
JUBA –  The National Prisons Service of South Sudan (NPSSS) Director General Lt. Gen. Abel Makoi Wol together with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMIS) 2nd National Prisons Committee (PDC) held a workshop last Wednesday in Home and Away Business Centre in Juba.

Wol said the purpose of the workshop to focus on Prison Industries and Agriculture which is the backbone of prisoners’ rehabilitation. He said the participation in this forum is immensely valuable to them which can stem the tide to reform prisons in the Republic of South Sudan.

He said it was also based on prisons’ alternative and to identify the provision services to rescue some social workers.

Later discussion followed on two highly educative and informative presentations on prison industries and agriculture, aimed at the rehabilitation of prisoners in South Sudan with the focus to achieve a safe, secure and human accountable prison system that respects human rights of detainees for peace and security of the South Sudan people, Wol said.

According to the Police Inspector General Acuil Tito Maduot, he came to witness the prisons workshop and said, the Human Rights have always criticized the police and he demanded from judges to have a national spirit by solving the citizens’ problems with peace, justice and equality.

Meanwhile Brigadier Deng Ajak who also spoke during the occasion added that the prison service was facing some challenges and the first of which was the need for training and prison infrastructure.

In Unity State there is not any prison and he demanded from the government of South Sudan to provide concrete infrastructure for prisoners because they are a lot of crimes in the country.

The workshop was attended by prisons officials, the South Africa Ambassador, Ministry of Interior officials, UNMISS chief corrections Advisory Section (CAS), for both Industries and Agriculture.

Source: http://www.thecitizen.info/society/prison-holds-workshop-on-industries-agriculture/