By James Ogilo Agor - USA
April 16, 2010- BACKGRAND: On 9th January 2005, a Comprehensive Peace Agreement [CPA] was signed between the Government of the Sudan as represented by the National Congress Party [NCP], and the South Sudan and other Sudan marginalized areas being represented by the Sudan Peoples' Liberation Movement [SPLM].
Included among other very important things, were the running of general elections in the whole country six months before a self-determination referendum to be held in south Sudan so as to find out whether or not the southern people would like to remain in a united Sudan or go for a country of their own. The general elections are now in progress and it is being predicted that the SPLM will carry the day in south Sudan . The incumbent GOSS President H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit is going back to his palace and to once more be in control of the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary, in addition to the majority of the governorates.
SITUATION ON THE GROUND: The SPLM has been running the administration, security, services, development, human and all other activities for the last five years. It was expected that their coming home was going to unite the southern people, especially that it had seemed very clear during the over twenty years struggle that those who were fighting the war in the bush and the others left at home fighting without guns, were two faces of the same coin. Of course those who fought the war, negotiated, signed the agreement and took over power in the south were expected to divide the meat of thy kingdom come. Unfortunately, they seem to have thought that pistols which they were fond of using to cut a long story short, could replace the pens for serious decisions at the VIPs desks. We hear and in fact I visited the Sudan in 2006, is that the standard of performance of our government for the last five years has not been satisfactory. The SPLM must from here on know what it means to be in charged or responsible for a country still in the bud. They should therefore get organized and also organize their functions as from now.
NOW to JANUARY 2011, the southern people must unite and the burden of the unity of the southern people and the soil which has given birth to them is on those whom they have reconfirmed with their votes in the recent general elections. The south seems to have burnt its boats in favor of secession; as such we have to remove the impediments on the road to our independence. The GOSS style of the administration of the south in the transitional period might not be needed as we must strongly elbow our way out to freedom. The governments of the south which will be formed after the elections must keep in mind the criticisms leveled against the last provisional governments of the south and the states. The inter-tribal, the inter-clans, conflicts, the corruptions in government departments, the non-resettlement of the IDPLS and the Returnee Refugees, the reconstruction of schools, hospitals and dispensaries, roads, agricultural schemes, the training and discipline of the law and justice enforcement personnel and so on ,are activities that must be seriously undertaken.
UNITY OF THE SOUTHERN PEOPLE. In order that the southern people could unanimously vote for secession in the forth coming plebiscite, we must first unite. The 22 years war with all its devastating effects on the people, property and environment and the 5 years transitional period of the GONU and the GOSS administrations which by no means have not been satisfactory, plus the current general elections which seem to have created deep divisions even within and among families, need careful and serious thinking.
The SPLM look as if returning to office. But do they know the mountain in front of their eyes that need to be removed so that we are able to reach the land flowing with milk and honey? No, they don't. Look at the way they continue to behavior especially those who use the internet. Abusive and vulgar language against elders who they dismiss as having not contributed anything towards the southern Sudan and describe as people bought by Jellaba. Even very responsible people like H.E. the minister of interior of the south to laugh at Bona Malwal as just complaining because he has seen that he was losing elections when the minister himself was talking in Western Equatoria far away from Turalei and without making or ordering investigation.
The SPLA all over the south was involved in rigging elections. Yes, usually elections get rigged worldwide, but not by the loyal citizens of the state. The SPLA, the other law and justice enforcement forces are too holy to get involved in politics. H.E. the minister got to give his forces thorough training in civics as they are the soul of the state. Another point I would like to make is what I mentioned earlier in one of my writings. The SPLM so- called independents are actually rebel candidates, not against the party, but against the tickets, because they did not submit their resignations to the secretary general of the party. In 1968 election to the then Constituent Assembly, being urged by the citizens of Shilluk -south constituency, I contested as a Southern Front rebel candidate. My party did not have to deprive me of membership except that I had to use my own expenses and when I passed I received congratulations from the leadership while I was still in the constituency period. Last point, I think that H.E. Salva Kiir should avoid certain actions which tend to provoke division he could have said for instance that they had reviewed their stand regarding boycott of elections in the northern sector and had therefore reversed their first decision instead of describing the S/G as a junior official.
In conclusion, despite the state of confusions, conflicts, quarrels, killings, misunderstandings and so on, among the southern people, caused by war, or elections or so, we have to forgive one another .We cannot talk of secession for the south, when we do not know what are involved in nation building .Harmony, togetherness, cooperation, patriotisms, nationalism, these and many other qualities and ingredients are necessary prerequisites for nationhood. Unity of purpose, objectives for the common good as opposed to individual or family or tribal or class or gender etc should be our aspirations. The governments of the south following the elections should therefore see to it that the southern people are strongly united before they cast votes in the referendum. Strong publicity campaign is immediately needed.
The author is a South Sudanese currently living the United States ; he can be reached at
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