
Major General Robert Mayik Deng Mawein, the GOSS representative in the Khartoum lesion office is not happy about the writings of Collo. Generalized stand against all the Dinka people from any Collo is not accepted, because we have Dinka friends supporting the course of the Collo sufferings.

As the general put it right that there is marriage relationships with the Dinkas, thus the grievances can not be over emphasized. Naturally as there are bad shiluks there are bad Dinkas too according to the Gen.(not all of them) meaning that there are some Collo he believes are troublesome this is human nature and the issue is extremely relative depending on who is concern. However, the issue at stake here is not who is bad or good, it is matter of human rights, dignity, values and living as cultured communities abiding by law that pertaining to civility.

Dr. John Garang even if dead, his legacy warms the people, because he was far sighted and would have made real father of the nation irrespective of the controversies. People like Mandela, Winston Churchil, Malimo Nyireri, Ghandhi, and all the great people will not go into the waste basket of history such as Augusto Pinochet, Pol Pot,Hitler etc. Even Galilio Galile was ex-communicate and executed for saying that the earth moves. To day every one knows that Galilio was put to death wrongly.

The issue with generals is their committed obedience to their superiors whether they err or not is always the same. Usually the norm of conflict resolution in our communities is that the chief should not be identified with one side of the contesting groups, because he/she is the highest authority that should calm the situation by giving rights to the rightful owners. The General will agree with me that why south took up arms was to get back their rights. Thus it will be pointless to pose as a liberator when actually an oppressor. Mayadit is like a judge who over rules an appeal verdict of a higher court. Why the Collo(not all of them as put by the general),( because there some not concern with rights so long there interests are not touched) people are not happy with Mardit is because in his capacity as GOSS president robbed the people of their land and gave it to others(PIJI). What would the general do if he home is given away? But why are we serious about south-north borders demarcation, is it not to get back southern lands like Kafe-Kanji, Huferat el Nahas. The General was angered by writings what if his land was taken?

The SPLM failing elections in the Kingdom was because of oblivious bad policies on the people during the last five years plus the land grabbing and the bad behavior of SPLA Dinka soldiers from Bahar El Ghazal in Collo land as looting, rape and killing civilians. SPLA Collo soldiers in Bahar Elghazal who stick to strict military code of conduct and treating the civilians well as they would for sisters, mothers, fathers etc. Why do you think the C-IN-C of the army should not be blamed for the behavior of his soldiers and his own? Mr. Major general, it appears that it is not only Collo who are discontented with the miss rule in the south. Not because the other candidate for GOSS failed the elections, but you know that the 93% is faked. Where in the world had an Excellent president scored such a percentage except dictatorial regimes. But with very bad five years records of GOSS, the best elections results would be far below 50%. Why you generals can not control the army remains to be examined to whether you want to pass a pattern of domination on the people of the south or not. The three bulls’ analogy could be interpreted any way you want. One is that the white bull with sharp horns is Dr.John and the other two could be Salva about to be eaten by bad policies of SPLM and the third could be Dr. Riak, Dr. Lam, or any reasonably capable southern Sudanese.