An analysis to James Ogilo Article, the author of " South Sudan independent may be in Jeopardy" (this analysis may have the remnant for the on going discussion) By Daniel Wuor Thon
Regrettably, it was too late when the Sudanese realized the notion behind the Arab Mercantile that invaded Sudan in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries, when they were wondering about their dealings.
Happily across the Sudan their occupation was welcome, hence they occupied the best places in the country without resistant, their business flow like nothings, they got slaves, Ivories , gold and an unobjectionable labor, were people work to eat rather than work to take. They spread their goods likes “Domuriyahas” (white bed sheet or gown or robe), salt, and soap to the locals eloquently.
They deformed cultures, re-names places, people and more especially their slaves and close friends, “Chol” A name of a person in Dinka language literally meaning compensation was translated to “Awadh”, “Kiertuom” meaning meeting point of the two rivers white and blue Nile was changed to Khartoum, Wath-dhurman meaning two boys fighting their mother changed to Omdurman, “Chandit” a part 1 twin in Dinka were “Chan” and “Ngor”are the obvious names of male twins, whereas “Achan” and “Anger” are female twin names, changed to Chindi.
Giving this and that a space in this planet earth, the spreading and invasion covered almost many parts of Africa and therefore could be well thought-out and treated cautiously without compromise comes twenty-eleven.
After the later late century, in fact the 18th, 19th to this twenty-first century when the full deformation of the country was almost covering the whole country. The concept complete it phase then declared and confrontation was the solution that Sudan should be branded as, “Arab Republic of the Sudan” subsequently rule by the Quran statute that is the law of tit for tat, an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth.
This human right violation was not easily seen by the idols worshippers and most predominantly the ruthless tribes of the Southern part of the country. Not until their slaves inform them of their transgression.
However, to connect the two theories that and this of James Ogilo’s Article which has fail to spot the themes of its title but sidetrack the attention of the entired readers in this short sighted programs of Shilluk vis-à-vis Dinka land issue, attaching it to Southern Sudan independent.
It is an oversize fictitious brothers and sisters, in fact I could called it, an explicit fallacious, and will be treated as a minor hindering factors to South Sudan independent why simply because of its features, until James and the rest are informed and fully alert that few shilluk of their like can vote for unity, while individuals in persons, in fact all the south Sudanese who are tired of marginalization not to mention only some who are tired of what Arabs called “Ochin” or cleaning job in the Western world will unquestionably vote for independent Southern Sudan, so that they can be free men and women in their own country that is my first Assurance to people like Ogilo Agor the author of South Sudan independent may be in Jeopardy.
Another theory in fact a laughing matter, James create in his article, \"a Shilluk legend has it that on arrival at the Sobat mouth, Nyikango found some indigenous people making fire by rubbing a piece of wood in a hole which had been made in a larger piece of wood. Thus the friction sparked into a fire. The word \'piji\' is the action of rapidly turning the small piece of wood\" and he build on his claim…………………..
A silly theory framed by a wise man to be put at work, in really sense, Fact about the interpretation of the name Fiji of Turaa, given a vogue elucidation of the name made by the author, the verity that lie behind this name would never-ever be apprehend by any shilluk whatsoever, if I can recall it back, I remember that it has sometime given few shilluk hard time in opening up their lip pronouncing this name at first when they were introduce to this area Fiji by their Nyikang; in stead of they say; Pijo, Pigie-ye and so forth, but non of those make sense in Dinka language, giving you a bone; it is pronounced as “Fi-ji” otherwise it may be a different Fiji that I don’t know, not the one that is located in “Turaa” delta or Canal.
In the other hand, the author magically expressed it out by logic, that Shilluk legend has it that on arrival at the Sobat mouth, Nyikango found some indigenous people making fire by rubbering apiece of wood, and that is how they shilluk got the name Pijo according to James’s view.
Well, to let you and the rest learn here, the indigenous are the Dinka themselves, in fact Paweny by name and more especially the Thiony-clan which the author claim to be the root of his mother in Jieng clear?
In this extent, I still believe that there will be more Shilluk legends on the other Dinka-Shilluk hosted areas in the Eastern bank for one reason or the other, areas like Anak-dair, Mat-akeel, down to Renk. However, Padang love peace and all the Southern tribes that engulf Sudan and will eject nobody in its territory except the trouble makers, the charlatan, the hypocrites and the abhorrence.
In fact dear ladies and gentlemen, Shilluk are Dinka Padang’s great in-laws and long term friends who have co-inhabited the Nile valley 4th century ago while their tied is the Nile and the long term trade exchange that they have had between each other for centuries, were Shilluk used the Nile for Drinking and fishing yet Dinka used it for Drinking, livestock and occasionally fishing, hence this tribes discovered each other for a decades and you find both of them speaking fluently amongst each other in this two languages eloquently, their bounding is inseparatable comes what may, given the example of the interrelation of intermarriages, long term friendship that include oath bounding which exist for centuries and decades among its generations hence, a short sighted politician will not manage to cut this interconnection in a single night.
To this juncture I wonder whether this misleading political insiders here belong to these area as they claimed, it is my considered opinion that Iam doubting their project and if they were part, Then this writing that is always followed by dust, blood and burning of houses down would have not been the option instead of a positive and responsible attitudes that would demand an answer on a roundtable which should have been the best choice to whoever that would be the claimant.
In considering this and I quotes:
It was hoped that Padang intellectuals could have joined the debate on the internet, so as to justify their claim for the ownership of the east bank of the White Nile river and to convince the Southern, national and international communities that this land be given to them forthwith as payment for their bravery in the war against the government of Sudan.
Padang community as whole has a rule, a system and procedures; they don’t like irresponsible behaviors, chatting on national issues in net like street kids, internet backbiting, exaggerations, launching words like skyrocket is not their cultures, and thus they recommend a roundtable whereby views of divergences and matching are shared unobjectionably.
In a different statement he said and I quoted that, I am told that the citizens residing in our area at the Sobat mouth up to Khor fulus to the east and Zeraf River to the south west have been registered with Jonglei election constituencies.
Who are these Citizens? These citizens residing at the Sobat mouth up to Khor fulus to the East and Zeraf River to the South West are Dinka –Padang, in fact Pawany of Atar and Khorfulus which he has put it rightly, They becomes part of Jonglei in accordant with the provision of Part one, chapter one, section (1 and 2 ) to the Interim constitution of South Sudan which divided the three great regions of South Sudan into ten states and its reads as follows.
Part One, Chapter 1 Section (1 and 2) stated that. The territory of Southern Sudan comprises of all lands and areas that constituted the former three Southern Provinces of Bahr el Ghazal, Equatorial and Upper Nile in their boundaries as they stood on January 1, 1956, subject to the outcome of Abyei Referendum in Accordance with the provisions of Article 183 (3) of the Interim National Constitution and this Constitution.
Section (2) stated that:-
Southern Sudan is a decentralized territory comprising of ten states and is an all-embracing homeland for its people. It is a multi-ethnic,
Multi-cultural, multi-lingual, multi-religious and multi-racial entity
Where such diversities peacefully co-exist
So to me, I think the author was right on what he has heard and wrong on what he intended.
Surprisingly, The author invalidate his argument by referring us to this authors as I quote him It appears that president Salva Kiir and all his aides do not consult with former presidents of the H.E.C like Abel Alier, Joseph Lagu and Gismalla Rasas on the matters concerning the administration of the South.
What good thing can we expect from Abel Alier, Joseph Lagu, and the like, to be consulted, if they were able to turn down the interest of the whole Southerners, what can you say in giving them this issue, to decide on the future of a single tribe.
After all the concealed agenda of the past pronouncement signed by the big southern traitors were to consume, gain power, and live luxuriously, there was no sense of humanity with those people, they don’t belief in long term consequences, but their aim was short term enrichments and aiming higher and higher and die down. if there is anyone who still believe in them then I may say, there was no good work seen in them, because the simple game that was in, was that, literate looting the illiterate a common phenomena in South, If I have to asked those who strongly believe in Abel Alier edict on the first boundaries of Atar and the Nile Western bank Shilluk which has presently becomes part and parcels of Pinyikang county then, who were the literate representative from Paweny and Atar in Particular? While, when it was all the Shilluk who attended the judgment. Yet fooled the Paweny Sultanate of the outcome, was that a verdict I don’t think so?
Once again, I would like to frustrate the work of the devil within us, and that let us not exaggerate small cases tiny like atoms, because they will led us to no where but hell, the innocent suffered and the perpetrator gone free. Focusing for the Southern vision is our aim and let us not led each other down comes what may; South Sudan is for all of us and so big that it will accommodate all of us.
By Daniel Wuor Thon
The writer is a Padang naitive
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