
Mr. Sunday de John the French young Man from the nomenclature adapted, Whose Myopic eye of last year had turn blind all together this year. His writing in KM on Wednesday April 28/2010 in his column was very vulgar and never observed respect for Dr. Lam even for his seniority at least for age.

The French young man have relinquished the norms of respect the African way. This is the problem with miss brought children who got loss as the repercussions of the war. There is no problem with expressing an opinion in strongest possible terms, but with respect to personalities as politics are public and politicians are public figures liable to criticism in policies. To come back to the issue, “Dr.Lam Akol’s 7% of votes sound paradoxical” I quite agree that 7% was inconsistent(paradoxical) given the factors that had interplayed during the elections; 1.NEC stood by SPLM candidate right from the time Abel Alier wrote a secret letter to Salva to go for elections in full military uniform, this will have not escaped your notice and it was against elections law. If you consciously turned a blind third eye, I would appreciate your motive as ethnic sympathy, but if not, you would go into guanine records as the most stupid. Complaint from the GOSS candidate to stop elections in four Bahar El Ghazal states because he was denied fair chance of political campaigning in Wau twice.

You French young man telling the truth will earn you respect even from your self designated enemies. But to be abusive will not accord you meritocracy in the society. Why 7% for Dr. Lam is paradoxical(inconsistent), is because the 93% for Dr. Salva is not realistic for the following reasons (i) The last five years of SPLM rule was a fiasco for the people of the south(might be good for you those driving METH-APOL,HUMMER Cars at expense of drugs,…..).No services, education health care otherwise no people will travel for education in the basic schools, travel for treatment in UGANDA.(ii)Corruption in appointments and money allocations. (iii) tribal fighting all over the place.

Where does the 93% of votes come from Mr. young French man? 2. Poorly organized party than SPLM never exist in Sudan evident by the break away of the independents where can 93% votes come from? Mr. Young French man be ashamed of your self among the southern public who have chosen to vote for Angelina in Unity state, Alfred Lado Gore in CES, Moulana Yor In upper Nile state, Atorjong in NBGS. The representatives of the people you had deprived from victory through atrocities committed by the SPLA forces, where does 93% came from? Your problem with Dr. Lam is quite personal stemming from your ethnic hatred for those who want to put things right, because you like a calf will not want be dislodged from sucking the milk that should go for other purposes. Dr. Lam left the party long before a new wave of SPLM members turned independent who pass elections among their people that you put under arrest as we speak now. What wrong did Alfred Lado Gore do? Because he wants to stand for the seat of CES? Is this a crime? Where is the democracy and democratic transformation your kinsmen are talking about? Mr. Young French man no big mouths defamed you, it is the measure you give the measure you receive. If you are redeemed by elections theft, that is a very unfortunate situation to be in.

You will recall during the campaign trail how Dr. Lam was welcomed by people in Malakal,Juba Bentiu, Torit, Yambio,Renk, Nasir, but was obstructed in Wau when Dr. Salva could no longer swallow it as he could not draw these multitudes of people. How can Dr. Lam be urged by your very poor self to concede defeat when the SPLA officers turned into NEC officials after chasing the later away. Dr. Lam is a very respectful man and had not hinted about SALVA head contents, it was said by one rude SPLM those you regard as scholars. Don’t forget that it was Dr. Lam without exception who stood firm by Salva on several occasions when humiliated by Dr. Garang and some of them still fooling him till today, while he(salva) can’t take stern decisions on them. I had hope that you comment about the 93% and it was acquired by Dr. SALVA or SIR Salva as you seem to be interested in title. You can as well add conqueror of Jalaba, Africa’s number one, The Dictator ,Emperor, Benydit or Even Makunggu. All these titles have no meaning if the work of uniting the southern people on the ground remains uncompleted.

Your style is that of a street loss boy, any politician deserve respect the way he is addressed, because at the end of the day it is every body’s right to yearn for a post or office provided that they are capable of running. Thus there is nothing like political lunacy, because lunatics don’t contest for office of a president. You can easily expose your self to legal liability which we will not pay attention to as we seem to be dealing with diehard supporter who never cares about the trend of affairs in the south given the massive election rigging and its repercussions on the people psychological set up and reactions. You are enjoying the spoils you accrue from a corrupt system that had wasted the resources of a people for five years favoring one tribe and doing very little if at all any. How long do you want the south to remain under the thumb of dictator, backwardness, tribalism, corruption, lack of program, drinking water from the rivers directly, with the highest mother and child death rates, beating doctors, taking other people’s lands? How long do you still want Salva in power and to do what? more destruction than the first round? With people you around Salva, one hundred years will not be enough to pave internal Juba roads.