
By. Dr. Peter Adwok Otto.

On page 8 in the Citizen of Wednesday July 1, 2009, Dr. Sindani Ireneaus Sebit attempted an analysis on the SPLM-DC launching statement. In the opening he remarked that he was neither attacking the SPLM-DC nor the SPLM.

However he recommended close scrutiny and soul searching understanding of the statement. But accused the statement of undermining what he called fundamental historical facts and brought to the fore some dimensions that was not clear to the people of south Sudan before. Finally in the introduction he affirmed the legitimacy of Dr. Lam to form a party.
While I honestly acknowledge this intellectual contribution compared to amateur writers who fill the pages with non intellectual least ideological and abusive materials aimed at personality assassination.
Having said that, it is my considered opinion that the analysis had not reached deep to the core and many points have been ignored by the writer.
The statement was comprehensive as admitted by the writer that it had for the first time revealed dimension which were not clear to the southern people before, and that is how the history of a people should commence. Considering the stress on Ayod rebellion if carefully read, Dr.Lam was not twisting the history, but underlining the importance of Major William Nyuon Bany's rebellion which accorded an impetus to 16th May 1983 move by Major Karubino Kuanyin Bol's in Bor. The writer will recall that Cdr. William Nyuan became a chief of staff at one point in the history of the SPLA. If he did not rebel on the 26th of June would he have become? What should also be noted here is that the southern Sudanese were not happy with the abrogation of the Addis Ababa agreement by Nimeri and all were looking for a weak point to snap the rope and start the rebellion once more. If it did not break at Bor, it could have at any town. The writer will also recall that some people soldiers and politicians were not satisfied with the Addis Ababa deal and had not come home e.g. Cdr. Bol Kur , Gordon Mortat etc. Each and every one in the south was aware that resurgence was imminent. Therefore the Bor rebellion was not the start of the rebellion, but an ignition for a wider attractive action. The writer will also recall that some members of NAM movement as martyrs Akwot Atem , Gai Tut and others had already gone to the to start anther struggle before the Bor incident. The launching statement did not hit at all that the Bor rebellion was not related to political issues, it is the writer who seems to separate it. It is true that the incident was triggered by an investigation into a corruption allegation, but every southerner and town was ready for action when the time was ripe. So where absurdity and confusion alleged by the writer does stems from? It is only in his mind, and not in the launching statement.
The repeated rhetoric from some simpletons in the Salva's SPLM that so and so died on the wrong side of history is but mean and un patriotic, because any drop of southern blood that was shed for the south deserve respect and honor, because all those who volunteered taking their precious lives in their hands and joining the movement to struggle for the south should give us pride, less we would have betrayed them by words like "died on the wrong side of history". Whose history is it yours mine or the south?
For the launching statement to make tribute to the fallen heroes as Joseph Odoho, Martin Majer, Gai Tut, Akwot Atem is quite right and fitting. It is absurd truly that for the past 26 years they have not been mentioned. Now is the time that we make tribute to them for having shed their blood so that the future southern children's path will be lit. They did not die on the wrong side of history as claimed by self-conscious others. The Anyanya (II) which was a continuation of Anyanya (I) was a revolutionary movement for the people of the south. The struggle for power between Dr. John Garang and other groups is acceptable in the context of leadership wrangling or still better, ideological clash and to be respected as a part of our history. The struggle between the separatists and unionist depicted as being between A2 and Dr. John Garang had taken a lot of southern blood, but not in vain, as each side was defending its ideological belief. For those who are proud about the statement by chairman Dr. John "that his first bullet was fired against the separatists in the south Sudan", might be watered down by history especially if the south become independent, and most of those others are likely to find them selves on the wrong side of the history of south Sudan.
The writer is convinced by the statement that the SPLM of H.E. Salva Kiir had abandoned his national duties by leaving the First V/P office un engaged, and this is a breach of the CPA while southerners have their rights in the center till 2011 if only the south votes for cessation. If what the writer poses here that might be Salva's SPLM wants to consolidate its efforts in the south till the referendum, was true, then there would have not been any need for SPLM-DC. The reality on the ground in the south is that squandering of peoples money has become the order of the day. As much as $ 7 billions US dollars had been spent on things you can't see or touch in the south. The education, health care food production is not any where to see. Tribalism, nepotism are the criteria for employment, but there is insecurity in almost all the ten states (Lau Nuer fighting Dinka, Murle fighting Nuer in Junglei state, Collo against Dinka in Upper Nile State, Dinka against Dinka in Warap state, Bari fighting Mundare in Central Equatoria, Dinka fighting Jurbel in Lakes State etc.) and above all the lack of democratic reform in the party, marginalization of members who might contribute for the well being of the southern people. Thus there is nothing lost to Dr. Lam. Unfortunately instead of galvanizing the people of south Sudan as the writer would have liked, the leadership of Salva SPLM is doing quite the opposite.
The point that some quarters are cahoots with a clique in the SPLM and wants to use it as Trojan horse is not an allegation, but truth known by the southern people that some communist elements and the northern opposition parties in the northern Sudan do not like the CPA for two reasons 1. That the south had had more than it deserved through the CPA. 2. That NCP will not be over thrown except through the SPLM uniting with the opposition. The clique which keeps Sava Kiir blind with their plan, are the same people who never like people as Dr. Lam to be in the party(the clique are those northerners in the SPLM, and those other southerners who fallaciously belief to rule the Sudan acclaiming Grang's vision). But each and every southern politician has an obligation towards the southern people.
Salva's SPLM is no longer formidable, a party with no plans for the future, a party ravished by corruption, internal wrangling, a party which presents no scientific working papers at its convention, a party that never accepts contributions from its members, a party that can never secure its citizens in their counties, a party that can never control and pay salaries to the employees and soldiers, is a party that had loss direction and sense of proportionality is a party that can not stand on its own. For the foreign interference in the affairs of the Salva's SPLM and GOSS, you will with ease find out in Juba who are the advisors and their nationalities.
SPLM-CD. Is indeed trying to reform the Salva's SPLM. And the meeting point is the SELF-DETERMINATION and logical arrival at the referendum in 2011, which is endangered by the clique around Salva Kiir whom he can not shed off. The clique believes in one Sudan by toppling the NCP, this is not the interest of the southern people who should decide at the poles whether to be independent or keep the unity. You should recall that the SPLM was a popular party in the south and in the marginalized communities, but that it failed to deliver, and the populous need vehicle to arrive at the destination.
Like an old truck driven by a failing driver with the car mechanic stealing some spare parts and the assistant mechanic selling some of the fuel. These people(mechanic and assistant mechanic) with driver never want to reach the destination and it is getting dark. A new truck passes by enrooted for the same destination; all the passengers disembark and mount on to the new car. By so doing you will have helped the old driver in the marooned truck, and the people will arrive at the destination before darkness takes hold. This depicts SPLM-DC role in helping the southern people.
CPA, is the right of all the citizens of the Sudan, especially the south because it is special for the Self-Determination, and Dr. Lam is the father of self -determination in the sense that he negotiated it and became an organic law in Khartoum and Fashoda agreements, when it was despised by SPLM under Garang . Now it is the only most important provision in the constitution of the country that the south would like to implemented at all cost. There fore Dr. Lam is a true genuine part of the CPA and would not like to entertain some political midgets messing with it, besides he fought in the war of liberation. If the people in Salva's SPLM minus the clique are thoughtful, co-opting SPLM-DC in implementation of the CPA is a cute idea, because he will definitely contribute with impunity like he always did. Imagine an instrumental factor in any process being left out; the system will not function proper.
The appeal to the party by saying "your party" is well thought of and Dr. Lam did not desert the party, but the party illogically disowned him for no good course, except for calling for reform which is distasteful to the clique. The election in his county was rigged before the convention in May 2008; no action was taken by the leadership. A party that wants to rid itself of the D/chairman of the party and General Secretary without reasons and not observing democratic process the idea refuted by Dr. Lam. The Chairman never included him in the political Beru. But actual reason was the announcement by the spoke man of the party Yen Matthews that he(Dr. Lam) was dismissed. This left him no choice to reform the party from within. Like Obama said, change has come to the SPLM by forming the SPLM-DC.