
I applaud all those who without hesitation condemned the undemocratic intimidation and ill designed briefing of our Vice President in Omaha Nebraska on Oct. 6th, 2012 about their intention to ban SPLM-DC.

This is a designed programme by the SPLM party to smear the image of SPLM-DC. It is a well planned campaign, whereby all members of this party, politicians, military, TV, governors, etc. have to mention this in any speech they make. The sole reason is to brainwash the minds of our people to eventually make them believe that SPLM-DC is supporting the militias and the rebels. Hence, the death of SPLM-DC and their success.

You will agree with me that this party is being used as a scapegoat for the SPLM failures to run the state. All are aware and nothing can be hidden, that the President himself Dr. Salva Kiir Mayardit said it all loud and clear: the rampant corruption, insecurity, mismanagement of public affairs, etc. What has Dr. Riek done to assist the President to fight all these evils? The answer is automatically nothing. He personally contributed to the accomplishment of these mischiefs.
He failed to advice the President, because he has reasons to do so. He thinks if the President fails in running the affairs of the State and eventually ousted he will become the successor. This is the system in which the SPLM party is being run. But the situation is different when running a country; a President is elected and not succeeded. Riek Machar is part of the failures of their present system of governance and cannot logically distance himself from it when the time of reckoning comes. Another reason for Dr Riek vicious campaign against SPLM-DC is that he plans to quit the SPLM if it does not nominate him to contest for the upcoming Presidential elections. Therefore, he would like to clear the field of the Opposition so that it will be free for him then.
That is why he has taken to his shoulder to assassinate the character of Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin who is surely the potential candidate of his party if at all there shall be elections come 2015.

If he is unable to advice the President on the critical issues threatening the state of South Sudan, can he succeed in advising other political parties?
In order not lose track of the subject of this piece which is a reply to the press statement by his office that was published on October 9th, 2012, as a correction to the speech of the Vice President in Nebraska, USA, I have the following to say: -
It came in bold letters (that is why I am using bold letters in this paragraph) by the office of the Vice President of South Sudan, Dr. Riek Teny that the briefing he made in Omaha Nebraska on Oct. 6th, 2012 was a piece of advice to the members of the SPLM-DC!

Is the writer of this press release right in his mind? What has Dr. Riek Machar to do with SPLM-DC so that he could advice its members to tell them what to do and what to avoid? When has Dr. Riek become an advisor to SPLM-DC? Who needs the advice most, is it SPLM-DC or his lamed SPLM party? With all the mess they created and continue to create, is this writer not ashamed to say that Dr. Riek was just advising SPLM-DC members? This is completely out of context a desperate move designed to correct the damage which they have inflicted on themselves.

I think Dr. Riek and his office who are already unpopular in the SPLM are losing popularity in South Sudan and are now desperately campaigning to win that confidence back. But, this time they touched the wrong button. They used to say this and that at home and everyone would applaud with SPLM Oyee whether people want it or not. But this is not applicable in the first world. People here ask questions. By intimidating SPLM-DC and talking ill of its Chairman, they thought the Diasporas would be deceived. These people live in democratic countries and believe in its principles.

The Omaha briefing was not taken simple as is the case at home. It became a subject of heated debates on the different forums, and eventually the opinion that is summing up is not in favour of the Vice President. Having found himself in an awkward situation, his office is serving us with a press release to tell us that the Vice President did not mean what he said, but it was just a slip of the tong I presume and I quote ", some people on the worldwide Internet interpreted the statement of the Vice President's wrongly and out of context". What is misinterpretation or out of context? He said it and all heard him and saw him say so, Why are you in his office trying to refute what the Vice-President said?

Another quote: "the accusation floated around for a long while". Who was making these floating accusations? In which courts did they lodge the 'accusations' and SPLM-DC did not come to the hearing? Perhaps, the office of the Vice President is not living with the events in our country. Let me refresh their minds in illustrating some past events related to these allegations.
In October 2009, just months after its 1st convention, SPLM-DC was first banned by the same government of Dr. Riek Machar. Are you not aware of the letter written by Dr. Luka Monoja to all the Governors of the 10 states to allow all the political parties to operate 'except the so called SPLM-DC'? Was the office of the Vice President not served with a copy of the letter? Or possibly you have lost it or maybe your office was simply ignored and not served with a one.

Well, SPLM-DC took it serious and went to the Constitutional Court to refute such allegations. We won the case eventually and were able to contest in the elections despite the many obstacles we faced in some States.
Again, in May 2010, just after the general elections, Pagan Amum, SPLM Secretary General, accused SPLM-DC again. We opened a case against him in Court to come up and prove his allegations. The Court requested the President of the Government of Southern Sudan to lift his immunity (he was then a Minister) so that he may appear before the court to answer for the libel case raised against him by the SPLM-DC. The President declined to respond. If they had the facts why shy away?
We made it clear in the past and repeat it now that we have nothing to do with these allegations and they are being concocted for the fear by the SPLM, because they have no strong opposition other than the SPLM-DC.
My friend from the office of the Vice President, try to live the events and if you do not know or is ignorant of the past and current events then you are a total embarrassment to office of the VP. Your twisted misinformation says it all. These accusations were challenged by SPLM-DC; it is you in the SPLM who are not strong enough to come forward with a genuine proof. You think that talking all over again like women in Andaia (bar) would prove you right.

We have many press releases issued, letters written and court cases opened, so where does this short-sighted writer from the office of the Vice President want SPLM-DC members to clear the accusations; from whom and where? We would advice this gentlemen and the Vice President not to poke their noses in businesses not concerning them.
I would like to advice the Vice President and his office that it is the responsibility of the Political Parties Affairs Council to reject or accept the registration of any political party including the SPLM. Otherwise, you have to make us understand whether that Council is a rubber-stamp falling under the direct responsibility of the office of the Vice President (one of its units). Only then would we accept that we are under the mercy of the Vice President. Hence, he has the full right to say whatever he wants to say, to advice the political parties on their eligibility to exist.

One fundamental question the office of the Vice president must answer to the general public in South Sudan is this: at this time of 'austerity measures' who is paying for the current visit of the Vice President in touring the USA which has now gone on for weeks?