
Source: Content partner // World Food Programme

Conflict in Sudan has sent a wave of refugees pouring across the border into South Sudan. A mother of seven children, Umjima Yacob is one of them. Here's a look at a day in her life.

Meet Umjima Yacob, a 32-year-old mother of seven, who fled her home to escape the conflict in Sudan. She's one of more than 110,000 refugees receiving life-saving WFP food assistance in South Sudan's Upper Nile State. We spent a day with Umjima at Gendressa, one of the refugee camps along the border.

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"I had to flee my home in Sudan several months ago when a plane dropped bombs over our village. The children and I were so scared. We left and walked for weeks before we reached the refugee settlements in South Sudan."

"I am grateful that my husband is finally with us. He was a cattle farmer and he decided to stay behind to take care of the cattle. But even the animals were taken from him shortly after I left so he joined us and now lives with us in the camp."

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"We are also advised to take care of our health by drinking safe water. It can be exhausting but it is important that the family stays healthy."

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Source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNG7y0oLtr-Rf0peshepdEjRzo1iMg&url=http://www.trust.org/alertnet/news/south-sudan-a-day-in-the-life-of-umjima