
USSPDate: 27th September 2009 - Juba

USSP would like to make this statement to confirm its position that in light of the difficult political social and economic crisis facing the Sudan, it is not only important for the Sudanese political forces to work together to consolidate and sustain the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) that brought about peace for the benefit of all citizens and the international Community, but a crucial impetus to save life and the aspirations of the people of South Sudan who have suffered for long.

The so called ‘All Political Parties Conference (APPC) currently taking place in Juba would have been the right forum to discuss the problems facing the Sudan in the context of the CPA, but unfortunately the conference fall short to focus on how CPA could be fully implemented instead, the conference which was dominated by northern political parties appeared to seek ways to renegotiate and insert new provisions in CPA. This move in our view would not serve the interest of peace but the interest of certain political parties and those whose interest are for power.

This was a miss opportunity for the organizers of the conference.

The fact that the conference focus too much on the UNITY of Sudan rather than the issues affecting the CPA and the delays in the democratic transformation of the Sudan, the Boarder demarcation, the repealed of oppressive laws, the disputed census results, massive insecurity in South Sudan and the arrangement for elections.

USSP had to pull out of the said conference and declared that it is NOT part of the same.

Clement J. Mbugoniwia Raphael

USSP Leader

Juba - South Sudan

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Cc: Press