
Mr. Ban Ki-moonFor Immediate Release

Date: July 10,2010

The wide scale and tragic military operations carried out by the combined forces of the Government of South Sudan and allied Ngok-Jieng militia groups in the Shilluk Kingdom since May 2010 have claimed hundreds of civilians’ deaths. Other cases of death and wounded have still to be confirmed.

Despite the progress in the implementation of the comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and the approaching of South Sudan Self-determination, the supposed Military of South Sudan and its Pro-Ngok Militia burned down many villages in both the Southern and the Northern regions of the Shilluk Kingdom of the oil rich Upper Nile state in Southern Sudan; hundred of civilians have been killed, 40 villages entirely burned, and thousands of civilians have been displaced. Many of these people are hiding in bushes and bracketed from reaching the River and the Streams, surviving on wild fruits. Some are living under trees with no shelter and are exposed to heavy rains and to sun stroke. Others have disparately decided to make the long and tedious walk from the Shilluk Kingdom in a mass exodus to the largest towns. Many of the displaced who are still hiding in the bushes are under insecure conditions and are exposed to Malaria and malnutrition.

We ask Mr. Ban Ki-moon, the international community and Rights activists to expose and strongly condemn this evil doing of the Government of South Sudan and join us in these demands:

  • Strong condemnation of the human rights abuses by the Government of South Sudan
  • Immediate withdrawal of the SPLA and the Padang Militia from the Shilluk Kingdom
  • To bring to justice the military commanders, commissioners and all the perpetrators of this ethnic cleansing
  • Immediate halt of the so-called disarmament in the Shilluk Kingdom
  • Immediate release of all the political detainees in Upper Nile state
  • To allow unimpeded humanitarian access to Shilluk Kingdom by all the NGOs and to assist the civilians in rebuilding their homes
  • To hold accountable the Government of South Sudan and the Government of Upper Nile state
  • Extension of the UNMIS mandate to protect civilians and prevent these kinds of abuses
  • Protection of the local and international health workers and the promotion of an indiscriminate health service
  • Special attention to the Women and Child health as some of the Women and the under age girls might have been infected by HIV as the result of gang-rape
  • To avert Somalization of South Sudan by promoting Democracy, reconciliation and respect of human rights

Mr. Ban Ki-moon, your complacency and silence over the situation in the Shilluk Kingdom enables the Government of South Sudan to operate with impunity and allows it to kill, torture, rape, abuse, and detain the civilians in the Shilluk Kingdom.

Mr. Ban Ki-moon, we ask you to speak up now to wash your hands from the blood of the innocent, children, women, and the elderly gang-rapped and brutally murdered by the Government of South Sudan in the Shilluk Kingdom. Your action will not undermine the CPA and the Self-determination for it is the Self-determination which is for the people and not the people for the Self-determination.

Chollo Global Action (CGA) is an international non-profit organization working to educate the world about the flight of southern Sudanese in the Shilluk Kingdom, as well as to promote Democracy and Human Rights in South Sudan.


Peter Karlo Deng (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Olany Lueth (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Jino D. Kak (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Lwanyo Awang (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)