
JUBA, South Sudan (AP) — Officials in South Sudan say more than 100 people have been killed in a cattle raid attack in a region of the country known for violent clashes.

Kuol Manyang Juuk, the governor of Jonglei state, said 103 people died in the clash on Friday. He said 14 soldiers with South Sudan's military, known as the SPLA, were among those killed.

Akobo County Commissioner Goi Joyul said the attackers are believed to be members of the rebel group led by David Yau Yau, a former member of the South Sudan army. Yau Yau is from the Murle ethnic group.

Joyul said the attack took place during a yearly migration in which members of the Lou Nuer ethnic group were driving cattle across the Sobat River.

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Source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNG4LMm0HAApF5AP5mHDeWg6tpBb5Q&url=http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/02/10/103-killed-south-sudan-clash/1907343/