"The voice crying in the Wilderness" Kierkegaard
Introduction:"Glory to God in the Highest heaven, and Peace on earth to those with whom he is pleased" (GNB- Luke 2:14).And happy are those who work for peace; God will call them his children. (GNB Matt. 5:9).
At the beginning I would like to make my intention clear for writing this paper. What is it? It is about my concern for my beloved country, South Sudan which is just emerging as the independent state in Africa. I would like to see this country to be peaceful and her people to live in peace and enjoy their God's given wealth (oil, gold, gas, good agricultural land, rivers, fish, wildlife, cattle and forest). This will surely, calls for intensive and extensive development activities especially rural development which must be carried out evenly and based on the basic needs of the people as they express them. However, for any development activities to take place in the South Sudan, reliable peace is the priority. This is because in most cases peace and development go together. In fact peace is another name for development and development is another name for peace. No meaningful human development can take place without relative peace. I shall come back to this point. Never-the-less, the peace which I am talking about is the one that comes from God as the gift to human beings, with God's help; it goes into the heart, mind and soul of individual believer and produces peaceful co-existence among the people. This will be discussed briefly under three (3) headings as follow:
The importance of peace for the people of South Sudan.
The promotion of peaceful co-existence among the people of South Sudan.
The formation of the new inclusive interim government of South Sudan (NIIGOSS), and finally the conclusion.
Having stated these epitomized points, now I would like to expand on the capsule points as follow:-
I- The Importance of Peace for the people of South Sudan.
The importance of peaceful atmosphere was experienced by the people of South Sudan during the process of voting for Self-determination which started on January 9th-15th, 2011. The process of voting was completely peaceful, orderly, free, fair, and transparent. People patiently waited in long lines for their turns to vote. In Malakal Township, for example Bam, some young men spent the night in one of the voting centres. They did this to make sure that they will be the first to vote in the morning of the 9th January 2011, when the centre opens its doors. A young man I interviewed informed me that when he went to his voting centre at about 2:45 a.m, he found that the line was already long. He said that people were eager to vote. Why? I asked. He said that "we were voting for our land, our freedom not for political parties". The same story I heard from many people I talked to in tea drinking places and church not only the ordinary citizens who testified to the peacefulness of the voting for self-determination of the South Sudan, even the chairperson of the South Sudan Referendum Commission (SSRC) Prof. M.I. Khalil boldly stated that "voting was peaceful, free, fair, and transparent". It was good that he testified to the peacefulness of the voting process. If it was not so, probably, the high percentage of 98.3% would have not been achieved. However, peaceful atmosphere is not only needed for voting for self-determination, it is needed for entire life of Independent South Sudan. Peaceful South is pre-requisite for "community based" development, but now the crucial question is, will this peaceful atmosphere generated by the Referendum be maintained in the life of Independent South Sudan? How will peaceful co-existence between and among the people of South Sudan are promoted? How will peaceful experience gained during the voting for self-determination is kept in the life of the people of South Sudan? Each Southerner however, should answer for her/him self. But please note with care the following presentation/suggestions:
II - The Promotion of Peaceful co-existence among the people of South Sudan:
Peace! What would life be like, if people everywhere lived at peace with one another? What is it like where there is no peace? What stands in the way of peace? (Peace: United Bible Society).
The people of South Sudan witnessed the importance of peace during the process of voting for the future of South Sudan in referendum, Jan. 9-15, 2011. The process of voting was peaceful. That was the reason why the results were high 98.3%. The peaceful atmosphere generated by voting for self-determinations must be maintained and promoted through out the life of the Independent South Sudan. Is this an ambitious statement? Of course to maintain peace in South Sudan is not going to be easy going. But whatever leadership will lead the South in the Interim Period that leadership will have to make peace the priority in July, 2011, in the whole of South Sudan. Some people I interviewed here in Malakal Town stressed that if South Sudan has to live in peace and develop, economically, socially and politically, there must be provision of peace and security. Peaceful co-existence among the people must be the priority. To have peace and to maintain security, the Government of the Interim Period, which hopefully, starts in July 2011, must be Inclusive that is it must include all political parties of South Sudan. This is good for peace and for the people of South Sudan. And to promote relative peace and peaceful co-existence in the South Sudan or in the Republic of South Sudan (ROSS), the Inclusive Interim Government of ROSS must ensure that peace dialogue continues between political parties in the South Sudan throughout the life Republic. Civil Society, youth and women should also be included in such a peace dialogue. Young people are the majority in South Sudan. They could be 80% of the population. Their role is critical in peace dialogue and peace education.
III. The formation of the New Inclusive Interim Government of South Sudan (NIIGOSS).
Government like the authorities in the Universities, have a mentality; if only they can hold out for long enough, they can hope that pressuring groups will disappear or change. (John Dearlove quoted by Wren in his Education for Justice, page 90)
The idea of Inclusive Government of South Sudan comes from the fact that the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) has ended, so is the current elected Government (April 2010) which was created by it. May be I could be wronged, but it may not be surprised if it is dishonored. But the CPA which NCP and SPLM signed in 2005 witnessed by 14 countries could not be wronged. This is what CPA says about itself and the Government it created.
" at the end of six (6) years Interim Period there shall be an Internationally monitored referendum , organized jointly by GOS and the SPLM/A for the people of South Sudan to: confirm the unity of the Sudan by voting to adopt the system of the Government established under the Peace Agreement or to vote for secession" (CPA 2.5 page 8
Of course the people of South Sudan voted peacefully and the result was (98.3%) for secession. The vote for separation has brought to the end CPA and its elected government. So the Independent South Sudan will have a New Inclusive Interim Government beginning in July 2011, and this New Inclusive Interim Government will rule the South until general elections take place in 18 months time or 24 months time depending on the period that will be agreed upon by the people of Independent South Sudan. Never-the-less, changes in the structure of the present Government is inevitable, and challenging.
The new structure of the Inclusive Government of South Sudan which will come with Independence in July 2011 must be viewed as signs of peace and unity in South Sudan. It is the forerunner of the Government of the future.
In this connection, the government created by Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) will end together with CPA and will be replaced by the New Inclusive Interim Government of South Sudan (NIIGOSS) in July 2011. Of course, this is going to be a difficult process which will be a challenge to the ruling party (parties). But it must be done democratically. Genuine democratic process of leadership change, may call for peaceful democratic transformation of the country. This is a challenge for South Sudan, and its people. In this process of change some people in the de factor government may loose their positions. Loosing lucrative ministerial or Presidential positions through democratic change in the third world is not easy. It is a matter of life and death for African leaders to leaving the attractive offices (Presidents, Prime Ministers) when their terms of the office come to the end. "Sudanese billionaire established an award system which could be awarded or prized to any African President (Prime Minister) who leaves office at the end of his fixed term(s).
If this happened, he would be awarded $5 million over ten years and $200,000 each year for the rest of his life." The first African President to benefit from the prize of Mr. Ibrahim was former President of Mozambique, Joaquin Chissano. But why did Mr. Ibrahim set up the "MO Ibrahim Prize for Achievement in African Leadership?" Mr. Ibrahim did this because many African Leaders are reluctant to leave power because they no longer have access to the perks of office (Maathai 2009: 116). However, to strengthen her argument for the reasons why African leaders are glued to public offices, Maathai quoted BBC News, saying that, "Suddenly all the mansions, cars, food, wine is withdrawn. Some find it difficult to rent a house in the capital. That incites corruption; it incites people to cling to power. The prize will offer essentially good people, who may be wavering, the chance to opt for the good life after office." (BBC News. Oct. 26, 2006)
In addition she went on to remark contemptuously that "it may seem scandalous that a leader has to be enticed by a political award, not to be corrupt or to cling to power."
Viewed from what is happening from some parts of Africa and Arab World, the remark of Maathai is in its place. It is hard to make political and democratic change with courage and integrity. Resisting peaceful democratic change or power sharing could lead to conflict and war in such places like Sudan or South Sudan. This is alluded to by United State Commission on International Religious Freedom, when it says "conflicts within South stems from clashes over access to land, resources that are exacerbated ----.
However, the critical question is, will the New Inclusive Interim Government of South Sudan be formed, and who will form it? Of course these questions will be dealt with by South- South Constitutional Dialogue. It will, I believe, prepare the way for setting up the NIIGOSS. But in order for the NIIGOSS to be created, the current GOSS will have to resign in order to make room for NIIGOSS. For continuation purpose, it will be good for the current President of South Sudan to continue as the President of Republic of South Sudan until after general elections which may take place after the expiration of the NIIGOSS. The continuation of the current President will provide the link between the past, the present, and the future.
III- The Formation of the New Inclusive Interim Government of South Sudan (NIIGOSS)
Based on the intelligence of the interviewees, it was suggested that beginning from July 9th 2011, until the end of New Inclusive Interim Period the South Sudan will be administered by NIIGOSS. This Government, I believe, should represent SPLM and other Southern Political Parties. This was the view expressed by some people interviewed (names not mentioned). During the course of conversation it was suggested that the representation of the parties be 50% from SPLM and 50% from other political parties of the South Sudan. This of course applies to all levels of governments and the legislative assemblies. It was further indicated that all parties mentioned should make sure that they include 25% of the women in their membership. This of course will depend on what the constitutional dialogue will decide, but the aspiration of the citizens of South Sudan must be taken into consideration.
It is good to share power during this period of the Interim, because this is the period for preparation for general elections after which elected government of the Republic of South Sudan will be installed. Even at that point, the government form will be the government of National Unity, if people of the South understand the concept of nationalism. In my view the New Inclusive Interim Government of the Republic of South Sudan is like John the Baptist who prepared the way for the coming of Jesus Christ. Take note of the teaching of John the Baptist about the preparation for the coming of Jesus. Can the Inclusive Interim Government of South Sudan be like John the Baptist in preparing the road in which the ROSS will travel until it reach the time for holding fair and critable general elections which will produce the elected Government of ROSS?. ""Yes it can". However, to make straight road for the Republic of South Sudan to travel, the people of ROSS especially the leadership must repent, forgive each other, reconcile with each other to have peaceful co-existence, live in love and unity, but the road on which the ROSS travels must be paved with the following: Social justice and righteousness; equality (general education, especially giving scholars, employment, production, payment of salaries in time); freedoms (press, speech, religions, freedom of freedoms);development/transformation of rural and urban areas- Infrastructure; real democracy. (Democracy as defined by A. Lincoln that is "Government of the people, by the people and for the people" is hard to find in traditional of South Sudan? This also applies to terms nation and nationality; civil education about peace and democracy; peaceful co-existence; establishment of mixed ethnic boarding schools all of the ROSS.
Never-the-less, there are things which could make the road difficult to travel on. NIIGOSS or ROSS has to "make a straight pass for ROSS"John 1:23 until it reaches the date for general elections after which the elected government of ROSS will be installed as Government of National Unity. The things which must be removed and discarded before the installation of ROSS are: Corruption, torture, fighting and killing of innocent people, children, old people, youth, men and women. Fear of SPLA/M ( it is reported that when SPLA soldiers come to the village the whole village run away fearing that SPLA soldiers are going to kill them and take their property. People who are overwhelmed with greediness for money, women, cattle and power must be challenged. The new Republic of South Sudan must avoid militarization it institution. ROSS must formed commission to address cattle raiding for it is stumble-block to its existence. Intra tribal conflict and animosity must be challenge and minimize by all cost. Intra-SPLA/M conflict should be address for keeping peace. Borders conflicts among the counties within the south Sudan Nation should be dealt with thoroughly to guarantee harmony living between people. Fear of democracy and oppositions must be rule out, for it stops people to progress. Fear of change is destructive enemy that speed up tension and conflict. It is necessary to empower Ant-Corruption Body to be fully independent, in order to deal with any ruling class that becomes rich unlawful while poor people becoming poor and poorer. ROSS must establish system that prevents SPLA getting involved in collecting taxes in rural areas. Delay of salaries of government officials and workers must be brought to an end, so that the leadership gets its salaries and allowances in time that may reduced the level of corruption.
The New Inclusive Interim Government will have a clearing house when it begins operating in July 2011. This action of clearing the house is critical because the peoples of South Sudan are going to create something new (a nation) which did not exist in the past. The new nation with the new: New name; new flag; new currency; new national anthem; new long border with the North; new International borders and new Nation with new heart, new mind and new soul.
This new Nation will join the family of International community in July 2011. We imagine it to be like the new earth and new heaven which prophet Isaiah talked about when he said that the Lord says "I am making a new earth and the new heaven. The events of the past will be completely forgotten. Be glad and rejoice for ever in what I create. The New Jerusalem (the new South Sudan) I make will be full of joy, and her people will be happy. I myself will be filled with joy because of the Jerusalem and her people. There will be no weeping, no calling for help. Isaiah 65: 17-18.
If the people of Republic of South Sudan (ROSS) think that this is what their Lord is saying about them, then the nation must repent, forgive, reconcile and stands on new ground of peace and unity. In that way, hopefully, ROSS will probably join the International Community. For ROSS to survive peace and unity must be the priority.
Concluding Remarks:
The title of the paper is South Sudan, Peace the Priority. This was discussed under sub-titles such as: the importance of peace and peaceful co-existence in the South Sudan, and the formation of the New Inclusive Interim Government of the Republic of South Sudan (NIIGOSS) our hope for peaceful Republic of South Sudan is base on what happened during the voting for self- determination. At that time there was peaceful atmosphere all over South Sudan. The voting process was peaceful, fair and transparent. That was why the result was (98.3%). We need justice, peace, law and order, and unity. Peace is critical for the life of the Republic of South Sudan. If there is no peace it will be difficult to carry out rural development.
The truth and concern for peaceful ROSS that is going to emerge on the 9th of July 2011 are expressed by many organizations and groups. These groups and organizations wish ROSS a success. To give an example, US Commission on International Religious Freedom expressed its wishes for peaceful South Sudan. This is what it said, " the GOSS is to be representative of all the entire South---- reflecting the diversity of the South---- the decentralized system of governance in the South is part of an effort to ensure that all communities have access to the GOSS. However, there are reports that State and Local Governing Institutions are being dominated by the majority group in the area to exclusion of others increasing local tension" (USCIRE, page 8, September 21, 2010). However, for the coming Republic of the South Sudan (ROSS) peace must be the priority.
Rev Ezekiel Kutjok
Moderator, DHP/PCOS
Former General Secretary of Sudan Council of Churches
Malakal, UNS (0121069811, 09197562899)
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