
By Jwothab Wanh Othow  

sudan.jpgSudan has been in ruin since its Independence from the British Colonialism in 1956.  For the South Sudanese, they did not see it as independence but colonialism transferred from one colonial regime to another colonial regime which is in a different form because North Sudan has dominated the political arena and denied the autonomy for the people of the South Sudan and all marginalized people.



The central government in Khartoum has created a power base which focused and concentrated in the north Sudan on social economic development in the north Sudan and has ignored the people of south Sudan and all marginalized people. It is undeniable that Islamic fascist regime in Sudan has commit the most horrifying atrocity against the marginalized people both Darfur and south Sudan. The current regime in Khartoum has designated systematic killing of civilians to eliminate the black African origins in Sudan. The Islamic fascist regime in Sudan is the most serious threat against democratic transformation in the country because the regime has created a policy of ethnic cleansing where it will remain free from challenge in the political arena. It has been more than nineteen years in power, and the concentration of power has been in the hands of few Islamist elites who are not willing to commit themselves for peace. This is the most dangerous regime and the enemy of peace and democracy in the country.  The Gabhagia or National Islamic Front (NIF) government is the world's leading sponsor of terror that continues to terrorize the Sudanese people.

The Islamists who have inherent the power of the Islamist elites in Sudan for almost two decades are committed to their agenda known as “the Islamic Project”.  This is the regime who continued launching attacks against the marginalized people in Darfur using the tactic of recruiting the Arab tribes’ militants against the people of Darfur. The Gabhagia (NIF) is the potential threat against the democratic transformation in Sudan and the region as a whole. The people have lost the faith of the current regime in Khartoum because of it policies and the continuation of terrorizing the marginalized people of Darfur. Many Sudanese believe that this regime cannot and will not be transformed because of the concentration of too much power accumulated in the hands of Islamic extremists who are not committed to implementing the peace deal that was signed in 2005, between (SPLM) Sudan’s people liberation movement and (NIF) the National Islamic Front.

The current regime made it clear when they came to power through military coup in 1989, that they have come to end the democracy and secularism in Sudan. Many people hoping that the peace deal which was signed in 2005 between the  SPLM and NIF regime would bring an end of  the bloodiest conflict in the country and  move the country to the new era but unfortunately  the regime is not willing to commit itself to the implementation of the peace deal. The Islamic fascist regime sees democracy as a threat for their agenda known as the Islamic project in Sudan. However, it is important to bear in mind that the regime is commit to pursue its agenda and will never commit itself to implement the peace deal.  The military coup of June 1989 was the NIF's response to the challenge of democracy and secularism in Sudan.  When the NIF came to power in 1989, many NIF officials claimed that they had seized the power to mark the end of democracy in Sudan.

It is very sad that the regime had signed the peace deal 3 years ago to end twenty two years of the bloodiest conflict between South and North Sudan but the NIF regime continued waging genocidal war against the people of Darfur. Many Sudanese believe that the end of the current regime would most likely be followed by the separation of the south Sudan.  The vast majority of Sudanese citizens believe the solution to save the unity of the country lies in the direction of democratic transformation in the country. The Sudanese citizens both North and South Sudan see the current Gabhagia’s regime as an evil regime that works against the Unity of the Country and the will of people.  One could ask this question: Why Gabhagia or National Islamic Front (NIF) regime has not made any written deals with the theory of their movement?   So this is evidence that what is taking place in Darfur is deliberated policies by the Gabhagia regime to drive out the African origins. The Gabhagia has been successfully using their religious Zealotry and Machiavellian policies of deception as a state of terror that terrorized its own people for almost two decades. The only way to defeat this Islamic fascist regime is through democratic transformations in which this regime could be defeated through a democratic election. Many South Sudanese believe that Unity should be based on a new basis and not by force but by the free will of the people.  It will be impossible to implement any peace in Sudan until the ruling Islamic fascist regime in Khartoum is removed, and replaced by an elected democratic government.