
This is a rebuttal to a Mr. Luk Kuth Dak the author of "Dr. Lam Akol: Kick Off Power addiction" published in Sudantribune website on Monday July 26, 2010.

I tell you, the man is full of hate and uses the language of business to attract the attention of his masters in the SPLM and possibly to obtain some financial reward for the work well done.

Work well done as SPLM after the sudden death of Dr. Garang De Mabior the former Chairman, became like a ship amidst the open ocean drifting about without direction. The writer probably who is unaware of SPLM, drifts about in his writings like the unguided ship and this where He got all wrong.

When writers write they do so with full knowledge of what they are going to note down. Most of the time journalists write to rebuke a certain situation for correctional purposes and not to insult the rebuked. Certainly, writings that involve abuse create hostilities and hate instead of gaining recognition from the targeted person or population. This hostile type of writings is what politicians do and not journalist as is the case of our brother Luk Kuth Dak. As that is the case, I will hold Dak as a politician and not a journalist as claimed at the end of his article.

Since this internet writer started it, I shall follow his path by using his type of language; people like Luk can only comprehend by the application of the words they use.

This article was written primarily, for character assassination. As a senior journalist, he should have been guided by the ethics of journalism, which are based on the logical criticism. Without doubt, Luk did not learn from Radio Juba, which he claims as a former anchorman.

The design of the article is messy and not in the format well known by all writers. The issues under the topic are twisted in one paragraph hence giving a confused piece. In this manner, I shall deal with it in his scattered style.


- Charles B. Kisanga

I shall not be wasting much time to elaborate on the issue of Kisanga, if Luk is a good reader he can refer to my previous article posted on SouthSudannation.com under the title "Charles B. Kisanga and Co.". You will get a lot of background about the political role Charles B. Kisanga played in SPLM-DC during the last nine months when he was the Secretary General. Do not make a lot of fuss about Charles, go ahead and read my article you shall find what you lack of Charles and his chameleon attitude.


- Self Determination

You think that the existence of SPLM-DC in the North is a "selling the South Sudan's rights for self-determination". Does it also mean that the existence of SPLM offices in the 15 states of Northern Sudan is as well a sell out of the Southern peoples' right? SPLM-DC has offices in all the Southern States my friend the writer; you should not be deceived simply because Charles B. Kisanga defected. As for the party's presence in the North it is its cardinal right to exist. My friend read the CPA well and your ignorance will be sharpened with the information you shall find therein. The CPA is the ownership of all the Sudan and that any political party to register must abide with the CPA. The CPA is the mother of Sudan Interim Constitution, South Sudan Interim Constitution and all the states based constitutions. The existence of party organs in as many states as is the case with the SPLM-DC the SPLM or the NCP shows the weight of each party. What is wrong with it?

SPLM-DC existence in the North is not "a selling the South Sudan right for self-determination" and I quote from my previous article about Dr. Lam as follows:

"Everybody in Sudan knows that it was Dr. Lam Akol who, in Frankfurt, Germany, 1992, made history to be the first Southerner to commit the government of Sudan to accepting the right of the people of South Sudan to self-determination. That is the origin of the CPA. History will not be cheated".


- CPA (SPLM and NCP)

It is a clear fact that both parties to the CPA, NCP and SPLM and all who accepted the peace agreement and participated at the different levels of the governments, are obliged by this fact to work hard to make UNITY ATTRACTIVE. What is new now if the NCP realized the role it should have played five years ago and has a strategy of playing it now? This is what it should have done right after the signing of the CPA but it laid low about it and now when it sees the referendum is becoming a reality, it feels it is her role to play the UNITY attractiveness game. We do not question her as to why because it is bound by the agreement to do so, unless our Luk is ignorant of that fact in the CPA.


- Militias:

SPLM-DC has many times challenged SPLM to come before law and prove their continuous allegation of militia business. This was the fact when SPLM banned SPLM-DC last year not to exercise any political activities in South Sudan. SPLM -DC filed a court case at the High Constitutional Court and won it, because SPLM could not provide a single evidence of this militia activity which, is the basis of the accusation and which Dak is repeating here. Luk should not do his shameful business on the expense of others.


- Corruption:

Luk because of his blindness charge SPLM-DC of accusing SPLM, I quote; "on unfounded corruption allegations". With this expression, does it mean the ten billions plus dollars received by GOSS since 2005, and which have found their way to foreign lands is not corruption? GOSS admits it that there is rampant and organized corruption in GOSS and in all the ten states of South Sudan so who is Luk kuth Dak to deny that? This will make a person concludes that Dak is not a real journalist, because all journalists yearn or exert efforts to know especially issues of corruption.

- "As for a lie cannot live" - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

It is the CPA under which, all parties agreed, abide and owe respect to one another. There is nothing more than fact. Relations between parties or countries are built on common ground of interest. People or parties do not just randomly create relation unexpectedly. Luk believes in hostility as is practiced by his party and its partner the NCP. This hostile because is now why many clauses in the CPA were not implemented. The CPA is the strategic common ground that has brought all the political parties to work together in one government.

The shortsighted writer puts it together the issue of Al Tayib Mustafa and Dr. Lam, what is common between the two gentlemen and what political roles do they play together to deserve comparison? There is a wide gap between the two men. Al Tayib Mustafa for the last five years has been propagating hatred among Northerners and Southerners. His writings are well known to all and the government has the full right based on the CPA clauses to pursue it to court, arrest or even close down its facility because it is undermining the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. Many people think that this step came far too late. Well, to add some knowledge to our ignorant writer, it was the SPLM that first reacted to the closure of Intibaha newspaper terming it as a violation of freedoms by the NCP.

As for Dr. Lam Akol, he is very clear in his speeches, writings etc; As a journalist I suppose this Luk should have sharpened his knowledge about who Dr. Lam instead of a surfaced information.

All the statements of Dr. Lam Akol since 1980s, with the formation of SPLM-DC and up to the time writing this article all his statements are available for reference. They are solid and not contrary unlikely your corrupted politicians who drifted the people's struggle for their stomach.

The whole article contains none other than lies to blackmail SPLM-DC and its Chairman simply because Charles Kisanga defected to SPLM. He lacks adequate information about SPLM-DC including Charles, who ran to SPLM due to his lust for easy wealth.

Kisanga was not the captain of the boat as Dak puts it, but a passenger who could not be patient to reach the shore. Unfortunately, he jumped into the deep water of unknown (SPLM) and is slowly drowning. The boat is still intact and floating merrily to the shore. We fear the boat whose captain is Salvatore Kiir, which is rotten underneath, and already leaking with corruption, tribalism, insecurity, bad relationship, whether it will reach the shore.

Mind that Luk, because SPLM destroyed the only hope of South Sudan, because its leader does not care about the affairs of the people, our beloved motherland is in danger and it is in turmoil by itself, tribal wars are rampaging, SPLA is killing the civilians almost everywhere, hunger is looming at all corners. What do you call such a government? May GOSS and SPLA reward you for all the praises and credit you have gave which they do not deserve.

Finally, I would like to bring to the attention of Luk that the Bible is the Word of God. Please play your ugly politics and not with religion. Do not interpret the Bible for your own shallow understandings. When late Garang used it if at all, he used it for reasons he alone knows. Be reminded, that, SPLM is a political party registered like SPLM-DC at the Council of Political Parties Affairs, it has its objectives as laid down in its internal regulations like any other party. People do not join political structures just for granted but because of their believe in the objectives of that entity. I am therefore, advising you to reform the deformed SPLM in order to attract people like Dr. Lam.

Carlo James chol