathen, for they were overpopulated by Nuer community.
Every day church received reports through women about people being murdered in different residential areas, for they have little privilege of movement. On 21 January 2014 at around nine o’clock in the morning, Rev Daniel Geil Pal was murdered by Government Army on his way to hospital. It was not easy for us as church to perceive such killing of God’s man in clergy robe.
Positive part of this episode was that the governor, Simon Kon visited first the Presbyterian Church on his arrival from hiding place. In that forum he expressesd his thanks and appreciation to church for godly services they rendered or provided to the public in critical situation. In this juncture, church requested the governor to restore order and the image of town by collecting dead bodies before they permitted people to go back to their houses. In the following day he also visited Catholic Church and hospital to encourage people, who were exiled there. Nevertheless, the army commander, Johnson Gony took the same line and promised to provide protection and also Major General Johnson Olony. In Catholic church people who camped there were eight thousand , three thousand in Bam Center, two thousand in Presbyterian, twelve thousand in Malakal hospital and five thousand in Child Village.
The negative part was that the army commander failed to control the situation and soldiers continued to commit crimes against citizens openly without accountable. Probably the state of emergency had given green light to them to commit ruthless killing. Confirm report indicated that some people in Malakal hospital disappeared or taken and shoot dead into the White Nile. Such criminal actors came to the churches and asked for Nuers to be released to them, but the churches stood firm, and refused to hearken to such madness request, reiterating that the church is neutral body which speaks on behalf of voiceless. Indeed, their holy mandatory responsibility cannot allow them to give any a single person in their disposal to criminals who seek to end their lives.
The churches were refuges for those who escaped the atrocities in residential areas, but the living conduction was not easy in churches compound, because nothing was left in the market. To reduce pressure on the people living in the churches, the state government under leader of Makal Commissioner, Dr. Waw Agodeng opened the government stores and provided 100 sacks of durra to Catholic and 50 sacks to Presbyterian, although the offering was not enough, it was better than nothing. Also he made personal initiative to request Kano Company to help in transportation stranded people in buses station, who wished to go to Renk, and eight tracks were provided, and that was a blessing to citizens who has nothing in their hands to transport themselves out of mass that brought them into state dependent.
Third episode:
The renegade forces invasion started on 17 February 2014, for third times. Despite the government forces were numerous, but the Anti-government forces were able to expel the government, and deserted employees whom they had called back to report in places of work. It is hard to justify the government forces evacuation of Malakal town. This unrealistic and unconvincing attitude of the government forces had induced skeptical mode in public opinion. Now, people begin to sense that there might have been a kind of agreement between renegade group and government forces, because how come could the government forces with huge military facilitates be defeated by the renegade forces easily. This is very clear indication that the government army sideline with the renegade forces. In third episode the White Army were vigorous and aggressive in killing every people they found in the town especially Chollo community, who hided them in previous episodes, when they were targeted by Jieng soldiers. Chollo real regret by the behavior of Nuers, whom they had risk their lives in protection.
This attitude explained to public that Nuers never honored hospitality granted to them by others. Apart from intentional killing in residential areas, they reduced the whole town into ruin and ashes. This behavior explained hatred, envy and enmity. These actions speak loudly that they were destroying Malakal because it was not their own place and the losers were Chollo, the inhabitants who experienced genocide in the hand of Nuers. To avoid lubrication statement and to confirm the terrible behavior of the renegade forces, when they arrived into the town, immediately they removed their tribe members in UNMISS and Churches to secure their fate, and with intention to destroy the whole town. In this process, they forced people out of holy places, and hospital. Indeed,gross grave massacred was everywhere in the town, for they tried hard to eliminate everybody from Chollo community remained inside the town. It was tribal cleansing according to United Nation standard. Nuers had turned war against Chollo because they refused to join them. People names appeared among dead were Eng. Angelo Othow, and his nephew Ywomo Daniel Othwol, Ustaz Ezra Othow, Dr. Mogo Adwok and Jaldong Wad Chan. Now, they are pursuing civilians in Chollo homelands, especially in western side of White Nile whereby population of malakal run to. People are on run, and majority had reached Kodok walking, and the journey which took four days, for they were walking in group with children. Nuers are arguing that they want to invade whole Chollo kingdom and occupy it forever.
Those bad memories of murdered people in the holy places and hospital and burned down houses will not be forgotten. The discrimination mentality of bloody mocker community caused the civilians to question what were the sound reasons for the renegade forces to wage baseless war in Malakal? Some unethical Nuers proclaimed that Chollo need to be brought to knee, because their son Johnson Olony fought on behalf of the national government. The truth of matter is that he is a member of Chollo community, but after signing agreement with government of South Sudan, he was incorporated into national army. So now he fought the war as national soldier defending his nation. For those who wished to buy such cheap dramatic argument will not be in position to convince the public about Nuers high military commanders like James Hoth and Johnson Gony and others who still serve the national government. Without compromise no interpretation could be given to justify murdered of Chollo civilians by White Army, but the only explanation were that White Army was controlled by the spirit of envy and malicious. Presumably they felt embarrass by development and progress done by Chollo with limited resources, knowing that the state resources were in hands of Nuers, but they failed to utilize those resources wisely on tangible things, but spent them on unnecessary things.
Implicationsof war:
1. Eminent destruction of social structure within communities and had taken back the south fifty years. This aimless war had killed many loves one and that stigma will remain a fresh memories in the minds of many communities and it will be hard to pardon the community that imposed such infliction on them.
2. As result of this tribal conflict families were reduced again into dark Stone Age, for most of winning bread people had perished. The war had aggravated state of Ignorance for all children in affected areas will never to go school, in case they find school in hiding places no guidance’s to pay the school fees. In other words, those kids are forced to join groups such Lost Body and Outlaw and they will become a threat to the society.
3. In the most cases the war bring insecurity and displacement to citizens into neighbor countries that lead to loss of social bond linking, and create frustration environment that might influence them to live uncontrolled life.
4. This war reminds people the past experiences in which they lived in stage of refugees without definite freedom; and they are going to be dependents on others good wishes for their survival in state of being independents.
5. Surely, this war had ruined the state from everything in term of resources, manpower and infrastructural which are necessary for development. Indeed, loss resources may need millions dollars to rebuild what were destroyed in short period of time.
6. The war has deepened tribal clashes and widened the gap between fighting communities, mistrust, and disunity and it created the spirit of revenge.
7. Tribal conflict had paralyzed the government system especially in states affected, for example in Malakal state all organizes forces such as police, fire Bridget, Prison and Wildlife were involved and many lost their lives in the hand of government forces when they recaptured the town from renegade forces, and few survival from non-participatory communities had deserted their positions out of fear of being targeted by government forces. In future to come the government may need new recruitment to fill vacuum positions.
8. Also this war had forced the civil servants to flee Malakal seeking peaceful places, and it will be impossible for them to think of coming back quickly in hiding places, for deadly experiences still vivid in their minds, and some who have already reached to neighbor countries may need another arrangement after settled their families to come back. In case the South Sudan becomes stable with relative peace, we may need manpower to shoulder the huge responsibility of reconstruction.
9. Again, we need to be assured that this war had brought merchants into state of nothing; and it will not be possible for them to reestablishment their business within few months, unless the government is in position to compensate what they had lost.
10. The consequence of this war is that, the people who escaped to UNMISS bases for protection are refusing to come back to restart normal life. Now, they decided to request UNMISS to repatriate them to other countries whereby they could live in respectful environment, even though it required them to live in state of refugees. It is better to be in exile rather than being in South Sudan where human life is meaningless.
11. This war had reduced people into state of mental imbalance, and total frustration which controlled their lives. Indeed, to restore human dignity, we need TO create storm brain wash program.
12. This conflict portray that South Sudan Nation will take long time to integrate into viable united state because people seem oriented and conditioned into tribal legend. Now, we are in insurmountable state resulting from tribal pride which implies insufferable. To release the South Sudan from this captivity position all elites in each community must admit that they are fully responsible for poison ideas they injected into lives of their communities for selfish political gain. To heal this new born nation, we must be ready to take off hyena skin and become true humanists with real compassionate spirit of patriotism for welfare of nation. All political parties which turn justice to wormwood and cast down righteousness to the earth and turn new bright nation into deep darkness must correct their ambitions.
13. For sure our iniquity allowed God to permit destruction to flesh forth against strong people of new nation. Furthermore, the prominent leaders might have trample upon the poor and built hew stone houses and planted pleasant vineyards but they will not enjoy those luxuries because of their transgression. For this reasons God ‘’pronounces in his words that let seek good and avoid evil that we might live, and hate evil and love good and establish justice in the gate, so that God of hosts will gracious be to the remnant in the Israel’’(Amos 8:14-15). This phrase is essential for South Sudan in this critical situation.
Suggestions for peaceful coexistence:
1. As ‘’Christian nation’’, we must work hard to maintain peace and tranquility, we must learn to challenge evil especially when it is done by our kinsman, for up to this moment we lack patriotism spirit but we are more control by spirit tribalism that blind us on national issues. This made us too susceptible to die for cost of ethnic issue rather than for the cost of nation.
2. Peace and reconciliation should be strengthened and championed by outstanding creditable persons from communities which are not involved in conflict. Healing process must be carry out in government departments nationwide, and people must be allow to express their grievances without hindrance. As Christians, our motto says ‘’ love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you’’ (Matt.5:44), and the Bible teaches ‘’forgive those who trespassed against us, so that your heavenly father also will forgive. If you don’t forgive, then our trespassed will not be forgiven by our heavenly father’’ (Matt.6:14-15). Nevertheless, the Bible says ‘’beloved never avenge yourselves but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written ‘vengeance is mine’ I will repay say the Lord’’ (Rom.12:19)
3. It is necessary and important to have mutual respect to all communities whether large or small, and we need to grant human rights to all citizens without discrimination or marginalization by doing so we will prevent friction.
4. It is lawful to ensure human dignity by providing protection by national government up to state level and any violation to those rights should be booked whatsoever the position of person committing it.
5. Temporal solution to avoid more bloodshed, the national government must accept the division of Jonglei state into three states: Northern, Central and South west Jonglei state, also Upper Nile into three state, Northern, Central and Eastern state. This temporal solution will minimize inter tribal conflict; we should not be ignorant to think that those mistrust between rivalry communities will just disappeared instantly. In regard to Unity state, the Dinka in northern part of Benitu should be annexed to Warrap state administratively and leave Unity state to Nuer community. My fellow countryman my experiences had let me to point out that it is too hard to speak about unity by now, and we shouldn’t cheat ourselves and dwell on something which is impossible to attain at this moment.
6. Long term solution, we must established national schools from nursery to university level in which we can train and invest the spirit of nationalism, unity and togetherness in lives of our kids with clear intention that in future they will be agents of transformation and change in our country in twenty years time to come, for strongly I believe that most of those who lived today are affected by tribalism virus.
7. Dissolution of tribal army and individual militias and establish the national army, and we may teach them true principles of nationalism, responsibilities and being loyal to state, instead of being loyal to selfish individuals.
8. Federal system must be instituted in the South Sudan, and each state must be charge to be self supported and self reliance in term of finance, and they should fund national government and not national government to fund the states.
9. The President should not be elected at level of states, in order to avoid manipulation and cheating, but the states should only elected their representatives to national legislative assembly whereby the members of parliament could elect president according to his creditability. For the parliament has full mandatory power from states to impeach the president, in case he went astray.
10. The government of South Sudan should lift up the state of emergency as soon as possible to give chance to the citizens to have access to free movement, and those found guilty in criminal act must be brought to book whatever their positions.
11. Both parties in conflict must be flexible in dialogue process to ensure peaceful solution to our nation.
I hope you will grasp the true image of our nation from this paper, time has come to decide positively for welfare of young generations, and if you still think backwardly like before the state we are in will not end. God is more willing to restore our nation if we are ready to admit our fault public without pride and reservation.
Daniel Amum Odwel
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