
By James Okuk

I am not for the new rule from the Administration of this website about Issues that touch Dr. Lam Akol and Pagan Amun. This rule suggests that readers should post Biblical Verses in this website and pretend that everything is Ok. What a boring restriction from the administration of the Pachodo.org Website! Who dare much to go into the restricted members slot here! I doubt whether members open the members area in this website.


Public issues must be discussed publicly if we want to get public solutions to our problems. If the public truth is covered from being discussed and digested, I believe no change will ever come to the current mentality Collo have about themselves. In my view what should be restricted is the private truth about these two prominent politicians.

Pachodo.org Website has become popular not because it publish biblical verses of love but because it publish issues which touch Collo and Southern Sudan vividly. Once these issues are restricted from public discussion, this website will diminish the popularity it has achieved and then become boring to brows. People will not waste their time with it because there are many other alternatives.

So I appeal to the the Pachodo Website Administration to drop the decision of not publishing Articles and News Items about our best politicians Dr. Lam Akol and Mr. Pagan Amum. If we do not publish our opinions (criticisms or supports) about these sons of ours, then we are denying them popularity. Popularity comes in two ways and so we should not get irritated when it is by way of criticism. Their criticism or support shows that these two leaders are not sleeping like others; they are working and are influential. This is my opinion and you are free to reject it.