
Gen. Paulino Matip NhialST - August 11, 2008 (WASHINGTON) - Gen. Paulino Matip Nhial, the Deputy Commander in Chief of the southern Sudan army arrived to the capital of the United States last week in a private visit for medical treatment.

Also, Nhial will hold talks with U.S. Administration official to discuss their support to transform the Sudan People's Liberation Army to a conventional army.

The SPLA, according to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, is one of two army of the Republic of Sudan. The Southern Sudan government is exerting important efforts to transform the former guerrilla movement to a regular army but this mutation costs a lot to the semi-autonomous government.

The US government allocated this year some US$41 million to help these efforts.

Accompanied by his wife, Paulino Matip will receive medical exams in Rochester, Minnesota, said Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth, head of the mission of southern Sudan government in Washington.

The visiting general is also expected to meet Sudanese communities in the USA.