
Date: 16 July 2010 PRESS STATEMENT The National Executive Committee of the SPLM-DC held an emergency meeting today, the 16th of July 2010, and would like to clarify the following:

1. In the period 9 – 11 July 2010, the National Council of the SPLM-DC its second session and it took a number of resolutions, the relevant ones of which here are: (a)- Charles Barnaba Kisanga submitted his resignation as Secretary General but with the condition that he maintains the privileges associated with the office (car, house, incentive, etc). (b)- The National Council accepted the resignation of Charles Barnaba Kisanga from the office of the Secretary General and rejected the condition mentioned therein. (c)- Charles Barnaba Kisanga was unanimously elected Deputy Chairman. (d)- Mrs Sandra Bona Malwal was elected unopposed as Secretary General. 2. The party noticed suspicious moves by Charles Barnaba Kisanga with some leaders of the SPLM with the intention of splitting the party. 3. In execution of that plot, he held a meeting in his house with SPLM-DC leaders from Equatoria attending the National Council meetings in order to win them over to his plot to join the SPLM. He miserably failed to win them over except for three only. 4. When his travel to Juba was confirmed, he refused to hand over the documents and properties of the party in his custody, and he attempted to send the party’s car to Renk with an officer of the SPLA. 5. On the basis of the above, the National Executive Committee decided that Charles Barnaba Kisanga be dismissed from the party for violating articles 8(3) read with Article 48 of the Basic Rules of SPLM-DC. Long live the SPLM-DC. The National Executive Committee.