
By: Ogeryath Oger
By: Ogeryath Oger


The countless conflicts that occurred in South Sudan over the previous years have left negative impacts in the minds of most of the South Sudanese, these conflicts have inflicted pain, hatred and led to the development of divisions and very dangerous ideas in the minds of most of the masses especially the youths and among these dangerous ideas are vengeance and violence and the country is now divided and at a risk of breaking into pieces as we can all observe from the honest point of view. Vengeance and violence are the products of negative impacts of the conflicts and killing that we practiced for years and therefore these originate from our own faults and misunderstandings.

The atmosphere in South Sudan nowadays isn’t promising nor is it progressive but it can be described as tense and dangerous since the minds of the masses have been modified by the conflicts/wars that occurred among us as many people lost their beloved ones, land, property and dreams. Those who lost their families and land have complex feelings related to vengeance and violence as a result of the losses they incurred during the period of the conflicts. The persistence of violence and vengeance has therefore become a disease which needs to be treated carefully not through politics or mere peace conferences but through long term life projects that must go on for years in order to eradicate such feelings and acts.

The behavior modification is therefore the best option from which we can drill the mental change that we desire in order to transform South Sudan. The masses in the country need to be educated mentally and reconciled truthfully and this process helps the masses to rediscover the sense of nationalism and drive the feelings of violence, vengeance and tribalism far from our attention. The biggest mistake that we must avoid from taking place must be the “preaching based on the tribal lines with negative feelings directed towards specific tribes”. Such preaching modifies our thoughts and the ability to mingle with one another freely and openly on top of that the negative preaching as well becomes part of the growing young ones in our communities whose thoughts are later affected and instead of communities raising nationalists they instead produced tribalists which is the continuation of wars, hatred, tribalism and vengeance.

So in order to build South Sudan which is peaceful and binding, the behavior modification should be the project that we must focus on to rescue ourselves from vengeance and violence in the years to come. We must forget the creation of mere political parties and focus on social projects that can heal South Sudanese from the problems they find too hard to forget and overcome. Therefore the political parties if created must offer social programs that can uplift the masses to become lovers of their own country with all its diversities and bring into existence youths who are united and open minded to progress and truthfulness.