
South SudanThanks for forwarding to the public the final copy of the draft of the would-be National Anthem of the Republic of South Sudan. Let it be debated, scrutinized and finalized for a better South Sudanese consensus on it. This draft anthem is of course about God, Land, People, Future. I think there is something important that is missing here; Government.

Without Government recognition in our national anthem we would look like Somalia that does not value a government.

Any national anthem will only be comprehensive when its contents say something about God, Land, People, Government and Future in a lexical order. Let us start to improve the content of the anthem by ensuring that those five categories are served realistically with what identifies South Sudan; its ancestors, present and future generations. I may give my suggestion later. With Regards. Dr James Okuk

South Sudan National Anthem

Title: South Sudan Oyee!


We praise and glorify you

For your grace upon Cush,

The land of great warriors

And origin of world's civilization.


Oh Cush!

Arise, shine, raise your flag with the guiding star

And sing songs of freedom with joy,

For peace, liberty and justice

Shall forever more reign.


Oh black warriors!

Let's stand up in silence and respect,

Saluting millions of martyrs whose

Blood cemented our national foundation.

We vow to protect our nation.


Oh Eden!

Land of milk and honey and hardworking people,

Uphold us united in peace and harmony.

The Nile, valleys, forests and mountains

Shall be our sources of joy and pride.


So Lord bless South Sudan!