
It seems to become clearly true what Jaballa used to say previously that Southerns will be incapable to govern themselves. This is applicable by now when you observe carefuly what is happening in the whole South, you will come to this conclusion that we are behind viable Independence State that supposed to begin showing up its capability in running or shouldering its own affairs.

Convincingly, it does not mean that among us, we could not find capable cadres to lead our nation but because all were affected by backwardness diseases called tribalism, nepotism, segregation, favoritism, and the worse one is corruption that is eminent in all Government sectors that made us non-productive.

The bad image portray by (GOSS) Government such as dishonoring it own agreements, plainly example is South –South dialogue resolutions, which the GOSS agreed upon and now is not being implemented in letter and spirit as it was agreed by all political parties. All are aware that it was that forum which brought momentum unity among southern political parties, which was great blow to our northern parties that never thought that the southerners could unity easily, knowing that southern political parties were been rivalry among ourselves for a long times. In fact that political unity had contributed successful to turnout in referendum registration and voting.

Disgraceful some members within ruling party in South are working very hard to dismantle the whole agreement that forced some opposition political parties to call off their participation in Constitution Review Commission, arguing that the ruling party manipulates everything. Indeed, this short coming will let the South to mope around without achieving it goals. Up to this moment the ruling party still regards opposition parties as traitors, despite the fact that they had participated thoroughly in referendum. It seems that SPLM does not want any opposition political parties on the ground and this disagreement is mounting high and may reduce excitement victory of referendum into mourning, and brotherhood joyful moment into enmity, and relative peace into instability and insecurity. If southerners are not keen enough this irritation tension may escalate war. The situation we are in now demand wisdoms and courage from all political parties to countenance every party to avoid setback by all costs.

If southerners wish for bright future of Republic of South Sudan, they must tirelessness avoid contentious baseless issues that may drag them into new conflict which all parties will not be ready to bear. I think it is healthy to continue enjoying contentment referendum spirit. Indeed, to advance our national goal which is independence of South Sudan on 9July, all political parties must be continent as contingent for national goals rather than party aspiration. To ensure tranquility peace in independence South Sudan, ruling party must granted opposition parties counter-balance, in order to avoid counter-insurgency

Regrettable since the formation of Anti-Corruption Commission some years back, it had never manages to suit any person who embezzled public funds to the court of law? Why the reasons are obvious, it hard for appointee members of this Commission to suit his master who gave him green pasture for survival. Another bad example that needs to be challenge by national Government of Republic of South Sudan is the question of contracts offer by GOSS on blood relationship to contractors with bosses or on close friendship, if you observed careful some of those contractors never delivered any tangible service for which they signed the contracts and they were seal by their relatives in governmental offices, decisively arguing that the state had received the commodity for which they realize public funds to the contractors. Therefore, if we wish to have true development in the whole we must get rid of favoritism. Today in Juba, if you have no relative in any governmental institution to forward your documents then you will miss opportunity to win any contracts even if you have all legitimate requirements.

Vivid frustrating and turmoil experience the South underwent last two months was massacred of innocent people in Fangak County in Jongelei State, where most people who perish in that tragedy cold blood madness killing were repatriated citizens from the North. Up to this time no major step was taken by the GOSS to ensure that such atrocities action may not occur again in future, except declaration of war by the President against renegade George Athor which ends is uncertain. Hard lines and war mocker within SPLM party proclaim war as only solution not knowing that it consequences will be real expensive to new born nation. Indeed, due to lack of constructive tangible decision taken by the GOSS, the people who lost their loving one may try to take the law by themselves in form of revenge and that will speed up insecurity and instability in the whole South. What happened in Fangak can speed up tribal conflict between Dinka and Nuer if it is not address carefully. O southerners let minimize the conflicts because it will affect all of us without exception.

Another heartbroken example is the incident which happened in Upper Nile State between SPLA and so- called Chollo Land Defense forces, on 6 March 2011 that led to lose of lives of innocent people. Extremely since that conflict spark up nothing was said by the Upper Nile State Government indicating the problem. But it silence was the only kind of denying the facts, arguing that the security is good but Shockley it security organs refused U.N to visit the site of conflict to observe the situation on the ground.

Sadly the people who were killed in that war especially among Chollo Land Defense Forces were prevented by SPLA not to be buried and were left over to rotten. Moreover, wounded people were eliminated by national army of South Sudan, or not to be brought to Malakal hospital for medical treatment. Shameless thing committed by SPLM is relocated such Forces in Dur for purpose of integration and on the process of integration SPLM order his forces to massacre those Chollo Land Defense Forces, and the reason for military action is not known up to now.

The whole world is not aware about the genocide which is taking place in Malakal, children of two years are being kill by SPLA troops, women, and elderly people who have no power to wage war with SPLA were also murdered by those who claimed to be national army. Surprisingly the UNIMS is doing nothing despite the fact that these atrocities are happening before their eyes. The question that bothering me, what was the point for deployment of UNIMS in such places, I thought it was for safety and protection of civilians. In case if it is for their own goodness and to enrich themselves wrongly without execute the duties for which they were brought in. Then it is much better for General Secretary of United Nation to remove such forces in Malakal because it is baseless to have them on ground.

Presumably, this Chollo Land Defense forces were compile by the circumstance to make suicide attempt to attack Upper Nile State Capital Malakal, in order to draw the Government attention, so that they may feel the same pain they underwent in previous days without State notice. Dreadfully suicide attempt on 13 March 2011, forced the Government of GOSS and Upper Nile State to announce that Malakal was attacked by militia belong to George Athor under commander of Olony. Honestly, I’m too skeptical about Chollo defense forces linked with George Athor. For entire Chollo regarded George Athor as master minded who fuel up land conflict between Chollo and Dinka community. For peaceful co-exist between Dinka and Chollo the GOSS must contrast the question of renegade George Athor from Land Defense Forces. It was GOSS mangling national affairs in expense on other communities that forced this group to take weapons out of frustration to protect their lands from invaders supported by GOSS.

Specifically when George Athor clan rivalry Gier chuang clan on matter related to their County, the President Salva Kir, himself issued a decree instituting that County in Chollo land, in place called Pijo. Up to this moment people of Pijo are still displaced in towns because invaders supported by GOSS refused to allow them to go back to their home lands, and nothing indicate that they were annexed to Jongelei State Today the GOSS is preaching that Chollo community is against the GOSS but contrary it the GOSS that against Chollo community by giving their land to rivalry clans in Jonglei State. The central question that posted itself is, where did the President Kir allocated the former inhabitants of Pijo? What have the GOSS did in correction that mistake made by the President himself to convince this group to lay down their weapons?

Frankly speak the mandatory killing of SPLA forces to massacre Chollo innocent people may be look as consequence of their refusal to allow Nuer Displaced community to institute their own Payam in Chollo land, in Obyel area south of Malakal. What is the logic here that people from another state claimed payam in another state? What does this tell us? When entire Chollo kingdom rejected that wicked demand, then the GOSS took the matter upon himself to massacre the Chollo Land Defense Forces to accomplish it land confiscation in Chollo land. The mess killing of innocent citizens in Chollo land may imply that we had fought liberation war with different agenda that begin to surface by now.

Due to different reasons there are many similar incidents taking place around in southern states, how can new nation be stable if the GOSS is not ready to address those problems logically? The GOSS must avoid favoritism among it subjects. Otherwise, the gloomy and unpredictable future of Republic of South Sudan will be eminent and nobody will be immune from that destructive end.

My personal advice to the GOSS is, it is a right time to put our home in order to minimize any tension among ourselves because true enemy did not finish the war with us, it shouldn’t behave like hen which eat up its own eggs. It should take courageous step to challenge any criminal acts committed by anyone within the government as kind of warning to others. By doing that we will have bright nation Republic of South Sudan.