“God command good men not only to avoid evil, but to oppose it actively. But when good men do nothing against evil men, they are helping them to triumph”.
There are at least five reasons that led to the polarization of the Palestine into West Bank under the Fatah government and Gaza under Hamas government:
- Hamas had won a parliamentary majority during the 2006 elections, but the Fatah refused to recognize the result in January, 2006. As the result Hamas had waged a bloody war against the Fatah government on 14 June, 2007 and imposed itself as legitimate governing body in Gaza.
- Hamas had waged war and invaded Gaza also to extirpate treason in the security organs.
- To rid Gaza from defilements and corruption.
- To bring an end to the possession of political decision-making in hands of some figures within the Palestinian Authority.
What cause the Arab currently deadly demonstrations? The entire world is witnessing unrests in Arab world for democratic transformation. The deadly demonstrations began when Mr. Tarek al-Tayyib Muhammad Bouazizi born on 29 March 1984 set himself on fire on 17 December 2010 in protest of the confiscation of his wares, harassment and humiliation inflicted on him by municipal officer and her assistants. Mr. Bouaziz was university graduate who have no job and turned to do street job for his life. But he saw life as worthless after government who give him no opportunity to work and serve in government has turned to deprive him of his street work. Intensive campaign of civil resistance was followed by Bouaziz’s death which forced the president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali to step down in January 2011. The street demonstrators continue in Arab world to this time in order to downfall their dictatorial leaders and kings and replace them with democratic leaders.
In Tunisia and Egypt, the former presidents Zine El Abidine Ben Ali of Tunisia and Hussein Al-Mubarak of Egypt were wise and peaceful in power transformation.
But struggle for power transformation is deadly in Libya and Yemen where arm generals and soldiers are defecting day after day to support civil and peaceful resistances. Reasons for Arab-street demonstrations were precipitated by living conditions, food inflation, growing of unemployment, lack of political and speech freedoms. But what are the reasons for Southern Sudan insecurity?
Causes for southern Sudanese civil resistances: In contrast, the reasons for Southern Sudanese civil resistances are more serious and dangerous problems than reasons for Arab demonstrations for change. These reasons should urge all Southerners to abandon their differences and harmonize to force corrupt, tribal, incapable and despotic figures within SPLM and GOSS if Southerners do sincerely care for their decent life, security and unity. These figures are known as sons of Dr. John Garang who have no support from the grassroots. They are power usurpers. They said in the bush during liberation time that their first bullet would be fired at separatists. They indeed have killed our heroes in battle field for their call for separation of Southern Sudan and turned our blessed battle field of South to liberate the whole Sudan. Last year, they have betrayed the Nubian and Funj people. It was the second treason to assassinate the notion of NEW SUDAN after the first assassination of separation idea in bush. They refused Yaser Arman to run for presidential election against president Bashier. They are now calling themselves separatists in South.Those sons of Dr. John Garang known as Pagan Amum and Peter Adok in Malakal, Taban Deng Gai in unity state, Cowol Manieng in Jonguili state, Gier Shueing, Luka Biyong and Deng Nehiel suppose to follow their comrades Yaser Arman, Monsour Khilad etc in the North rather than sticking in South to kill more separatists as they did in the bush. I urge the readers to look into the following reasons for insecurity in southern Sudan and use your wisdom to judge in favor or against these actions taken by SPLM and GOSS.
SPLM/Goss’s wrong policy: SPLM and the GOSS have betrayed our heroic generals such as George Athor, Alfred Gore, Gatluak Gai etc and other prominent members such as Mrs. Angelina Teing in 2010 election just to lift up incompetent and weak candidates to contest for election. However, the rejected SPLM members and generals have contested as independent candidates and won the election. But SPLM and the GOSS have refused to recognize them as the winners and brought in their hand-picked candidates into offices who are now ruining the South.
Land grabbing causes more defection of generals from SPLA: Many SPLA generals are defecting from SPLA month after month, year after year and wage war against the GOSS; because GOSS is behind the policy of land grabbing or incapable to solve land problems throughout South. We are witnessing deadly clashes between armies of defected generals and SPLA in Upper Nile State, Unity State, Jongueli State, and Eastern Equatorial State etc.
Nepotism, corruption and tribalism are other factors that would downfall SPLM/A and GOSS: Governmental and civil positions are being distributed among friends and relatives of ruling SPLM figures. Billions of dollars are being looted and divided among SPLM members and relatives in government and outside government and even those from villages were brought and were given huge money to sell it in black market along the streets in Juba. Business opportunity is given to SPLM members, friends and relatives who bought one of the five star hotels in Sudan know before as Meridian Hotel of Khartoum and now renamed as Regency hotel. Tribes which do not give up their lands to those being supported by SPLM are being killed and their properties are being confiscated and they are not allowed to find job in government.
Exclusiveness of major southern political parties from decision-making: Almost all southern political parties are being excluded from participation in policy-making, in taking part in GOSS, and SLA and in drafting interim constitution of southern Sudan. They are refused, rejected and leveled as NCP puppet whenever they act aggressively to assert their right to share in GOSS.
Are we heading toward a second Somalia in Africa after 09 July 2011?
Is Southern Sudan going to be polarized into provinces as Gaza under Hamas government and West Bank under Fatah authority?
Is it not inevitable for some provinces in Southern Sudan to be invaded and rule by the former SPLA heroic generals who have previously broke away due to the wrong policy of SPLM/GOSS?
Is land grabbing, corruption, vandalism, nepotism and power control of SPLM and GOSS not prompting other SPLA generals to defect from SPLA to join Oliny, Gatluak Gai, George Athor etc?
Is it not possible for most of Southerners to seek for political reform by supporting other southern political parties who are so competent to lead the South out from this deadly and chaotic time to bring harmony, unity, solidarity and prosperity to our nation?
Don’t we have legal, lawful, constitutional and moral right to protest against the so call SPLM and GOSS than Arab demonstrators?
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