
Ogeryath Oger 

By: Ogeryath Oger


”if you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done ask a woman”


The pillar of a strong and well-built family is a human with endless patience and trust, a person of great abilities and astonishing care and that human is a woman. No one can deny the special and positive role played by women during the liberation struggle and throughout the history of mankind as well as their struggle for our daily survival.

A woman surpasses man in the core aspects of life that build a family and a nation. If we desire to lift South Sudan to a higher level of social, economic and political development as well as moral transformation, we must turn our attention with positive hearts and minds to the exceptional ones who are the mothers of all (women).

For they are equipped with natural skills that we can use to create a country that is peaceful and secure. For they are full of peace and humanity that we seek and desire to achieve and build. We can make tremendous progress when women are involved in decision making because through them families stand firm and strong.

In most of the countries that we admire today, women were previously ignored and neglected merely because of physical weaknesses but with time, men realized that the secrets of good governance, development, progress and peace are hidden in the invisible mental abilities of a woman. We are what we are today because of a  strong woman who from our birth stood strongly with us throughout all the life situations be it hunger, thirst, poverty, wars even death.

In feeding the communities they are at the forefront even in teaching the core values of life. Why then are they under looked in governing the country? Their exclusion from decision making can be described as a grave mistake. We must change our thoughts and welcome the women on the stage to help us lift the country together. For where there is a woman, there is progress and they act as a beacon of light in the darkest time.

Where is South Sudan in terms of opportunities given to women? We should change the way we view women in our country since they have got abilities which men can’t surpass though given millions of chances to try because they own those abilities. Therefore we should consider a woman a gift and let us borrow their great ideas through involving them in the decision making process for better South Sudan tomorrow. For if this country is to walk towards progress, peace and development, women must be viewed as saviors and included in the decision making in  South Sudan for they will direct us towards the right path and help us in the time of difficulties.

For they are exceptional and should not be ignored or neglected. “There is no limit to what a woman can accomplish” and may God bless South Sudan and Africa.     

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