
In the Greek Philosophy of politics and government, when the debate was so hot about the power of the philosopher-king and need for him to rule the people and contain the arising crises, philosopher Plato  came up and asked: Ok, we have known now the king should rule the people but who will rule him and who will contain his crisis?

It was very difficult to give an answer because all were afraid to disappoint the king. But later, philosopher Aristotle took the courage to say: the philosopher-king should be ruled by the constitution that gives power back to the people in case he immerses himself into crisis of corruption from too much love for absolute power.
I hope Mr. MP Timothy Chol, the Chairperson of the Executive and Legislative Cluster in SSLA had read and learnt some lessons from history of constitutions makings, and he would have asked the same questions of Plato, and perhaps, got convinced by the answer of Aristotle.

Dr. James Okuk.