
Australian_Flag.jpgWrtten by william Dimo

The immigration Minster Kevin Andrews says african are fighting each other forming gangs and congregating in drink in park etc.
The federal government denied it was racist.But the Minster has gone so far as to cut the numbers or pending and give the chance to Asia and middle East. The decision has been released after the muder of a young sudanese youth killed by two australian now under arrest. Most of sudanese here are suprissed and confused, because the blaming of all african including sudanese of fighting and drinking alcohol and vilonce is not true.
We are all human being and no one can accept accussing all africans because of integrattion difficulty in settling in australia.

We have responsibilties and respect and obay australian way. But any one belive that in any community in any country there is indfegul crime as two of australian who kill a sudanese man. And at last all african including sudanese are criminals and terarries according to media report, puting the blood of the man who have been killed by australian in save side behand not suspisus behaver. who is a criminal? and who died?

This issue is not simple, and Mr Minster should give appology to all africans. And the issues of how africans have difficulties of settling need basic sulotion from the Australian govenment and all african communities.

I personaly give thanks to Australian government who granted visas to many africans to come to Australia.And I hope that I will give my support to Mr prime Minster to Win the coming election becuase of him I came to Australia.

But the vision of Minster of immigration is a message to all africans, and had been said by former mayer in Sydney and Dandenong about sudanese as Mr Minster of Immigraion said.
This time is from the top and head of Immigration.
where is human rights in A country of Multiculturasim and Democracy..????