
Good Day :A Message from South Sudan to US! - Sudan Vision

SSLA, South Sudan Liberation Army and SSDA, South Sudan Democratic Army, (The Joint Command Committee) issued a statement on 12th of December 2011 targeting American investments in South Sudan, such a development proves that the rebel movements in South Sudan have the ability to integrate their forces and coordinate on military, internal and foreign affairs.
The statement said: (The SSLA and SSDA warn American businesses to exercise caution before rushing to South Sudan which is now at war. No rational businessman or businesswoman could risk investing in a war zone. The American businesses are welcomed to South Sudan after the demise of Salva Kiir’s regime. However, it would be unwise for any businessperson on earth to be hoodwinked by Salva Kiir into believing that South Sudan is conducive to investment while the revolutionary forces may attack major cities any time. Our forces are capable to strike at any city any time. This fact is not something imaginary but is even acknowledged by the US State Department which issued a travel warning to American citizens last week not to travel to South Sudan’s Jonglei, Upper Nile and Unity states)
This statement concentrated on the situation in Great Upper Nile. The two movements have forces there and the citizens of the three states of Great Upper Nile (Unity State, Jonglei State, Upper Nile State) feel that the government of Juba has been hijacked by (Dinka Bahr Al-Ghazal).
According to these facts, nothing to do with Khartoum here, it is a South Sudanese internal conflict. The claims of “Khartoum intervention” is just propaganda to cover the big failure. The real intervention comes from US, the big power which is supporting Juba regime and launching a “commercial alliance” of American businessmen and investors to help the tribal government.  
The statement says: (Therefore, we seriously warn American businesses to stay away from South Sudan for now until we complete the liberation of our country before businesspersons could be allowed to invest. The facts on the ground speak for themselves and it is very obvious that the situation is not conducive for investment. In the South, there are three forms of violence which need to be addressed before any rational businessperson would want to explore the opportunities of investment. First, there is a political violence between the revolutionary forces and a tribal dictator)

By Mekki Elmograbi, 7 hours 12 minutes ago 

Source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHhMOztdRQMk0KcZ13SG14kinrjIQ&url=http://news.sudanvisiondaily.com/details.html?rsnpid=210471