
By. Dr. Peter Adwok Otto

93% result of Salva Kiir success in the fraudulent elections in south Sudan, is the First and most shouting indication that there were massive rigging of elections in the south.

Even those who forged the results were not intelligent to put people in doubt to whether foul play had been practiced or not. Such a result synonymous with those scored by dictators as Idi Amin, Nimeri etc. No actual democratic voting will accord one leader this percentage which is known only in manipulated YES or NO votes.

The second reason is, Salva in his campaign trail never commanded huge crowds where ever he went to, and some times abused the crowds as what happened in Yie when he declared that he didn’t need their votes.

Thirdly, If Salva was that popular in the south, he didn’t need to harass other candidates from different parties e.g refusal by vigilante groups of Salva personal army for Dr. Lam to conduct his launching in Bahar El ghazal states .

Fourthly, the muscular manipulations as beating and abduction of representatives of candidates, stealing of ballot boxes, replacing of NEC officials with soldiers, were without second thought about credibility as a leader.

Fifthly, that Salva voted for Omar El basher will not be understandable as all those who were assign the rigging process systematically were ticking the symbol of his party from top to bottom which explains why Yasir Saeed Arman scoring over two million votes which never went to Bashir.

Sixthly, What had Salva done in the last five years to deserve over 90% of votes in the south? This is mockery and dull manipulations by who ever participated in ordeal. The last five years were marked with corruption, SPLM internal wrangling, death due tribal fighting, how is that with these terrible human sufferings could the leader responsible be the choice of so many people? SPLM independent candidates at all levels stand as a fact to bear witness. The independent candidates were marked ‘unwanted’. And so they also suffered SPLA targeting as the members of other parties.

How Col. Bakosoro of WES escaped elections massacre was by God’s mercy so as to be an intelligence success story that escape state high elections commissions which were used to rig results before being sent to Khartoum for final announcement. We are convince beyond reasonable doubt that the NEC had played a negative, but a dangerous role so as to reflect to international community that elections were free and fair. However, the international community now know that SPLA committed atrocities against the agents, officials and voters during the voting. Omar El Bashir in his thanks giving speech at the NCP headquarters adjacent to the Air port in Khartoum praised his party in the south under Agnes Lokudu for having practiced self strain, perseverance due to torture in south Sudan, only that he felt short of mentioning SPLA.

The NCP in order that elections should not to be seen as free and fair, they played low profile. What is the deal between NCP and SPLM? Bringing Malik Agar on board after having failed elections in Southern Blue Nile has a lot of connotations. It is essence of the deal that southern people must unravel before the eight months had elapsed for the referendum. If the situation in the south remains as business as usual, a similar plebiscite rigging might occur given the behavior of the SPLA/M in this mock exams of democratic exercise. And if the results are forged for unity than otherwise what will be the reaction of southern people?. The Referendum is not reproducible, it is a touch move in the sense that once it is exhausted, it can not be repeated and you have to live with the results bad or good. The persistent attitude of the SPLM/A to do things their way leaving out the southern people is a dubious pose. The south Sudan Nine parties categorically refused to recognize the results announced by NEC for the post of GOSS President and Governors of the states, they are absolutely justified.