
By: Kimo Ajing Aba


Alibo Amolaker (also known by: Zachariah Abu Kalam Adig), from Pabwor, Wirreg County in Collo Land became the first collo person to pass away here in the United States of America. He arrived from Egypt with kidney failure and several more complications. On August 21 2003, he passed away and his body was buried in Anoka City in the Minnesota State. Late Alibo is from Kwar Gojadig (descendency of Gojadig) and was never married.

Then came the month of September in the year 2004, where the entire Collo people and Sudanese could not grieve enough for each one of the three, who had relatively, departed us, once at a time:

Parcila Acwil Lual, from Wau in Collo land, died in her apartment resident in Houston, Texas on September 18 2004. Prior to the coming into the USA, she had been studying in India. Her body was flown to Sudan, for final burial. She was unmarried.

Shortly after, on the 19th Pel Tor Gai, who hailed from Nasir, in Sobat, a son to Mama / Bronica Ayok Amum (Nyachi), was viciously stabbed to death at a parking lot of a nightclub in Nashville, Tennessee state. A clash apparently ensued inside the club; to which he was not a part, however, the killer followed him to where he parked his car and knifed him to the ground. His death traumatized many Sudanese at large. His body was laid to rest in Thompson Cemetery in Nashville.


Pel Tor Gai


The Grave of Pel Tor Gai in Thompson Lane Cemetery, Nashville, TN

Thereafter, Mr. Michael Kimjwok Mayik (Michael Odhor), from Tonga, Southern Collo was driving home from work, at night, on September 29 2004, when his car veered off the road and hit a wire sustaining an electric wooden log. He was pronounced death at the hospital.

Mr. Mayik left a wife, Deborah Jwok (Nyanyao) and 5children: Omujwok, Bedphiny, Mayik, Nelson, and Buyenyo. In addition, Nyachan (Deborah's sister).


The Scene of Mr. Mayik's car crash in Louisville, KY


The Grave of Michael Mayik in a Catholic Cemetery, Louisville, KY

Subsequently, the news of Mama/ Helen Nyakor William, who was married to Joseph Omol, reaped the hearts on November 24 2004 (Thanksgiving Day). She had been sick with heart complications for the last 25 years. Her stone grave stood in a cemetery in Fargo City, North Dakota. She survived seven children.

Grace was a baby girl, born to Ngor Ongethi Ajing-Police, from Palo in Pinydhway (Dulib Hill). She is NyaKwan Reth (descendency of Reth) and passed away at birth on June 20 2005. She was put to rest at St. Vincent Catholic Cemetery in Osseo City, a vicinity of Minneapolis in the Minnesota State.

I was deeply prompted by the valuable and good presence of our brothers and sisters who have departed us, in an untimely manner, to write a short biography about each one of them. I apologize for not being able to obtain photos for all.

In Peace They Rest

Kimo Ajing Aba

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