
Dr. Riak MacharPoor Dr. Riak Machar and the daunting missions of GOSS, is heart breaking. The man had for long been working as a shock absorber to clean the linens of all the messes exhausted by the throttling GOSS bad governance and bad public relationships.

Why was Riak dispatched to Khartoum to face the furious northern leadership and absorbs the bumps of the political turbulence? The answer could easily be fished out that is; Dr. Riak is the only one who can presentably be accorded with some respected by the partner of the CPA the NCP. All others might be refused to meet the president or V/P as what happened to the other ministers.

But if the mandate is within the frame of peace seeking, why is it done by Dr. Riak, where is the minister of peace, where is the minister of foreign relationship? Dr. Riak is the only one that commands some respect in GOSS if at all there is any remaining piece of respect between the two governments. But not why Salva himself to courageously face Omar since the issue of Abyei is part of the program in the presidency? Dr. Riak had been holding dossiers not pertaining to his office, he had been given the LRA issue, the internal boarders, the committee for pending issues between the two parties,the SSPPF etc. When he was about to conclude the task, his efforts were usually frustrated by those who neither work nor let others to work. Many ministers are on record for poor performance and yet not asked to resign. One clear example is the minister of humanitarian affairs of GOSS who led the people( voluntarily repatriated), suffer at the stations with their baggage on the trucks awaiting to be ferried to the south just before the referendum, but the money had not been paid.

He(Riak) had taken upon himself the daunting missions some so dangerous like when he walked to Gen. Tang Nginye with bare chest during Malakal incident which he diffused successfully. He had convince Tang again to surrender to SPLA and now Tang is impending a military tribunal. I think it is time for Dr. Riak to clearly study a mission he is about to undertake.

The office of V/P of GOSS had also under taken to do some amendments in the DTCSS on 34 articles, the most important of which is the removal of 101 (r) and (s) which had given the president the right to dissolve a legislative assembly or remove an elected governor. But to whether these proposals in TDCSS will be accepted into Luk Jok’s document, remain to be desired. The V/P is thanked for his concern and offering amendments. However, these are not far reaching enough as the decentralization can not guarantee the implementation. Thus any thing less than federalism is defective. The amendments by the office of V/P had remain silent on power sharing, interim period and Abyei status.

To come back to why the mission of Dr. Riak failed. First the president of state is not sure that what took place in Abyei was isolated as the president of GOSS disclosed in his press conference in Juba. Secondly, if it was an isolated incident, Salva should have been the first to condemn it and talk to the president. In the press conference the president of GOSS was very hard on the president of the state about Hallaib and others. How would he be in the mood to welcome his 1ST V/P. Even Salva knows this, that is why he had to send Dr. Riak Machar