

Police authorities said on Friday they have responded to calls by residents of South Sudan's capital Juba to intensify night patrols in the area, following recent killings on the outskirts of the city, mainly in Jebel Kunjur and Muniki.

David Mayo, a resident of Jebel Kunjur told Sudan Tribune on Friday that over the past week, five bodies have been discovered, the latest one on Thursday afternoon.

"We have had bizarre killings in the area. The latest we discovered was a body of a man yesterday (Thursday) estimated to be in his late 30s. The body had a wound between the upper lip and the nose and we suspect some parts might have been pulled out through the cut," he said.

He said the killings have been common in the Jebel Kunjur and Muniki areas, where residents are now living in fear. Mayo said the residents of Muniki know the suspects but they are afraid to help the police with information because their safety is not guaranteed.

"We appeal to the police to intensify their patrols before more people are killed.

He explained that the killings have caused fear among residents, who are now scared of coming out of their houses in the night. Residents said they have briefed the newly appointed Juba County Commissioner on the killings and that police officers have been sent to the area.

Peter Mading, spokesman of South Sudan Police Service on Friday said that the department responsible for night patrols has been asked to intensify operations with orders to "shoot" suspected criminals should they fail to comply with instructions.

"Officers have been tasked to ensure that the killings are stopped and culprits brought to book because human life should not be lost in such a manner," said Mading.

Reacting to the report of killing, Alfred Sabit, an administrative officer with the Central Equatoria ministry of local government said he was saddened by the reports but said that the government was exerting efforts to bring levels of crime down.

"This is not the first time such things are happening. All the time any killing happens around that area, it points to the proprietors as the master mind. Let's call a spade a spade and a shovel a shovel, if we are to curb this vice. These cronies have conspired through extending some claims settlements where they keep dangerous thugs", he explained.

Source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGZ77O3bqQ5oslu34gXMzmEkIBISg&url=http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/sns-mct-juba-police-step-up-night-patrols-after-murders-20120505,0,4188316.story