
Gen. John Sunday Martin
Gen. John Sunday Martin

The current national crisis is a serious one because it is a problem of south Sudanese at large against the SPLM who are now enjoying the supports of International Community in the structure of IGAD - Plus, that is resulting in ordinary south Sudanese to lack faith in IGAD and in such a situation where people will lose faith in IGAD, then we must expect worse because every unhappy society in our nation must resolve to defend its interests at all cost against the Regime and the Region.

IGAD has failed to understand that, the  popular demand for total change is the genesis of the crisis; which IGAD - Plus are now desperately trying to help up to find solutions to these problems - which is again far from reach of IGAD- Plus now - if the IGAD leaders still suite themselves with corrupting political wills, which has proven IGAD plus to be a partner to the regime that is against our peace and freedom, and therefore we must never expect IGAD to resolve the crisis in South Sudan as it has clearly failed to addressed matter of interests that will bring meaningful Peace and stability in South Sudan, than satisfactory of the selfish desires of individual national and some regional leaders, whose ambitions is economic and political powers, than the will, and interest of South Sudanese.
Of course, the National Dialogue of President Salva Kirr which is now supported by IGAD-Plus can help the Government cadres to reconcile themselves so as to continue to rule, but will not resolve our problem as a nation, or even reconcile us as a nation if all parties who  are representing the wills and interests at national levels are not involved in any peace – searching means.
IGAD must acknowledge that, people’s resolutions for armed struggle as a key when peaceful political dialogues and approaches attempted with, to restore the culture of democracy, good governance and rule of the law, and fight corruption in the Country has failed, due to lack of good political will by these in power positions. In situation whereas IGAD- Plus continue to support the Regime's projects of national dialogue that is not inclusive, as well as imposing leaders of their choice on us as a Nation,
IGAD must be made to understanding that, we have obligations as south Sudanese to protest in defend of our wills and interests by not having any option, but to carry on armed struggles, in order to achieve democracy and freedom which remain the ultimate goal of any armed revolutionary struggles existed, is existing, or will exist in South Sudan because our struggle against the regime in Juba has its foundation in the respect of human rights, which has been continuously violated, by the SPLM. 
Indeed, IGAD Plus has failed us and it is time for us to search for our own peace as a nation  even if this peace searching means landing some of us in loggerheads with the region, but facts must be accept by all of us as a nation that, our peace will not come free without any cost. For the interests of our national peace, we must be ready even to face the International Criminal Court now or then.
General John Sunday Martin