- The coming referenda for self determination of the people of Southern Sudan scheduled on 9th, January 2011
- Non-implementation of some important provisions of CPA by NCP. e.g. Abyei ruling, Nuba Mountain and South Blue Nile protocols.
- Peace in Darfur.
We are issuing this statement to all the Sudanese people, civil society organizations, political forces and NCP in particular on the above mentioned three major issues of the day.
1. Introduction:
SANU, party was founded in exile by our heroes, late Fr. Saturino Lahoru, Late William Deng Nhial, Joseph Oduho and others in 1963 in Uganda-Kampala and later founded inside Sudan in 1964 immediately after the fall of dictator Ibrahim Aboud. That time, founders of SANU shared the same vision and objective with then great leaders of Africa like Jomo Kenyatta of KANU- Kenya and Julius Nyerere of TANU-Tanganyika. Like those great parties, SANU was formed to fight for the rights of the marginalized in areas of Sudan such as Southern Sudan, Nuba Mountains, South Blue Nile, Darfur and Eastern Sudan.
At this juncture, we would like also to honor the legacy of great Sudanese such as late William Deng Nhial, late Philip Abbas Gaboush and Ahmed Ibrahim Dereg Who led SANU, All Union of Nuba Mountains and SUNI of Darfur respectively to form the New Forces Congress.
2. Position of SANU on Referendum:
SANU is committed to the consolidation of CPA and push for full implementation of provisions of CPA. At this turn, SANU presses the two signatories to CPA and the National Referendum Commission to hold the referendum as scheduled on January 9th, 2011.
SANU leadership and its rank and file have resolved to vote for the separation of the southern Sudan in coming referendum, because of lack of seriousness in implementing CPA in full by the National Congress (NCP) and its continued strategy to marginalize the people of underdeveloped regions of the Sudan. This is seen by all Southern political forces including SANU as insincerity on the part of National Congress party (NCP) and a dangerous recipe that will return our country to war.
3. The following are some violations of the CPA by the NCP, to mention a few:
(a) Delay to complete the demarcation of North-South borders.
(b) Delay in drawing up Abyei and South Kordufan borders.
(c) Failure to start registration of voters in referenda
(d) Failure to start referenda campaign.
(e) Failure to start voter's education.
(f) Widespread escalation of militia activity in Abyei in brutal defiance of police authority in that area. This is also seen in the southern Sudan and is an indication that NCP is not one they should choose to live with when given the option in the coming referenda.
(g) National Congress failed to disarm militias of its own creation, such as the Janjaweed elements in southern Darfur and which are now cited as a threat to Western Bahr El Ghazal State by the Governor, Brigadier Rizik Zakaria Hasan last week in Wau town.
(h) It is also very disappointing that the NCP is vigorously working to divide parties like SANU, SPLM, Umma, DUP...etc. This policy of divide and rule with the use of government resources is contrary to multi- party cooperation or coalition in a real democratic system.
(i) In regards to Darfur crisis, we feel that NCP has not made use of CPA model in resolving Darfur conflict which it should have followed in bringing long awaited peace in Darfur. We note the rising calls for self determination in that region of Sudan, which proves that unity cannot be sustained under the current system dominated by the NCP.
Once again we wish you all the success in making the referenda peaceful, orderly, transparent, fair and free event in Sudan.
Dr. Toby Maduot Parek, Chairman Sudan African National Union (SANU)
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