

JUBA – The Sudan People’s Liberation Army SPLA has accused Sudanese army SAF of violating its airspace. A statement sent to The Citizen from the SPLA general headquarters, Bilpam indicates that violation of South Sudan airspace has intensified for the last two weeks in northern Bahr El Ghazal up to Unity State. 
   The SPLA spokesperson Col. Philip Aguer Panyang said Khartoum Antonov plane had been hovering over SPLA bases at Kiirkou particularly over Warguet since the end of last month august.
  “Yesterday (Thursday) in an alarming behavior and to the surprise of the civil population  in northern part of Unity State and western Upper Nile, Khartoum Antonov high altitude bomber had been hovering over Unity State for three hours from 7:30 a.m. to10:30 a.m.” Read part of the release.  
   The release also stated that, at around 4:20 p.m. same day two Sudan armed forces MIG23 aggressively violated the airspace of South Sudan and hovered over Abiemnom and Mayom County, breaking the normal tranquility of the civil population who became concerned and wondered about such behaviors from the neighboring Sudan at the time when both countries are waiting results of AU diplomatic initiatives to resolve borders and Abyei issues in Addis Ababa. 
   Furthermore two helicopters painted in white colors resembling UN peacekeeping planes had also been reported ferrying troops to Panthou (Higlig) on Thursday the whole day.
   The army spokesperson Col Aguer in his statement said the SPLA as the result of this hostility and aggressive moves by Khartoum at the borders of Northern Bahr El Ghazal and Unity State have placed its forces on maximum alert to be vigilant for any other miscalculated action by Khartoum.
   In its statement the SPLA GHQS therefore publicly inform the public of South Sudan and international public of these dangerous developments at the borders while remaining committed to cessation of hostilities agreement with Khartoum.
   Meanwhile Aguer said that SPLA have ultimate right of self-defense and warned Khartoum of consequences of playing with fire at this moment.

Source: http://www.thecitizen.info/featured/spla-accuses-saf-of-violating-its-airspace/