
newspaperA new political party in South Sudan has appeared these days in public media. The Citizen Daily News Paper is becoming a breeding ground for this proposed party. In its issue number 547 volume 8 page 11 dated 23/08/2013), someone who calls himself Luka Drane Logoye claimed that he is a campaigner of a proposed political party called African Democratic Alliance Movement (ADAM); that is good. In his article, “Adam on activities to promote Ideal Democracy”, Logoye went beyond his point and launched an undeserved contemptuous attack on the innocent SPLM-DC. Hence, the leadership of the SPLM-DC has started to wonder whether ADAM is a savior of the political situation in South Sudan or is it the biblical serpent that had deceived the humankind and brought them death. This is the mystery that seems to unfold in ADAM’s manifesto as can be read from the excerpts of its doom prophesy.

There is nothing wrong with forming political parties because this is the essence of multiparty democracy. The SPLM-DC did it in June 2009. What matters is political objectivity that the founders of the party must disseminate to the electorates and the other national parties. Instead of articulating on the policies of his new party and seek alliance with the matured parties that are already existing in reality on the ground in South Sudan, the Pan-Africanist Logaye went abusive on the SPLM-DC. This suggests unnecessary worry of his party’s conception and delivery into public in presence of the SPLM-DC. He forgot that the SPLM-DC may support his party and work together in alliance if it first passed the test of descending down to earth from Mars where it is hanging unrealistically now.

Logoye thinks erroneously that South Sudan does not exist and its people are not aware of democratic practices because they are illiterate. He thinks that there are no opposition parties in New Born Cush Nation. Where is this New Born Cush Nation? Is it in Africa or in Jupiter? How do you form a political party in a country that does not exist in reality but imagination? Is Logoye a normal rational animal really? That is why he must be given back his coin so that he re-tosses it better next time. He should learn to respect and be proud of the historic name of the Republic of South Sudan. He should learn to respect the wisdom of South Sudanese and desist from insulting them disgracefully. Who can join a party that calls South Sudan a New Born Cush and its people illiterate and undemocratic? I think ADAM is getting aborted before it could see light. No wise South Sudanese is going to recognize it!

Logaye wrote: Quote: “in order for opposition to win in the next election 2015, they must have the confidence of the people; it therefore has to be built as responsible opposition parties, not like SPLM-DC fighting just to acquire positions and material wealth.” Unquote.

Unlike other parties which call themselves oppositions while they are in the government, the SPLM-DC has not applied or claims any positions from the incumbent government. If any, the SPLM-DC has supported the government for its recent decision to downsize its cabinet. Does this amount to fighting for positions and material wealth? Or what is Logaye talking about – naïve indeed!

Furthermore, the SPLM-DC has before opposed the shut down of oil in 2011. The SPLM-DC has ever since been advising the government to downsize its cabinet. The SPLM-DC has been encouraging the Government to negotiate peace with the rebels. The SPLM-DC had and continues to pressure the government to prosecute and punish corrupt elements within. The SPLM-DC advocates for a federal parliamentary system of government, and so on.

As for making alliance with other political parties that share the same ideas, the SPLM-DC is ready. But this should not be to the point of foregoing the party objectives in order to gain the respect of the SPLM–led government or Parliament. That is how a responsible opposition works to win the confidence of the people. We are not relenting and we hope our people will understand us no matter what Mr. Logoye propagates treacherously.

The SPLM-DC has used its position very well in the parliament. But Logaye has not given himself time to follow the Parliamentary sessions in which the SPLM-DC had presented its official position with regard to the cooperation agreements with Sudan, the Abyei issue, the National budget, etc. It would be better for Logaye to consult with the Minority Chief Whip in the Parliament for detailed briefing.

Logaye says the SPLM-DC had failed to promote teamwork. He ignores that a team of any political party is seen in the composition of its institution like the National Council, the National Executive Committee, and the General and State Secretariats. What teamwork is Mr. Logaye talking about here?

What Logoye needs to be reminded to know is that it is the SPLM that had lost the respect of its members, leading to the formation of the SPLM – DC. Since then the SPLM-DC has been an opposition to the wrong policies and unfortunate actions of SPLM-led government. What respect then has the SPLM-DC is to gain from the SPLM-led Government?

As for now, the SPLM-led government is beginning to implement some of the SPLM–DC policies and recommendations. That is why the SPLM-DC has become ready to cooperate with the SPLM-led government in those areas of national concern which requires national consensus. It is a matter of joint national responsibility and not a matter of just gaining respect of the SPLM-led government.

The SPLM-DC has a manifesto and a program of action which defines what Logaye calls review of overall approach. Let him visit our offices and read our documents. We are ready to brief him at our General Secretariat in Juab in case he requests more awareness on what the SPLM-DC has been achieving.

Furthermore Logaye said: “The opposition parties seem to be only concerned running to SPLM to give them Ministerial positions and nothing more. This scramble for material wealth has become responsible for injustices, the source of corruption and tribalism.” Now, Logaye can see with his own two eyes if he is normal. Is the SPLM-DC represented in the line-up of the currently formed government in South Sudan? Is it not a contradiction to accuse the SPLM–DC of negativism, greed and hatred against the SPLM-led government when the opposite is the truth? We are praying for the day that ADAM shall be born so that it can test the bitterness of being an opposition party in a country that is led by the SPLM.

The opposition party must not go behind the scenes to contact government for underground deals. The SPLM–DC has straight forward issues to tackle with the government in a transparent manner under public scrutiny. There must be no behind-the-scene talks in matters affecting the nation at large.

The mystery of ADAM has now unfolded itself to be a matter of behind the scene talks with the Government to gain respect and recognition! ADAM shall not see light with its treacherous propaganda. It shall end up in Mars. Let Logoye toss his coin again!


Deng Bior Deng is SPLM – DC Secretary General. He can be reached at e mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.