
Bahr el Ghazal © wikipedia
Bahr el Ghazal © Wikipedia

The people of Bhar El Ghazal region have formed a community leadership council known as "Bhar El Ghazal Community leadership Executive Council ( BECLEC)" in its meeting held at crown hotel on Tuesday, 12th January 2021 to work for the welfare of Bhar El Ghazal region, with "we finish what we start" as a motto. The formation came amid disunity among various communities in the four states of Bhar El Ghazal region. This community council seeks to achieve some of the following objectives:

1. Massive campaign for disarmament across Bhar El Ghazal region.

2. To lower pride prices to less than 20 cows per a girl.

3. Advocates for education of children, especially the children of the veterans, heroes and heroines.

4. Increases compensation of an intended killing to over 100 cows

5. To lobby for the establishment of four universities in the four states of Bhar El Ghazal region, and to operationalize the universities that were initiated and built.

6. Ensure immediate resumption of Juba- Bhar El Ghazal road, or by consent of the people of Bhar El Ghazal, change the construction company of China to other competent and skilled companies. As many inconveniences emerged for over three years since the inauguration of Juba- Bhar El Ghazal road, the people of Bhar El Ghazal region through their community leadership, shall take over the responsibility of supervision.

7. Restores eroded cultures and traditions, and promotes sports.

8. Establish highly equipped health facilities across the region.

9. Advocates for the recognition of Abyei as part of Bhar El Ghazal region and South Sudan at large.

10. Mobilize the region to respect its sons holding political portfolios in the country.

Below is the interim leadership:

1. Simon Machuar Manhkeracnaak, Interim President

2. Meen Gabriel Chol Kuac, interim Vice President

3. Deng Othou Madut, Secretary General

4. Machol Babur Machol, secretary for finance