
By:Carlo James Chol

With due respect to you as one of the Elders of Collo people and one of those we the young people look forward for guidance, advice and aspiration, we are really shocked by this negative attitude you have taken to follow. You would recall that your first article was never answered to. I don't know whether you have asked yourself why? For surely, you were looking forward for any reaction from the parties you intended to hurt.

We were made to understand that your cousins and nephews talked to you very hard and tried to persuade not to writing again. Since your very near of kin spoke to you, most of the people respected that initiative and even those who were in the position to reply were eventually persuaded by this move and ceased to write. This was out of respect to you as one of elders of Collo people and the steps taken by your relatives in Sudan and abroad to alert you.

In my position as the Secretary General of Fashoda Organization and the submitter of the Urgent Appeal for Kodok Hospital, from where you based your "I stand for what I write" I am obliged to answer to part of your article especially the area where you talked about the 2nd All Collo Peace and Development Conference, the story of the presence of the President of South Sudan H.E Salva Kiir, His Majesty Reth Kwongo Dak Padiet and Kodok Hospital. That conference was organized by Fashoda Social and Benevolent Organization in collaboration with other Collo communities in Khartoum, Kenya, Malakal, Kodok, Renk, Wadakona just to mention some and not the SIC. I would like you to understand the difference. If you do not differentiate between politics and social issues at your age, then it is a tremendous disaster.

I personally do not know who the so called Shilluk International Congress is. In fact I am opposed to these ways of writings where unknown cowardice people write without exposing themselves. What they wrote was their own opinion, to which you people replied in the relevant manner. We the organizers invited both H.E. Salva Kiir and H. Majesty Reth Kwongo Dak as the guest of Honour and Patron of the conference respectively.During the opening of the Conference both did not come. None of our reports said that they were in full attendance of the conference. There was no reason at all why we should change the titles of guest of honour and patron since both have accepted the invitations. Even in their absence they remained the distinguished guests of the conference, and we are very proud of that. To make things clear to you, before the conference the delegation sent to Fashoda to give the programmes file were warmly received by His Majesty Reth Kwongo Dak Padiet. As for H.E Salva Kiir, he delegated one of his ministers who failed to come. He also donated an equivalence of $30,000 for the conference, which is now in the account of Fashoda Organization. As for the story of Kodok Hospital for which you asked for investigation, please go ahead. What we did is charity work and falls under our responsibility as a non governmental humanitarian organization. The donation was to Fashoda County and not to Upper Nile Government; therefore, there is no question at all about the Minister of Health to receive the items. It is not true that the nurse stood in the place of a doctor. What is meant here is that there was no doctor, for which the area deserves. This is a call to our people worldwide to sympathize with the situation and to experience the humiliation of Collo Kingdom putting Kodok as an example. On the administrative part, the commissioner who had to go to Malakal due to some border disputes with the Dinkas of Akoko, delegated the Executive Director to receive the items on his behalf. Mind you that the Commissioner was always present during the conference in Malakal, therefore he is aware of the donations.

The mocking way you compared between the authority in Great Britain with H. E. Salva Kiir and H.M Reth Kwongo is no more than sending a signal to H. Majesty that you know longer believe in his powers as King of Collo. You may have your own way of Analysis it and understanding but as for us Collo people if you are not one of them, Reth is King, ruler, inspirer, the guide and hope. It is through this throne that we have survived years of wars and through it we are one of the most venerated tribes in the whole world through our system of law and culture. As Collo we shall raise our king high even higher than any power on Earth. Who is now a liar, a misleader or a hypocrite? At your age I thought you would be an inspiration, but it proved now that you are just an opportunistic who found his way up in politics through luck and the absence of real educated people. If it is not you writing now that you are being labeled as an Abedh Ngony, nobody would have known that. You based this labeling on gossip from some people in Juba and Malakal without mentioning who those people are. Well, was it necessary at all to mention that if you have become one?

What you wrote about your achievements during your political life is the example the young and the pioneering politicians are after.