N/B: This legal message is free to any tribes who might have the same problem to adopt it when it comes to it uses, and it can be modified to certify client legal interests.
How Twi Dinka people are going to protect their ancestors' identity integrity through law or law legal suits (sue)?
(1) Who is qualify to brings law suits (sues) within the Twi Dinka community citizens against the identify perpetrator (s) who happen to miss-represents or categorizes Twi (Twic) Dinka people identity, in wrong way? The answer would rely on the following lists of ours:
• Any citizen of Twi (Twic) Dinka is entitled to protect his/her natural inheritage identity integrity wherever he/she lives around the world. That means; he/she has right to sue or to bring law suits against any source (sources) that he/she thinks have miss-represented Twi Dinka people ancient or ancestral belonging like their name. Based on natural foundations or principles of society, every power begins at individual level to family unit until its reached society as whole. So we the citizens of Twi Dinka need to know that, we are first individual or family before we become Twic East County citizens (Twi Dinka), Jonglei State citizens, South Sudan citizens, African citizens, citizens of the world.
• Two or more or in group citizens of Twi Dinka community are also have right to brings any culprit (s) to law suits.
• Any entity formed by Twi Dinka community have right to sue as well. Example: Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA, Twi Society of Canada, Twic East Community of Australia, Twic East Youth of Australia, Twic East Community of Kenya, Twic East Community of Uganda, Twic East Community of South Sudan (in any towns or cities in South Sudan), Twic East County Administrations, and many other unmentioned organizations or associations around the globe, etc.
(2) As Twi citizen, you need to know your truly convictions to your ancestors' identity being an important or essential asset to your personal being before anybody else, which is of course, before it comes a general Twi (Twic) Dinka identity. Also, first and foremost, you have to believe that in your whole soul, heart, mind and body that you are protecting your ancestors' identity through dignity and integrity as it has been to many forefathers of yours. Also, commitment to your family blood chain of identity is always be your first duty before any other essential activities for your community of Twic Dinka affairs.
(3) You have right to sue or brought up law suits against any person, Government Institutions, or entities, Organizations, Companies, Institutions, Groups, Associations, Agencies, Media Agencies, News Agencies, Newspaper, Book, Article, Magazine, Any type of website, blog, etc. Whenever you have seen anyone of the above mentioned social entities have distorted your identity through wrong way you believe is an inappropriate. As citizen of Twi Dinka, your identity is like your personal name whom you don't like anyone to miss-use it, spelling it wrongly, pronounce it wrongly, identify you wrongly, etc. Because in professional world of class, it is not good to miss-use somebody name. You individually or in group, you have right to sue or brought law suits (legal procedures) against anything that you believe have brought injustice to your people identity.
(4) Before you sue or brought law suits against any person, Government Institutions, or entities, Organizations, Companies, Institutions, Groups, Associations, Agencies, Media Agencies, News Agencies, Newspaper, Book, Article, Magazine, Any type of website, blog, etc.
• First, you need to thoroughly know the area in which that particular source have miss-used your ancestors' identity.
• Second, you have to write it down or saved the message concerning your identity, author name, date, time, heading, website were the message was posted, blog, etc.
• Third, if you have lawyer or attorney already; you need to notify that source of error against your identity.
• Fourth, give that source 30 days notice to correct that error of your identity. The days notification meanings, is to shows that you are not for money or greed for other people belongings. You are truly have the absolutely intentions for your right against injustice. Also, it will convey one of our important virtues of life as people so-called Twi (Twic) Dinka, we don't like being greedy of other people belongings. If that source didn't respect your 30 days notifications; it is your green light to sues or bring law suits against wrong-doing source.
• Fifth, you might not have to hired lawyer or attorney first though if you want to gives 30 days notifications to your injustice opponent against your identity.
• Sixth, you might hire your lawyer after your injustice opponent against your identity has failed to respect the 30 days notifications deadline.
(5) You citizens of Twi Dinka have to bearing in mind that, nobody is immune when it comes to being sued (court of laws right belonging time) by true citizens of Twi (Twic) Dinka in regard to their ancestors' name protections from perpetrators, distracters, abusers, traitors, etc.
(6) The atrocity against Dinka of the Upper Nile Dinka in 1991 is now being known as the Greater Upper Nile Dinka massacre, Upper Nile Dinka massacre, and Eastern Dinka massacre. Not "Bor massacre" because that name is not including other Dinka tribes in the area who were affected by this atrocity or event. Who are these tribes of the Dinka in that area? Well, they are: Abiliang Dinka, Dongjol Dinka, Ager Dinka, Luach Dinka, Thoi Dinka, Ruweng Dinka, Paweny Dinka, Hol Dinka, Nyarweng Dinka, Twi (Twic) Dinka, Bor Dinka and many more.
(7) Suggested range of law suits' charges:
(a) Individual law suits charges should be in this range: Minimums charges: $50,000.00 and the maximums charges of your law suits should be in thousands (99,999.99) dollars and not billions or trillions.
(b) For Government Institutions, or entities, Organizations, Companies, Institutions, Groups, Associations, Agencies, Media Agencies, News Agencies, Newspaper, Book, Article, Magazine, Any type of website, blog, etc. The minimums charges should be: $100,000.00 and the maximums charges of your law suits should be in million (999,999,999.99) dollars and not billion or trillion dollars. You are advised not to go beyond any minimums charges above when it comes to any law suits you bring up against source. If you do so, you are disrespectful to your identity. And disrespectful is an insult to your own tribe integrity name. Twi (Twic) Dinka community doesn't need that devaluing your identity from you.
(8) Things you need when you go to court day against your opponent you are suing or whom you bring legal (law suits) matter to:
(1) Dinka divisions based on dialects varies among its sub-tribes
(a) (i) Ŋic (kiir/Aguiɛr) closest similar dialect branches of Mɔnyjäŋ (Dinka): Malual Giernyang Dinka, Mareng Ngok Dinka, Ruweng Dinka, Twi/Twic (West) Dinka, Thoi Dinka, Luach Dinka, Ager Dinka, Abiliang Dinka, Dongjol Dinka, Paweny Dinka, Nyarweng Dinka,Twi/Twic (East) Dinka, etc.
(b) (ii) Nyic (Ciir/Ajuiɛr) closest similar dialect branches of Jiëŋ (Dinka): Hol Dinka, Bor Dinka, Aliab Dinka, Agar Dinka, Gok Dinka, Ciec (Kiei) Dinka, Atuot Dinka, etc.
(2) 1954 Map of South Sudan or Sudan tribes for your physical evidence about Twi Dinka being an independent tribe in Monyjang (Dinka). This map evidence is for people who can't believe in oral history from elders or Historians for Dinka language.
• Links for the map: http://southsudanstories.tumblr.com/post/25110439054/1954-map-of-south-sudan-by-tribe.
• SPLA Today website: www.splatoday.com/1954 South Sudan or Sudan tribes' map.
• Also, you can go to Google browser, and click "Images" on the Google menu webpage, and type in this phrase "1954 map of South Sudan tribes" on search space.
• Please save the map (map) in safe place for your daily references.
(3) Why this tribe of Twi (Twic) Dinka is way uniquely different from the other main branches or sub-tribes of the Dinka tribe? Your answer always will rely on these few reasons below:
(a) Dialect
(b) Dialect accents
(c) Lifestyles
(d) Characteristics
(e) And so forth.
(4) How did this confusion come in between Twi (Twic) Dinka tribe and Bor Dinka tribe when it comes to their respective and uniquely different identities? Well, the problem came in when few Bor Dinka leaders or intellectuals changed the district headquarter name of these tribes' from original known name, "Mading Ngeth Agok or Mading" to their tribe name, "Bor." We believe this confusion did occur in around 1970s until the second civil war of the Sudan came in, and made it even more confusing issue.
(5) For us to be fair though, we the true citizens of Twi Dinka; we do respect Dinka Bor people, but our purposes here; they have to know that what we are pursuing here is our rights identity of our people in which the majority of Bor Dinka people truly know. Also in opposite side, if Dinka Bor people see anybody from Twi (Twic) Dinka tribe who uses their name for any benefit or wrongly as some people usually claims. And those people are not yet clear themselves totally to be Dinka Bor or he/she or that particular group is trying to mixes these respectful tribes' identities. We the true citizens of Twic Dinka are admiring that the respectful citizens of Bor Dinka are having the absolute rights to sue or bring law suits against that individual or group. Because this time, we don't need any persistent problems concerning this issue from now on among these respectful tribes of Twi Dinka and Bor Dinka when it comes to identity. Also, we need young people who don't know the different between these tribes to seeks advice from elders, and not politicians or self-interests people that are capable to bring bad living styles between these tribes who had historically been living side by side for long times without any big problems in their history in records. Furthermore, our brothers and sisters from Dinka Bor; we need to be honest here; you guys need to be aware of those self-claims as they are Bor Dinka. We know most of them, and we sometimes described them as, "conspiracy theory wolf or self-pretenders", the majority of them are basing their claims on certain interests not fact. In addition, those brothers and sisters of ours are in minority among us. Others are young people who don't know the history of Dinka. So we believe there would be no way they can success in wrong attempts. We say these stuffs to you people of Bor Dinka, because we know you are a good people or community who doesn't want to be dragged into wrong problem based on untrue claims by pretenders or they are lacking knowledge people about Dinka tribe history as whole, and also they might not know the well-known distinguishing differences these two respectful tribes have between. We know this issue is not solved, it would not allow these tribes to enjoy any appropriate relationship or unity at all.
(6) Just in case you Twi Dinka citizens, you have right to consults your elders or Historians whenever your law suits need some auxiliaries or more evidences. Please, don't ever seek advice from politicians when it comes to Dinka tribe history.
(7) And many more.
This legal procedures against any perpetrators of Twi (Twic) identity was compiling together by an anonymous group so-called True Citizens of Twi (Twic) Dinka mainly for the protections of their Ancestors' identity integrity. This group is not limit to anyone among Twi Dinka citizens who's truly believes he/she has a natural right to protects everything we the people so-called Twi Dinka stands for like it has been our ancestors duty theme to our blessing land of Twi (Twic) Dinka, and all of its essential assets since it was created.
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This message has been posted on these websites: www.twiceast.org & www.twic-time.weebly.com
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