

Above all, the Greater Twic East Community office in United States of America is here to inform our citizens living in our mother-land of Twic East and also around the world. Our loving citizens, we are back to our work now since we had been away to observes both Christmas and New Year Holidays. We hope everybody been doing fine over that time span. In our time offs though, there had been many good or bad stuffs did pass while we were away for Christmas and New Year Celebrations. Happy New Year of 2016 Eastern Twi Dinka citizens, we hope you been doing fine wherever life aspects had situated you.

We will start with our position concerning 28 States, again, our position is crystal clear, we just need our own State of Twic East whenever it suitable to do just if Peace has returned to our nation. Whatever so-called a new Jonglei State being said as for Eastern Twi Dinka, Bor Dinka, Thany Dinka, Nyaweng Dinka, Hol Dinka and other Dinkas’ sub-tribes in area. Frankly, we have some reservations for new State. So for us to not overdue our message, please check out our previous press about 28 States link below: http://wangdunkonmedia.org/2015/10/12/press-statement-twic-east-community-demand-for-a-separate-state/


Some of our concerns in new Jonglei are related to our neighbor inhospitable behaviors

1. Mr. Michael Makuei Lueth and some people in Bor County have not apologized to Twic East County’s citizens.
2. Their greedy and mind-set of imposing things on others.
3. Nature of theirs being troublemakers wouldn’t make our living together future bearing results. For example, Bor County of Greater Bor have bad histories with neighbors such as: Murle, Bari, Mundari, Aliau, Atuot, Afaak, and others. Dinka Bor problems with neighbors’ is being dated back even during the colonal periods in 1900s. It was one of the reason why they [Dinka Bor] people were transfered from Yirol District to Duk Payuen/Payuel District of Greater Twic East and Greater Duk Communities in January 1, 1928. This is was a main reason why Dinka Bor was transfered from Yirol District to Payuel District due to their bad behaviors.
4. In 2012, Twic East Youth Office in Mading Town was destroyed by Bor County Youth. Computers were looted and our people were told to move out of Greater Bor area to Greater Twic East area.
5. Mr. Michael Makuei Lueth’s militias in Mading Town have murdered some of our citizens in their land. We are not going to release their names now.
6. We do consider our neighbor as troublemakers . History have proven that.
7. Honesty, sharing things in fairness way, they don’t have mutual respect of what so-called co-existence with your neighbors peaceful, which is in Dinka Language, “Chieng pieth wene koi ka keumom”.

8. Some of messages from Bor County citizens on social media like FaceBook:

(a) “Remember my magic words, ...Critics will never be impressed. No matter how much cloud of dirt is watching all over us aka Dinka Bor, we will stretched our heads above it. Our love of neighbors, respect of all humanity and carrying for our ownselves will remain shine. I am not ruling out the greed that always flooded us in numbers, won't happen again but at least something Ngoth malang mentioned in his song will definitely take it shape. " piny luel wenne mabior Atem na ci lueel ne thong tokic ee diet ci leu theer."
I think we will have our own understanding and the government has got itself closer to her people.
I am wishing my Dinka Bor crowd to turn their deaf ears to the so called perfectionists and sectionist and crown around Aguer Panyang by all of their means so this business is taken to the extend that it never reaches at all times of it existence..
Good luck comrade Aguer.
Good luck Bor Nation (twi, Bor and Duke)
Thank you mayardit.” By Arou Bior

(b) “The burgs of Majak Agoot and female Garang and hrt son need to be careful this time. If any one think we don's killed traitors let him ask the family of Deng Biar Abiit whether Deng Biar from Wangulei died of natural courses or he was Identified as traitor and killed.We are warning those divisive elements following Traitors. There is no room for rebel activities in our purified Jonglei.” By Achiekdit Wen Achiengdit
(c) “Where will Twi people go, right now we got Mr. Philip Aguer who is our maternal side of Bor people?” By Malou Mach Thon-Hypocrisy Pastor


Our demand from President Kiir Mayardit

1. Twic East people need their own State, the ball is on your side, Mr. President. We are not going to request our own State by violence but through our peaceful voices based on democracy principles. The choice is yours, we will wait.
2. Division 8 or whatever Division you have in Jonglei State, Mr. President. We need that Division to be headed by our own son from Greater Twic East Community, our really son and not just fake son will sell our people souls for greedy. The reason, we have some suspicious that, we don’t trust these people: Mr. Malual Ayom who is currently heading Division 8, Mr. Makuei Lueth of Minister Information and Broadcasting in South Sudan’s government and Minister of Defense, Mr. Kuol Manyang. We don’t trust them because they are all from Bor County. Also, as we know you are President of every citizens of our country. To be honest with you, we know our neighbors than you know, Mr. President. We hope you have heard from people like Mr. Michael Makuei and others from Bor County who have accused our entire Community of Greater Twic East as “Rebels Community.” Again, we know our neighbor than you know, Mr. President. Just go and complete what we are trying to say here as your nation’s citizens you are leading.
3. According to our creditable sources, “Mr. Malual Ayom, Mr. Michael Makuei, Mr. Kuol Manyang plus others from Bor County are having their own militias that was trained by Mr. Malual Ayom, and that group is being paid by County of Bor. 45 people where selected from their five Payams of Bor County. Where do they get money from? Maybe from looting resources of old Jonglei State.
4. Bor County citizens are refusing to move Headquarters from their territory to middle of Jonglei Dinkas areas. So our President, the moving of Headquarters to middle should be fair to every citizens of new State but our neighbor are refusing. So what be your solution as our leader as we believe?
5. For us, it seems like Minister of Defense: Mr. Kuol Manyang would continue to be the SPLM/A Party Chairman in New State of Jonglei instead of new Gov. Mr. Philip Aguer Panyang. Mr. President, we see this as a serious violations of basic rule that prevent mixing of Military and Civilians Administrations. In our own view, we think it should be better for us to have our own State where SPLM/A Party Chairman/Woman would be the same Governor of State according to basic rules of Military and Civilians Administration separations.
6. Dinka Bor/Greater Bor Community citizens have not yet apologizes to Eastern Twi Dinka/Greater Twic East Citizens. Mr. Michael Makuei Lueth and some people from Bor County have not yet apologized to Twic East County’s citizens. We need apology because we were wrongly smeared by our neighbor or otherwise our chieng wouldn’t go smoothly.
7. We do consider our neighbor as troublemakers. History have proven cited that. It might be good to send them back to former Yirol District where they were sent to Duk Payuen District in Jan 1, 1928 due to their misbehaves. The Upper Nile province handbook link: http://africaworldbooks.com.au/product/the-upper-nile-province-handbook-a-report-on-the-people-and-government-in-the-southern-sudan-oriental-and-african-archives-by-c-a-willis-author/?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=socialnetwork

Mr. Michael, Fake Lawyer Degree is talking of, “co-existence, communities’ unity and forgiveness”

First of all, to people who might ask why we don’t have any say as congratulation message to Mr. Philip Aguer as new Jonglei State Governor? Well, we are not congratulated him because we don’t consider new Jonglei State where bad socially people who have no ethical rules of life or mutual respect of other belongings as viable State to be with. For example, within few days since Mr. Philip Aguer been inaugurated according to them, our neighbor had already caused a deadly problem with peaceful people of Bari. They “'Boo’ people” who behaving like kids as usually do have done it again. In addition too, they are celebrating that the new State is not longer have Nuers, Murle, Anyuak and other tribes of former Jonglei State. Their jealousy was one of the reason why they chased away others. Now the new state become Greater Bor State, Bor nation, and other curses names of theirs as usually. According to them now, no more Greater Twic East/Eastern Twi Dinka and Duk Dinkas of Nyaweng, Hol and others. What a foolish community? The bottom line is, we have any issue with Mr. Philip Aguer in his personal level, under this association where stupid people are in. We don’t have to waste our sincere appraisal message. If it was our own State of Twic East or being our State with Duk Dinkas minus them, ultimately; there should be hope of development and co-existences with neighbors. But now, more problems was created under this stupid state.

Furthermore, Mr. Michael Makuei already stated that, “Mr. Philip Aguer was elected by Greater Bor people of Bor County.” Here is Mr. scamer, murderer and cheater of our times message, “we brought Aguer Panyang as the governor of new Jonglei state. We selected him as people of greater Bor and the president appointed him. We want you to work with him because nobody can work in isolation”. And in true sense our readers, nobody from Bor County or Duk County never vote for Mr. Philip Aguer Panyang. Mr. Fake Lawyer Degree is a liar and immature of that sort of people that have no place in Greater Twic East people residence. What a drunken and a stupid person we have ever came across in our life times? For instance, our culture of Eastern Twi Dinka people stated that, we do respect you if you respect yourself first and then from there we will respect you as a person. But you, Mr. Michael Makuei, you are totally a joke upon everything you have said or done to our community. The price would be too high if you don’t change your attitude, otherwise.

“Let us join our hands and work for this peace. Let us forgive each other of the wrongs they did. These are gone cases and I am telling you that lets forgive ourselves and lets us unite for the common good of this community. Don’t intend to revenge, for it means lack of peaceful co-existence and unity among us. Peace is no longer around the corner, it is at home now and if so, we are responsible for it”, By Michael on 07 January 2016 [Gurtong]-

Well, Mr. Michael Makuei Lueth, do you truly know the meanings of word, “co-existence”? Really, we don’t believe you say this word, Mr. Makuei. If you truly knowing the meaning of this word, “co-existence” you will not continue to associate our Eastern Twi Dinka and Duk Dinkas with your Greater Bor Community name which is belong to Bor County/Bor Dinka citizens solely. You need to learn Jonglei Dinkas History from your brother, Mr. Abel Alier Kuai. He knows History of Jonglei Dinkas. Example below is from his book, “Having been slow to join the first civil war, the Nuer and Dinka Anyanya units of Upper Nile were among the most resistant to the Addis Ababa Agreement in 1972. It was initially opposed by Samuel Gai Tut, a senior Lou Nuer Anyanya commander, as well as by John Garang, a very junior Twic Dinka captain (Abel Alier ([Year]:1990: [Page]:138).” By Abel Alier Kuai from Dinka Bor

You talking about, “communities unity” Mr. Michael Makuei. What kind of unity you are talking about if you don’t consider other communities’ existence, the communities whom you have accused some of them as being “rebels” or something else inching in your throat. You even didn’t apologizes to Twic East Community. Please behave like a mature person otherwise your words would be nothing but just waste of energy of airing them out.

“National Minister Calls For Forgiveness And Unity In South Sudan" Wow! Mr. Michael Makuei Lueth saying the above message of forgiveness, you are kidding! The world is upside down. We can’t believe Mr. Michael Makuei is saying these kinds of words, maybe was not drank or something else was playing in Mr. Makuei mind at tha particular movement.

Twic East Community resolutions for the year

1. Security: our sons and daughters of Eastern Twi Dinka, either individually or in group, it is your duty to protects your people life, property and land. What is the reason why you would go and die in other people land while your people are dying in daily basis? To our intellectuals, what do you think if your people you are representing are being finished one by one, and when they are finished who are you going to represent in that government? It is government for the people, with people and of the people, right?
2. We repeat ourselves, there is no need to be in Mading Town and Juba while your people are dying. For what and why they are dying? And if they are dying, should you have any idea to sub-due the problem because you are their leader?
3. It is our Natural or Constitutional rights to protect ourselves. Even President Kiir Mayardit knows that very well.
3. We have many friends because we are not troublemakers, our neighbors can listen to us when we tell ourselves to them who we are? We don’t have any history related to bad behaviors in Greater Upper Nile region, and even beyond. We need utilized this as another tools to deal with our adversary.
4. Our Community Leadership in Juba, we need you to summit in a letter to President Kiir Mayardit requesting him to releases our sons and daughters from Army, police and other organized forces of South Sudan. We don’t have any problem with President Kiir Mayardit or somebody else. The main reason, is totally security of our people. We think our President should know that, he will not employed any of our sons and daughters anymore when our people are finished. Leadership or position don’t exist when you got no people to represent.
5. Our sons and daughters in Greater Bor area, what kind of people are you? Why we ask this question, your Greater Twic East area is being destroyed, people life, property meanwhile you are protected the land of people who have killed your people or the same who have wrongly accused you as “Rebels Community” and no apology either. Please look at yourselves in mirror and says what I am doing here in other people land. Many of my ancestors’ have sacrifices to give me freedom and land. So what I am doing in other people land?
6. Who are you going to represent in new Jonglei State when the same people you think you represent are dying on daily basis?
7. Recently, we were up sad when security forces were sent immediately to Bari and Bor Dinka border when conflict occurred there, meanwhile such a quick sending of security forces are rarely or even hardly happen in our Eastern Twi Dinka area or Duk Dinkas area. Something cooking dark here people. Privatizing of national army or police is being played here by Dinka Bor intellectuals. People like Minister of Defense, Mr. Kuol Manyang; Minister of Information & Broadcasting, Mr. Michael Makuei; Division 8 Commander, Mr. Malual Ayom, and other politicians from Bor County. We know they have their own organized forces who are being payed by looting money from former Jonglei State government. These militias selected from Bor County’s five Payams. Mr. Michael Makuei even have his own private militias who murder people in Mading Town.
8. Please if you want to die in dignity manner, we think it would be better to go and die in our ancestors’ land of Eastern Twi Dinka instead of go and die in vain somewhere else.
9. If President Kiir refuse to releases our sons and daughters in South Sudan organized forces. We want you guys to ask him, whom are we going to represent in your government when our people are being finished? We are here in your leadership because of our people who are dying everyday now.
10. Our sincere appreciations go to our self sacrifices sons and daughters who have voluntary to protects their people life, property without any support they get from any where over most their life span times. You are really a First Class Act of our Eastern Twi Dinka people. God bless you all.

N/B: Eastern Twi Dinka people have many options, so our neighbor might laugh today and tomorrow they might not laugh. We just say it as simple as it might sound to our adversary here but it is not.

Our Congratulations

We congratulated Twic East Diocese and Anglican Church of South Sudan 11 years Anniversary that was celebrated in Mading Town last week. God bless you, Rt. Rev. Peter Bol Arok and your fellows in Christ. We also congratulated our citizens who have successfully and completed any level of education curriculums at the end of last year. We wishing you all a new life those who completed their schools, and at the same time, we are wishing our citizens who are going climbs higher in their education struggle. Just determination based on heart, mind, soul and whole body that is only way we think you should achieve your goal. This is our message to Hero, and humble man, Mr. John Kong Nyuon. We are going to miss you for what you have done to people of Jonglei State within short period of time, and also at the time of more troubles in our State. We wish you a good luck with any new adventure in life. In our hearts, you are still our Governor no matter what unfortunate situation you have been in. God bless you with your family.

Our Condolences

Our condolences go to the families of deceased and best wishing to recovered the abducted children from our Clans over the period of Holidays. May Almighty God Rest the Souls of the deceased ones.

Finally, our community which is a peace loving community. We are echoing again for peace to come to our nation. Being a Community that most of the times value peace solutions more rather than violent solutions whenever any circumstance allow it.

We need our Commissioner, Hon. Dan Akoi to make census of Eastern Twi Dinka in our motherland and in exiles. We have to know who is still Greater Twic East sons and daughters and who have totally emigrated to other areas. This time, we don’t want our people to be represented by foreigners. Let our office know if you need support. Also any person who have decided to emigrate to other communities should have a written paper from his sub-chief and Head Chief of his/her Clan, Paramount Chief, and you the Commissioner.

Wishing you our Eastern Twi Dinka people a Happy New Year of 2016

“Having been slow to join the first civil war, the Nuer and Dinka Anyanya units of Upper Nile were among the most resistant to the Addis Ababa Agreement in 1972. It was initially opposed by Samuel Gai Tut, a senior Lou Nuer Anyanya commander, as well as by John Garang, a very junior Twic Dinka captain (Abel Alier 1990:138).” By Abel Alier Kuai from Dinka Bor

This information was validated by Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA

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