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The International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in collaboration with the Protection, and Shelter and Settlement units visited Raja Town in September 2024 to conduct registration of its returnee population in order to enable access to humanitarian assistance and respond to the immediate shelter needs of the returning local communities. In September 2024, IOM registered 2,742 individuals (1,401 households) from the returnee population. Almost half of the registered population was found to be individuals between 18 and 59 years of age (49%). Women aged 18 to 59 make up 32 per cent of the population, while women and girls together constitute 57 per cent of the overall registered population. The Shelter and Settlement unit provided multipurpose cash assistance to all the 1,401 targeted returnee households (2,742 individuals). The majority of households who returned to their area of origin after more than four years of displacement found their shelters damaged.

Source: https://reliefweb.int/report/south-sudan/dtm-south-sudan-biometric-registration-and-cash-assistance-raja-town-october-2024