
The minister of information of GOSS on El Jezira television on 24th June appeared with prompt nullification of the press conference convened earlier in the day by Collo people, in which they expressed their disappointment with what is going on in the Collo land.

During the day at El Zuber conference hall Collo people converged to exhibit the photographs of detained MPs in Juba and Malakal. Photos of slain people in Anakdiar and Abanim were displayed also along with the burnt houses. Pagan Amum was scheduled to come there for a different function. It was a strange coincidence. Some people at the centre advised to take away the pictures until Pagan had passed, but the people refused with the argument that he(Pagan) had better see these to communicate to Salva the atrocities that befell the area.

That evening, Dr. Marial Benjamin was viewed on Jezira TV. Calling the activity as fabrication. He was playing role of El Sahaf during the Iraq war telling the people of Iraq the bastards(Americans) will not put their feet on Iraqi soil, when they actually were at the airport. El Sahaf was acquitted later by the court for not having played any dangerous role in destroying the Iraqi people.

Dr. Marial Benjamin whose interest was surgery, would be sure more than any body else that covering a big wound with a small bandage would be the least effective measure. You will have wasted the bandage and at the same time expose the wound to contamination. H.E. Dr. Marial to my understanding is discharging his duty of disinformation in GOSS. He very well knows that the Collo MPs of SPLM-DC were behind bars after their immunity had been waived illegally by conspiratorial procedures by GIR Chuang and Makuai for their tribal interest. Thus Dr. Marial was either a victim or otherwise augmented the tribal agenda of those guys. The argument of the minister that the Collo had their representatives in the parliament meaning of course Abuk Papiti and Henry Omay Akolowin.

These two MPs represent the SPLM proportional list and not the people of the kingdom. How could they possibly be representing the Kingdom when their party failed the elections in the Kingdom because of all the bad things afflicted on the people? These two MPs are against the Collo people. They only represent a list on which their names was written. Now where are these MPs when Collo people are being slaughtered on daily bases? The scourge earth war that was denied by minister of higher education is raging in the Collo land un abated in search of arms, this is bad politics. Because you can not kill innocent people for flimsy reasons that can not be proved.

The fact that many innocent people are still languishing in prisons or unknown places in upper Nile state for no good reason except that they are supporters of SPLM-DC. Where is the democracy being preached by SPLM day and night? Your Excellency the name of your party had been tarnished beyond expectation. Is it not enough the elections had been rigged by SPLM through its powerful party army? Let the innocent people alone. What is only left is for the southern people to kiss the feet of the ruling clique so that they are satisfied that SPLM/A is in town not Dejango nor Ringo?