
Dear, Acwany Adam,

Thank you for your good try for proposing other new Counties of great Fashoda in the Pachodo. Org Web on 23/8/2011.your trying will let you and others know what you and others don’t know.

According to the Local Government Act of 2009, Chapter 1V, Section (21), Sub-section (1), the criteria for the creation and establishment of the Local Government Councils shall be as provided for in Appendix 1 of this Act taking in to account the following-

(a) Size of the territory;

(b) Population;

(c) Economic viability;

(d) Common interest of law and communities ;and

(e) Administrative convenience and effectiveness.

In Chapter XV, Section 135, Appendix 1 as mentioned above, sub-Section (1).

A County Council shall be created on the following basis:-

(a) The size of a population of (70,000-100,000);economic viability (35%-45%) of total annual budget; common interest of the communities and effectiveness (organizational ability and ease in territorial coverage and communication access);

(b) The Boma as the Basic Administrative Unit of the County shall have a population of (5,000-10,000 people);

(c) About (3-4) Bomas shall constitute a Payam;and

(d) About (3-4) Payams shall constitute a County.

A county is created base on the above mentioned Criteria .We have (79) Counties in the (10) States of the Republic of South Sudan .There are (13) thirteen Counties in Upper Nile State which has more Counties in the South compare to the Western Bhar el Ghazal State(Wau) that has less only (3)three Counties. For me there is no need for creating extra Counties in our Great Fashoda. Our (4) four Counties fit the criteria mentioned above. E.g. the (79) million SDG Block Grant transfer from the GOSS of the approved budget of 2011 for the Counties development was supposed to be divided among (79) seventy nine Counties of the South according to the Local Government Board proposal, but it was divided among the (10) States. Why, the reason was that, in the workshop that was called by the Minister of Finance of GOSS in collaboration with the Local Government Board in June this year in which all Counties Commissioners, Executive Directors and senior officials from Ministries of Finance from (10) States were called for budget discussion .It was clear that the other (9) States agreed that the above mentioned amount have to be divided among (10) States and every State will divide her money among its Counties. They went so far saying that Upper Nile State have created more Counties on the political basis not on the criteria mentioned above. Therefore, they said that it is up to our State to divide the GOSS grant money allocated to it to the (13) thirteen Counties.


Divide (79) million among the (10) Ten States = 79/10 = 7.9 million for each State. i.e. 7,900 SSP.

Take action division from the (3) three States of old Great Regions.

1- Divide 7.9 million among the (13) thirteen Counties of UNS (Malakal) = 7900/13 =607.692 SSP for each County.

2- Divide 7900 SSP among the (3) three Counties of WBS (Wau) = 7900/3 = 2,633 SSP for each County.

3- Divide 7900 SSP among the (6) sixth Counties of CES (Juba) =7900/6 = 1,317 SSP for each County.

If the above mentioned amount were to be divided among the (79) seventy nine Counties according to the proposal of the Local Government Board, each County Would have gotten only (1) one million South Sudanese Pounds. Compare the above mentioned figures which State is benefiting much from the ROSS grants. Actually, we need the quality Counties not the Quantity Counties in the Republic of South Sudan , therefore in the future times, there will be a committee that will be formed by H.E. the President of the Republic of South Sudan to revise all (79) Counties . Any County that does not fit the above mentioned criteria will be abolished or be annexed to any other County because there are other Counties in the South created in other Counties land.

In my conclusion, supporting to your proposal, there is only need for creating extra Payams in (2) two Counties of Panyikang and Fashoda .In the coming days I will try to bring to you and the Pachodo.Org readers the procedures taken to create A County before the criteria mentioned above is taken.

For more information I can be reached through my email .

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