
South Sudan: USD88.4m needed for children affected by humanitarian crisis - Afrique en Ligue

Khartoum, Sudan - The UNICEF office in South Sudan has appealed for US$88.4 million as part of UNICEF’s global launch of Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC), the UN body said in a statement Friday.

The statement, release received by PANA in Khartoum, said HAC 2013 highlights the challenges children face, identifies the support required to help them, shows the achievements by UNICEF and partners in 2012 and emphasises what is required to ensure that children in humanitarian situations survive and thrive.

“Children are extremely vulnerable in emergencies, often living in unhealthy and unsafe conditions, at high risk of disease, violence, exploitation and neglect,” said Ted Chaiban, UNICEF’s Director of the Office of Emergency Programmes during the global launch.

“Contributions to the appeal are sound investments in children and their futures.” he said.

It pointed out that in 2012, children in South Sudan faced numerous challenges as humanitarian needs remained consistently high throughout the year due to unresolved political issues between South Sudan and the Sudan, inter-communal conflict and flooding.

The number of people in need of food assistance doubled from 1.2 to 2.4 million due to deterioration in food security, resulting in severe malnutrition at persistently high levels.

The continued influx of Sudanese refugees and insecurity continue to have a major impact on the humanitarian operation.

Over 175,000 refugees have fled Sudan to Upper Nile and Unity states in South Sudan.

Inter-communal fighting and insecurity saw the large-scale displacement of more than 170,000 people. Close to 100,000 people remain displaced from the contested Abyei area since May 2011.

Pana 26/01/2013

Source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHLT-_XlxxyvaiF5QvhBgP3gsiK-A&url=http://www.afriquejet.com/20130126623/South-Sudan-USD88.4m-needed-for-children-affected-by-humanitarian-crisis.html